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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Waking up anxious

    I'm wondering if fasting or dieting might help. Also look at sleep patterns ... how long do you sleep for ... do you sleep alone or do you have a partner. Even changing where you sleep or the orientation fo your bed might help. It is also likely that whatever is going on in the rest of your life, daily routines or pressure at work for instance is involved. You might need more physical exercise/fresh air ... and so on. Try to disrupt whatever habitual patterns you have and see if your sleep quality changes.
  2. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    We are friends and we can be friends with snakes ... ... even when the knives are out
  3. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Perhaps he'd like to borrow five quid till next tuesday.
  4. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    That sounds good. I wasn't suggesting its a universal rule ... just it does happen.
  5. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    This is not the same guy but I think the posture is the same ... arched back etc. http://www.martialarts-london.co.uk/martial-arts-articles/reptilian-brain.html
  6. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    i think the 'off the shelf' mysticism/magic of the 'The Secret' and so on is a sign that people are desperate for something real but not materialistic. real practice is hard work and challenging but buying a book is not.
  7. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    This is all very correct of course but it comes across a little negative. The reptile brain has enormous survival advantages and can be utilised in martial arts for instance. there is a fighting Tai Chi teacher who has a particular posture for activating it so responses become lightening quick (I can't remember his name). the reptile brain has a kind of unity of purpose ... it is only interested in its appetites ,,, sex and food ... which is for us a basis for achieving a higher unity if it is properly harnessed for a this higher purpose.
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    yes it does have an icky feel you are right. But I think there are genuine people who come to the point where maybe they give up a career to teach .(this is not me by the way - I've never done this) And so they would have to charge. Where it all goes wrong for me is not this. Where it goes wrong is when commercial interests distort the message. If you are dependent on income from patrons ... like a movie star for instance ... who then donates millions to build a temple or whatnot ... do you suppose he/she is treated the same as the rest of us bums who wander in off the street. And do you suppose a teacher who wants income isn't going to tailor his teachings to what is popular or sex them up a bit with the latest fancy sounding hocus pocus quantum-black hole- dark energy tantra. How hard is he going to be on a person who has just paid $450 for a leaflet and mortgaged their house? This is the problem ... the whole thing gets changed slightly and suddenly you are a customer or a client and not a disciple or pupil or student.
  9. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    If you teach full time why shouldn't you live off it ... in which case people have to pay. Don't see the problem. (By the way can I interest you in a course in Apechatonics ... only 450$ for an introductory leaflet and then you can mortgage your house.)
  10. No excuses about abuse and so on but he himself seems to have come through it and is happily teaching dharma:
  11. Deci Belle's Original Nature

    Hmmm I could start a whole nother debate on that one .... but anyway I will prob put my answer in my article on misconceptions about Buddhism. Still want to know why this was moved from thread in general but I don't think I'm going to get an answer.
  12. Deci Belle's Original Nature

    How do you mean?
  13. Deci Belle's Original Nature

    I posted a query earlier about this. Can whoever moved these posts from a discussion that made sense into Articles please explain what's going on!!!! We've had several discussions about lineages before and no problem ... so what gives?
  14. Deci Belle's Original Nature

    Move what? Drivel? What drivel slightly confused here.
  15. The Fuhrer

    Sh'es a little girl dressing up as a red indian (sorry native american) ... so what?
  16. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    I suspect it may be a case of - it's not what you say but the way that you say it. If you, as Sean puts it, keep things civil ... then I don't see why there should be problem.
  17. //

    Marbles without you I sometimes think this whole place would crumble and fall into the sea.
  18. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    ... but are you glad you did?
  19. Living at peace with society...

    There are Christian mystics but they tend to be individuals and not a tradition ... e.g. William Blake.
  20. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Moderators should not and could not arbitrate on content ...political or otherwise.
  21. http://www.zazzle.com/the_tao_bums_t_shirts-235323559395009098
  22. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Mine went to school also but it was always behind me in class.
  23. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Well if you are serious .... I suppose the answer is Sean who owns the site, gives mod privs and set the general tone. It's his site and he can do with it what he wants in the end.
  24. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Does your anus count? Did it go to school?