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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Socialism does work

    What in your view is the goal of any kind of social organisation?
  2. Socialism does work

    Liberal and left wing are not the same thing.
  3. Socialism does work

    You are just throwing in a distasteful view from the sidelines to distract from the argument. We are not discussing eugenics.
  4. Socialism does work

    Socialism is NOT about forms of government. Socialism is a way which seeks to use forms of government for social aims, rather than revolutionary force which = communism. The aims of both are to remove the suffering caused by people acting through individual greed without addressing the effect on others.
  5. Socialism does work

    Are you suggesting something like this actually happened? Or are you just making up something which backs up your view? I would suggest if you want to base theory on actuality then you need to show that for instance early man, in hunter-gatherer groups actually behaved in this way. One thing we do know from archeology is that there was a high level of cooperation and trade between far flung places in these early communities but I would suggest that they operated very differently from any back projected anachronistic economic theory might imagine.
  6. Socialism does work

    Slightly patronising tone I see.
  7. Socialism does work

    If anyone would care to watch the second video I posted: http://thedaobums.com/topic/38911-socialism-does-work/?p=636111 will discover that socialism does not = the government does everything. Socialism is the idea that the goal of political organisation is social good for all and should be compared with the Adam Smith idea that the selfish pursuit of the individual is the key to general happiness. i.e. with the UK NHS health care because of cost centre provisioning and so the state is actually being the capitalist BUT the aim to create a healthy population is socialist because it is not geared to meeting individual demand but the health of all.
  8. Socialism does work

    This guy is brilliant ... for anyone struggling with deciding exactly what socialism is (which is a problem for all Americans it seems, a point I have made before) ... you need to watch the whole thing by the way ...
  9. Socialism does work

    @Marblehead, That is the normal debating style in both the Oxford Union and the House of Commons. The speaker can give way if challenged on a point of order or information. Its not rude it's just the way it's done.
  10. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Well you must have got more out of it than I did. Which is probably a good thing. I thought it was basically kiss and tell. But I suppose the possible suicide of some of the group is tragic. I know people are going to shout at me for saying this - but I think a lot of times the groupies are asking to be used. They could probably walk away but something makes them want more. I know there's some cults that are violent, threatening and abusive - so that's different but a lot of the time I think the members have to take responsibility.
  11. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    yea but have you read that book its nothing but tittle tattle. so Magical Passes is bollocks ... but his other books are great. Even if he was a bit dodgy.
  12. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    When I see the words 'non-duality teacher' I reach for my vajra.
  13. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    I hope the parents were prosecuted.
  14. Acute healing and energy work?

    Go and see a doctor. Then try to chill out a bit. Take some exercise, hot shower and eat well. If you are interested in this stuff you need to understand a lot more before you do anything except gentle qi gong maybe and some sitting meditation. no forcing of anything. See if you can find a competent teacher (in person not on here).
  15. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Could you be more Pacific?
  16. Black dot symbol

    So it's a game of hangman?
  17. Black dot symbol

    Raises an interesting set of questions.
  18. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Hmmmm ... no you are not.
  19. Acute healing and energy work?

    Sounds like you muscles went into spasm. For God's sake stop doing this stuff. Read extensively on the subtle body, qi and also anatomy and the basics of internal alchemy before going any further.
  20. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Which idiot are you?
  21. Acute healing and energy work?

    Try doing deep whole body relaxation - as you know all muscle groups are ultimately linked and so focussing directly on one are of tension does not always work. Start with scalp or soles of feet and work your way up/down body while lying on your back. Also agree you should consult medics re: hernia to rule it out.
  22. Daois as an offshot of Early Buddhism

    A thousand thanks Donald I was hoping you would respond to that nonsense.
  23. Daois as an offshot of Early Buddhism

    Yeah I get that but it needs some serious backing up to be a real theory and not just a nice idea.