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Everything posted by Apech

  1. simplify

  2. There are any number of techniques employed in shamatha including using objects or visualised objects or as you say, more commonly breath and breath counting.
  3. The precept I took in Tibetan Buddhism is not to become intoxicated (as you suggest) - clearly I decided from then on that I must test out the boundaries of this vow by drinking quantities of red wine to see exactly where and when a breach might occur. It is an ongoing experiment which may take years to complete I think the problem with the micro-dosing of LSD or anything as part of a practice is that it is employing a non-standard approach to sadhanas for instance and could or most probably would lead to uncertain and misleading results. For instance how does one distinguish between the effect of LSD and the results of the sadhana itself?
  4. Well you are being very precise as always. What perhaps I should have said is that visualisation is a technique frequently employed in vajrayana.
  5. Haiku Chain

    when sweet-talk won't do whatever you want it to just spit out the words
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    A 13th Century CE; buddhist statue, from China; contains perfectly preserved remains of a mummified buddhist monk, called Liuquan, who lives around 1100s CE. It was found sitting on bundle of cloth covered in chinese inscriptions, may have practiced 'Self-Mummification' to prepare for life after death. Process to prepare his body entailed a strict diet of teas and poisonous foods, that made the body resistant to maggots upon death. The sculpture preserved in the Drents Museum - The Netherlands
  7. Unpopular Opinions

    source sauce saws sores soars George Soros ... you see who is behind this?
  8. Unpopular Opinions

    It’s properly called a fizzy drink.
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    DBs Beatles songs: Eleanor Rigpa Get bagua to where you once belonged
  10. Unpopular Opinions

    I feel in a deep sense that given the immersive nature of reality and that we follow the middle way to knowledge - we all live in a yellow submarine.
  11. Unpopular Opinions

    If it was inspired by a Muse then it is music.
  12. Unpopular Opinions

    I read the news today, oh boy ...
  13. Unpopular Opinions

    Funnily enough - and I speak as a English person - I have found it hard to find anyone in my compatriots or even other countries who actually likes the Beatles. I think they have their place in music history in the sense of what happened in the early sixties but beyond that I would never choose to listen to a Beatles song.
  14. Unpopular Opinions

    Popular unpopular opinions
  15. The precepts of the art of stalking: 1. everyting that surrounds us is an unfathomable mystery. 2. we must try to unravel these mysteries without hoping to accomplish this. 3. a warrior takes his rightful place among mysteries and regards himself as one. The principles of stalking: 1. choose your battleground. 2. discard everything that is unecessary. 3. be willing and ready to make your last stand here and now. 4. relax, abandon yourself, fear nothing. 5. faced with odds that cannot be dealt with, retreat for a moment. 6. compress time, even an instant counts.
  16. I am already given to the power that rules my fate, And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free.
  17. @silent thunder The Castaneda books were for a long time for me a source of great inspiration. I have reread certain of them many time’s especially the Eagles Gift and the Art of Dreaming. Although Castaneda’s life seems to have ended badly with some strange cultic behavior - the ideas in the books spark in me a real understanding of the way and he cannot possibly have just made it all up. This is why I return to them periodically to refresh my understanding - and each time I get something quite profound. I am current rereading the Eagles Gift and while some of the story is a bit crazy - again it is hitting the spot. I’m really glad that you have enjoyed what I posted and I hope we can have more Don Juan conversations on here.
  18. Yeah , yeah I know - fraud, hoax etc. but I keep coming back to these books and I always learn something amazing.
  19. The Nagual Lujan Matus

    never heard of this guy - tho clearly sounds like a Castaneda rip off
  20. Unpopular Opinions

    Somewhere in the universe cuboid watermelon life forms are discussing the varieties of humanoid. FACT.
  21. Unpopular Opinions

    Life is a cabinet my friend and its full of frozen peas.
  22. Unpopular Opinions

    Have you ever in your life been to an actual real supermarket?