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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Magnetism or Electricity

    I get it Ohm's law is a idealised specific rule ... yes I seem to remember that (it's a long time since I did any physics).
  2. Magnetism or Electricity

    isn't resistance a constant (more or less)???
  3. Magnetism or Electricity

    Excellent thought we should design a vacuum cleaner that runs on potatoes.
  4. Christian Mysticism

    That's what they all say.
  5. The Sage goes to a motel....

    Especially if they are spinning a web of lies.
  6. Christian Mysticism

    'I am my father are one.' or the originating consciousness and the Christ consciousness are 'not-two'.
  7. Magnetism or Electricity

    the commutator on the motor will do that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commutator_(electric)
  8. Christian Mysticism

    Hey! If I'm you and you're me - and I'm right and you're wrong ... then I'm wrong and you're right!!!!!!!!
  9. Christian Mysticism

    I agree about parallels. It depends mostly I think whether you regard the traditions as things of the mind or more akin to living entities. So for instance you and I Jeff are similar in that we both have arms, legs and so on ... but we are different people. That's how I would go with Christ/Kwan Yin ... certainly no conflict there but 'the same' no ... and the only way to make them the same is to merge them into something new ... syncretism ... which again has happened in the past ... for instance Serapis in the ancient world was a Greekified Egyptian fusion of Osiris and Apis. I don't have a problem with this either but Osiris <> Serapis ... these are emergent new beings with a life of their own. If you think they are things of the mind then they are just 'made up' anyway so I suppose it doesn't matter. But the presence of Christ (or Kwan Yin, or Osiris) is not 'made up' and is not even (in my view) totally bound to the historical Jesus, it is beyond time and place.
  10. Meditation Class Dilemma

    I have a TV for watching DVDs on but no arial so I don't get several channels of b/s ... I have a bookcase not a library ... I sit on chairs when they are not falling to pieces (as some are)
  11. Haiku Chain

    Gaily sings the bard. Happy or homosexual nothing wrong with that!
  12. Haiku Chain

    what do we do next? Something like we did before, old habits die hard.
  13. The Sage goes to a motel....

    I like spiders ... and try not to kill them. I don't know why but I think its something to do with the webs and the fact that they kill and eat flies (which plague this place at certain times of the year). The Sage has fear through memory. If he is a Sage then maybe he could see through that fear as no longer appropriate. Maybe he could get a glass and a piece of card and then catch the spiders and put them outside. Otherwise he is just giving his problem to someone else (Maintenance).
  14. Haiku Chain

    A story untold. You took back the narrative, Now I have nothing.
  15. Christian Mysticism

    LOL. I think you can say that Kwan Yin and Christ Consciousness are perhaps equivalent but you cannot say they are the same. This is the kind of thing that creates confusion (in my view). There is no need to say they are the same. They are separate lineages.
  16. Magnetism or Electricity

    Sodium and Potassium are positively charged ions and Chlorine and protein are negative. A car battery works by the transport of ions also. The electromagnetic force is one of the four basic forces in the universe and is responsible for these effects. 'Electrical' just means that positive or negative charge is in motion.
  17. Christian Mysticism

    Bump Thread resurrection after 6 days. I was going to start another thread on the Gospel of Mary but I was unable to find an online translation which was not copyrighted by the translator - so according to TBs rules I think copy pasting a whole text from elsewhere would need permission - but maybe I am being too cautious. One thing I have been pondering is that although our societies are increasingly secular ( even in the US I think) the degree to which Christianity is embedded in our culture and in our ways of thinking is extraordinarily deep. I have detected in even those who espouse another religion/system that they still very often end up sounding quite Christian. I know Buddhists who seem quite Catholic and others very Protestant in their approach. I think in the past I would have dismissed this as a bad thing but now I'm not so sure. I think there are certain themes, memes and core ideas which come out of Christianity ... such as for instance the looking for endings ... the end of days ... the omega (of the alpha and omega) ... also the whole structure of intellectual debate about religion itself is very Church of England ... that somehow we are using ideas to position ourselves in relation to each other with a kind of politeness - and ecumenicalism where we try to say Christ and Buddha and Krishna and anyone else are somehow similar/the same/ reconcilable ... why do we bother with that unless we are trying to get our heads around a view which explains everything ... every view point held in one ... which is probably impossible anyway ... but I think that is culturally a very Christian thing to want to do. For Christian Mysticism I think this is a problem. For me Christian Mysticism is formed around the the presence of Christ in our midst. We commune with Him and through Him get to the divine source. This because the presence is real. And oddly I say this as a practicing Buddhist, who spends much of his time studying Ancient Egypt, I Ching and Qi Gong etc. But to me it is a huge mistake to try to mash all these together. I am quite happy and capable of accepting the divine presence of Christ when I am lucky enough for it to emerge for me ... without question and with no attempt to then create a kind of reconciled overview for the the other things I experience and work on. Obviously there are cross references, sure of course but do we need a new universal system? No I don't think so ... what we need is more instances of immanence without worry because they are beyond our puny reason.
  18. Magnetism or Electricity

    I think it would give you a halo pretty quick.
  19. Name Change

    I was thinking Brian as in 'The Life of Brian' ...'he's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy'
  20. Meditation Class Dilemma

    52" plasma screen! Wow you are cool after all Your library sounds luxurious ... I am now deeply jealous ... By the way ... if you meditate on a chair ... make it a hard chair and sit right on the edge with your legs bent so your knees are above your feet. Push your tummy slightly forward and tilt your chin in slightly, relax shoulders ... its an ok position I find. Good luck with your meditation and hope you get great benefit however you sit.
  21. Magnetism or Electricity

    You don't have to respond. Electromagnetic field are generated by moving charged particles ... could be sub atomic like the electron or ions like the anions and cations which form blood plasma. In the human body some of these fields would be very small and subtle. However the nervous system, the muscles and sinews and even the bones have electrical properties when they operate. Organs and body parts consist of layers of good conductors surrounded by layers of poor conductors (fascia) and so on ... so the build is very similar to a battery. Good health requires that this system is operating corrrectly.
  22. Meditation Class Dilemma

    Is it zen minimalist? or traditional hand made kind of thing?
  23. Meditation Class Dilemma

    Maybe but you live in a house with no furniture don't you.
  24. Magnetism or Electricity

    I don't believe you have a halo ...