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Everything posted by Apech

  1. What are the moderators doing?

    I'm thinking you mean multiple reports of a justified nature ... i.e. breach of the TOS.
  2. Gospel of Thomas

    I think like all parables it can be read in a number of ways. So yes the seed that the birds eat could be souls who do not /or cannot incarnate. or it could be a transmission which never takes root (the energy has to go somewhere) ... or it could mean an idea which does not take root ... like one that is so ahead of its time that the moment it is spoken it is gone ....
  3. For what its worth I think the combining posts thing is a bit confusing ... before it was clear who you were speaking to in each post but now your replies get grouped. I think it was introduced to combat the effect of certain posters who were in the habit of posting one post after another with stream of consciousness one liners. I don't see any one doing anything like that now (not even in combined form). I think perhaps its worth thinking about whether it is effective to make global rule changes to deal with the behaviour of one or two people. Only worth doing if it benefits the majority and if unpopular in terms of the user experience then it should be reverted to previous situation.
  4. Haiku Chain

    Wu wei all the way You didn't! No I did not. Did not? What? Yes, no!
  5. Gospel of Thomas

    For things to take root there has to be both the seed (the idea - in the original Greek sense of the word, the inspiration or perhaps the transmission) and the right environment for it to grow ... here we have four environments ... the road, the rock, the bad ground and the good. The road is interesting because the birds get the benefit ... or rather the seed is immediately swallowed up and returned to the sky = heaven, the rock ... which is often a symbol for spirit (ruach) but here just means the completely unready, the bad ground which is contaminated by negative activities and good. So we are told the grain grows twice as much (120) in the good ground than the bad (60). There's probably some gematria here but I do not know it.
  6. Jesus a fictional character?

    Will you be back before you leave?
  7. Jesus a fictional character?

    Interesting debate ... I've read and listened to Carrier and others and their arguments seem strong. I haven't however been able to shake the 'feeling' that they are wrong ... and this is not due to some cultural programming as I wasn't brought up a Christian ... my parents are atheist (or agnostic at best).
  8. Password reset for the board

  9. I changed my password in my profile page (emails and passwords) without any Catptcha thingy involved. It was easy just put your old password then the new one twice and that's it.
  10. the Tao isn't taoist

    How would we know if they know or not? Indeed how do we know that we know ... who assesses this and decides right from wrong?
  11. That must be Heaven.
  12. Yes, I lost 100 years there somewhere.
  13. I think 2011 was the year that Marblehead lost his virginity ... but you'd have to check with him.
  14. Puppetji

  15. Gospel of Thomas

    The passage suggests that we need to become 'large fish' before being accepted by the fisherman - that is some level of maturity. Small fish are thrown back into the water ... to learn more before they are ready ????
  16. Haiku Chain

    his fifth star was found directly behind the fourth playing hide and seek.
  17. On to the Vaulted Horizon

    Would that I could be so lost.
  18. Haiku Chain

    twirling moustaches... and a group of bouncing beards hirsute dance display.
  19. On to the Vaulted Horizon

    No I wrote the last line as a question (I didn't want to be accused of copying ).
  20. On to the Vaulted Horizon

    Beautiful writing and images ... thank you ... Whitmanesque if I am allowed to say that without suggesting any unoriginality. "Aloof clouds on the blue sky haze the oceanic compass." - are we lost at last, without direction, home to our true selves but on an endless open road?
  21. TaoMeow on Coffee

    Jamaican coffee? No sorry I just had some.
  22. Rotating the Lower Dan Tien

    My style of practice is 90% natural and unforced. At one stage from doing sitting meditation my gaze would focus on the LDT and it would start to churn. Sometimes it was pleasant and sometimes not - when it was unpleasant it felt like I was being purged of 'bad' energy and sometimes I would feel a bit sick and my body became kind of heavy and unsettled. Otherwise usually it resulted in a feeling a bit like going up in a lift, floor by floor in fairly quick succession and then a light going on in my head. This would subside and then the process start again. This was quite a number of years ago when this happened regularly ... now it does not tend to happen as it was a result of a particular stage to do with the filling of LDT.
  23. Gospel of Thomas

    Thank you for the extensive scriptural references. I guess its a recurring Biblical theme to use lions as symbols of inimical power or activity - still don't quite get why this is 'ego' exactly but perhaps more like worldly drive or appetite. The image of the Thomas quote reminds me of the Tarot card 'Strength' - which may have a connection perhaps. Tally ho! from lions back to fish ....
  24. Haiku Chain

    female, without form thus my feelings are shapeless, made only for you.