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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    I assume that's an oil painting.
  2. @Donald Z. - "Frog of Frogesses" Now you have perceptively wandered into the heart of the matter. As you know the primeval eight of Hermopolis (the Ogdoad were frogs and serpents) they 'existed' in a state called being 'combined with their shadows" ... thus in the pre-creational waters the powers which were 'later' to form the world hovered in and out of being, their positive and negative aspects, their male and female aspects being interwoven and not yet fully distinguished. Thus the frog could be a she/he he/she frog a transexual frog/not-frog indeed. Thank you for pointing this out with your rusty Latin. If you have anything else rusty please leave it out Tuesday morning when a man with a horse and cart will pick it up for recycling. Thank you.
  3. @idiot_stimpy - that is one fucking great frog!
  4. Sir! I salute you ... your paranoia is an example to us all.
  5. Further discussion

    for me yes ... I am thinking here that it is in some degree in contrast to avidya - the ignorance, confusion which is the root cause of samsara. So in other words it is 'seeing things as they really are'= rigpa=vidya.
  6. Well have a nice vacation. All I can say that if by chance you are right and Jesus was teaching Dzogchen then he taught it very badly because everyone he taught practiced something else i.e. Christianity.
  7. Buddhism 1) all compounded phenomena are impermanent 2) suffering arises from the contamination of phenomena with 'self' 3) phenomena are empty beyond elaboration 4) nirvana is perfect peace Jesus did not say any of these things. Christianity Our Father in heaven,Buddhist cannot say this. hallowed be your name.Buddhist cannot say this Your kingdom come,Buddhist cannot say this your will be done,Buddhist cannot say this on earth, as it is in heaven.Buddhist cannot say this Give us this day our daily bread,Buddhist cannot say this and forgive us our debts,Buddhist cannot say this as we also have forgiven our debtors.Buddhist CAN say this And lead us not into temptation,Buddhist cannot say this but deliver us from evil.SO Buddhism and Christianity are different.
  8. Groan. Whats all this stuff about God the Father then? Please don't answer its rhetorical.
  9. Why is everyone on the buddhist forum talking about Jesus?
  10. Thank you TM ... I was hoping for some helpful serious magic ... and I got it ... some of your letters seem a little strange and back to front but nothings perfect.
  11. What is humble?

    You are an inspiration (seriously) forgive my light heartedness ... I am in a frivolous mood.
  12. What is humble?

    .... then run screaming into the back garden shouting 'what about ME! I have no time for ME anymore!'.
  13. What is humble?

  14. Further discussion

    HINT: Buddhist sub forum (this is).
  15. Not quite following you here. What is not Celts? I am of the view that all religion and practices derive ultimately from the shamanic practices of our pre-historic ancestors i.e. those that left Africa 60,000 years ago.
  16. Sadly my cat 'Mr. White' passed on to the fields of peace last year ... hence why I/he is a ghost cat. He was/is enlightened for sure I think I am right in saying that the Celts attributed their origins to Queen Scotia or Scota who fled from Troy along the North African coast to Iberia, France and Britain. Someone also indicated some link to Egypt for her ... ... just looked it up on wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scota
  17. Interesting idea of the spread of the Celts east as well as west. Always something very inspiring coming from Celtic culture ... the Mabinogion and Grail legends of course.
  18. Further discussion

    True ... maybe it should be moved to general (?)
  19. Further discussion

    You certainly are the master of the negative one liner ... just when peace was breaking out.
  20. Further discussion

    E ma ho! is an expression of joy and wonder and Dewachen (perfect bliss) is the Pure Land of the Buddha Amitabha.
  21. Further discussion

    E ma ho! Dewachen!
  22. The Cool Picture Thread

    Locusts ... maybe 4 or 5 inches long ... big grasshoppers!
  23. The Cool Picture Thread

    insect tantric sex outside my house ....