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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Cliteracy

    I'm anticipating ...
  2. Syria

    I find the media to be used by governments for propaganda ... so I am suspicious of whether the girls sentiments are widely held views. Most countries end up resenting intervention and even those that are benefitted quickly become resentful after time. All these problems go back decades if not centuries ... the UK, the US and france (and Russia) have been meddling in the middle east all this time often to destabilise ... what is needed is a proper understanding first and action which is specific to the problem. We need to know for instance exactly who the rebels are (this was never clear in Libya) and there needs to be a plan ... a plan probably over say 20 years to try to achieve lasting peace based on mutual prosperity and benefit. Not knee jerk reactions to emotive issues.
  3. Syria

    Well there was some hesitation over Czechoslovakia but we did not hesitate over Poland (1939)... but the US hesitated till 1943 ... I don't see the connection with this situation ... has Syria invaded neighbouring countries? No. So no the attitude in the UK has nothing to do with WWII .... The issue is more about whether we are a) the worlds policeman and b ) even if we are what constitutes effective intervention. the lessons of Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya have to be learned sooner or later.
  4. Cliteracy

    we could have vagina and penis sub forums ...
  5. Syria

    Whose delays? the americans? they were late for both world wars (but still glad they arrived ). I think the UK reaction is because of the Iraq war and the lies told about wmds and so on ... people don't want to be conned twice .. also Libya was a mess ... there is no enthusiasm for intervention at all whereas once it was thought sometimes a good thing (eg. Kosovo).
  6. Syria

    What's even more pleasing is that the UK GOVt. wanted to take military action and was voted down by Parliament .. I know you say that but I wanted to make the distinction.
  7. That's the Hindu version - soul = atman ... which is said to be not different to Brahman ... so yes it existed before a vessel to put it in was ... but doesn't make any sense to me.
  8. I like Marblehead's question - how can I make my life better ... because that's really the heart of this thing. For instance pondering karma and rebirth is counter productive if it makes you miserable or confused. I see these things very simply. I like to think that I can do things that can benefit myself and others. Its not a obsession its just a preference. And I think if you do - you surround yourself with a pleasant environment - a kind of aura of kindness if you like. I also intuitively feel that there is some kind of continuance after death and on the basis of impossibility of the destroying energy that everything that emerges in the future depends on what is happening now. It makes sense to me. But I don't see any profit in trying to perpetuate myself beyond my allotted time or cling to some idea that I am so important that I (as this person) will continue. These ideas give a kind of stability, a kind of healthy balance. But I know that if someone were to come to me tomorrow and prove beyond doubt that there was no such effect as karma and death was just an extinction then I would just shrug my shoulders and say 'hey ... let's have some coffee'.
  9. I bet you said the same thing back in the day when you were Cleopatra.
  10. Haiku Chain

    no more equations you have 'e' and 'm' 'c' squared leave Einstein alone!
  11. If you are ignorant about 'Buddhist' karma then why make statements about it? And I would suggest that you don't listen to people on this board about it because there are a lot of misconceptions floating around. Karma does literally mean 'action' and this includes the effect of action (i.e. cause and effect). It doesn't matter about the exact mechanism of this but what is important is that you cannot act in a vacuum and that whatever you do has an effect. So when you make moral choices you can bear this in mind. This is instead of the theistic concept of 'commandments' or laws or rules issued by some kind of supreme being ... you don't need that at all ... which is why many people find it a useful idea.
  12. Yes you are right that's what I meant ... 'not immediate'.
  13. I agree that the result of action is not necessarily direct.
  14. You have invented your own version. Karma literally means 'action' and every action has fruit (result) ... the result reflects the original action such as if you plant a plum stone you get a plum tree. You should strive to do wholesome acts not for selfish reasons of thinking it will be better for you but because the result for everyone will be better.
  15. How do i learn from a nonexample?

    Cultivate stillness and then intuit maturity from there. You will have an innate sense of what is mature which is a better teacher than an external person.
  16. the Olmecs were the ancestors of the Ethiopians? do you have evidence for this?
  17. Never mind, eh?
  18. Are We All From Mars ?

    Uranus is what you just Saturn.
  19. Haiku Chain

    The mouse tends to play The clarinet, while us cats are on the fiddle.
  20. Only a true master would question the nature of the way .... *bows in humility before thee*
  21. Does that make you a basket case?