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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    So I can say what I like now ... fine.
  2. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Well ... modesty forbids me commenting.
  3. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    No please, no, not that! my friend
  4. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    is it dishonourable to be a world champion?
  5. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    i was thinking more a triple summersault and pike ... a perfect set of points and an olympic gold ... that sort of dive ...
  6. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Its a relief to me for sure.
  7. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    I dove of course.
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Unfortunately I am no longer a mod so will have to leave that to others.
  9. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Not that that should make any difference for moderation its still a rule breach.
  10. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Well it certainly came across as belittling and patronising, only you can say if that was intended.
  11. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Was it intended that way?
  12. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    'sonny' then 'kid' a bit patronising don't you think?
  13. Haiku Chain

    start a haiku with last line of one before whatever it is.
  14. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    This is an internet board and not 'the world'. I am impressed (genuinely) by your passion for this issue and think you should try a political campaign ... or run for parliament.
  15. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Thank you ... that's the most level headed comment for a while.
  16. WP

    yes I tried but he's too scared to pick up ...
  17. Haiku Chain

    come here, little bird.. my sandwich lacks a tasty, yet crunchy filling.
  18. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Depends why they were posting that material.
  19. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    What's that internet law about he who mentions Hitler loses the argument. if you posted such stuff I would hope you would get banned ... for tolling as you would just be being provokative ...
  20. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Droylsden is in Tameside so it's posh.
  21. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Quite young to lose your virginity.
  22. Theravada and Mahayana

    From Wiki: my bold.
  23. Theravada and Mahayana

    What were the Tibetans practicing when Padma Sambhava arrived?
  24. Theravada and Mahayana

    i find the idea of direct teachings from the Sambhoga Kaya much more convincing than the idea that the Pali Canon is the whole story. Any system has to have renewal through realised teachers like Marpa, Milarepa, Gamopopa and the Karmapas. Without it, it becomes empty like Christianity has become empty (IMO). And i mean empty as in nothing not shunyata.
  25. Theravada and Mahayana

    Yes of course you are right but Tibetan Buddhism has a number of strands ...and as a culture has the influences that I mentioned.