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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Khonsu mes

    Isn’t it obvious? 🤔
  2. Broken Tulips

    we have some wild boars near here - although I’ve never seen one despite walking regularly through the matos- the meat is horrible tho the locals like to grill it on sundays .
  3. Broken Tulips

    Brother Luke, What sin did the pork chop commit?
  4. Broken Tulips

    @Unota Thanks. I had heard of the tulip bubble before but not that explanation of rare varieties. Very interesting indeed.
  5. Happy Equinox!

    Profound thoughts indeed!
  6. If you want the mods to 'come here' then report a post.
  7. Yes he has been blindfolded to insure he doesn't interfere with the objectivity of the experiment.
  8. Imagine if you will, a tank driver wearing thick gloves attempting to fry a duck's egg in a frying pan.
  9. In the days of Buddhawarz there were cases of incredibly tiresome, circular and bad natured repetition of the same points which did result in suspension - you are correct on that.
  10. I think I am no longer a mod. But if I were I would allow the free flow of conversation provided there were no ad hominem attacks or content which went beyond the pale in terms of subject matter.
  11. Actually I never judge, I just observe and comment. The comments are my own view on the subject observed. Clearly the observer is not the observed.
  12. I haven't been following it at all - I skipped from page 1 to here. Did I do wrong?
  13. You're a clever guy Daniel and I like a lot of what you post. But sometimes, intentionally or not you appear to be indulging in intellectual bullying. This is the DaoBums where everyone is cool and knows the martial art of internet debate. Be cool. (sorry about the overuse of the word cool).
  14. Haiku Chain

    'spec-i-aly me for I am the only king and the king's English.
  15. Haiku Chain

    Yankee nonsense
  16. Happy Equinox!

    Thank you Luke I love the autumn - even the melancholy and mists.