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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Daois as an offshot of Early Buddhism

    If it is really a linguistic theory then he would have to show common etymological roots between Dao and Dharma, related core meaning and some pathway of sound shifts. If he doesn't then I would suggest he is being provocative because there is nothing to relate them except they both begin with 'd'.
  2. Daois as an offshot of Early Buddhism

    Obviously Jesus and Buddha cannot be the same person since they lived 500 years apart. I think the usual theory is that Jesus went to Kashmir during his forgotten years and picked up some Buddhist ideas then. This is a nice idea but probably rubbish also. It is not though, the Buddhists who come up with these ideas but the Christians or at least Western 'scholars'. I have never heard any Buddhist utter a view on these things ... although some point out similarities in Mahayana ethics and Christian ethics. But even here the basis for those ethics is completely different. The usual basis for linking Lao Tzu with Buddha is the idea that Lao Tzu left China and went west where he taught the Buddha thus creating Buddhism. This also is probably a construct by the medieval Chinese Taoists to assimilate Buddhism as a kind of Junior partner in the three systems approach (Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism).
  3. What do other countries do better?

    ... running bear ...
  4. What do other countries do better?

    *bows humbly and exits*
  5. What do other countries do better?

    With some people it's all mememememe.
  6. ... abrasion is friction.
  7. What do other countries do better?

    there's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.
  8. Could you lend me some money then?
  9. Gathering Q's for Daniel Ingram

    1 ) There are a lot of people nowadays on the internet, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist claiming to be accomplished and teaching others, why do you think there is such proliferation of this kind of thing and how can people distinguish the genuine from the false. 2 ) You seem to be an advocate of pared down Buddhism by eliminating from the dharma anything that doesn't fit with your own view and experience. Don't you think there is a risk of throwing out the baby with the bath water by ignoring 2,500 years of practice and experience, especially if the causes and conditions which gave rise to, say the vajrayana, are not understood by you?
  10. No, no it's about women's breasts ... it would be about men's breasts but we're all flat chested.
  11. Here we are having an earnest conversation about global economics and you are making tit jokes.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jul/06/germany-1953-greece-2015-economic-marshall-plan-debt-relief good point.
  13. Ha ha .. sorry I didn't mean to insult Germany but you must admit the Eurozone is part of it's strategy. yes Germany has a lot of strengths. I was not saying that this was their only strategy but one of them. As to the UK it is outside the Eurozone cos they saw structural weaknesses and also the economy works differently. There is no appetite for a Federal Europe in the UK which is a major ideological difference too. All this just amplifies my point that the Eurozone is false because the individual member countries promote their own domestic interest while pretending to be in a club ... and the main victims are the poor in every country and also the periferal countries generally.
  14. You Americans are all depressed - you need some better happy pills. Cheer up FFS.
  15. Its not the debt its whether you can make the payments.
  16. Never. Greece is a product of the failed and ideologically based Eurozone policy. A single currency for an area which is not a single country - taking away their ability to devalue their own currency and allowing the economic giant of Germany to hide behind an undervalued Euro. The only solution to screw old age pensioners, sick and unemployed people to save the banking sector. No one with any sense would vote for such a thing. the USA will never be like this.
  17. Just reading the intro to Awakening to Reality where it says: ... does anyone know anything about the Immortal of Green Florescence.
  18. Donald, Thanks! One thing I'm not clear on though is the symbolic significance of green or other florescence. If it indeed implies flowery crystalline growth what would that actually imply in terms of this particular Immortal. I am intuitively getting a very (in western terms) Thoth/Hermes/mercury feel about it but that might just because in the back of my mind is the Emerald Tablet and so on.
  19. It's ok just calm down and answer the question.
  20. Nice songs to listen to Another similar. ..
  21. Just need more interviews I think. Its been a while since we did one.
  22. Ah! so it means green flowery-ness ... I thought it meant glowing. If you have time please do return and enlighten us.