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Everything posted by Apech

  1. How hard are you? :)

    Excellent point TM. Really that place I used to live in the video there were some great people living there. Especially older people who put up with everything without complaining. I learned a lot from living there but was glad to leave. really I'm a big, big softy and no mistake. LOL. respect to all those who have lived through real hardship. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
  2. Christmas Shopping Frenzy

    I have to confess I haven't done any christmas shopping at all ... nothing ... well some food and so on but that's it. I don't think Santa's coming down my chimney this year ...
  3. 2012: The End of the World

    I've had water butt ... only just made it to the toilet on time!!!!!!
  4. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    Light or dark?or any colour?
  5. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    Is this like a solid wall or flat plane that you are kind of pushing against? What do you see when this is happening.
  6. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    I suppose you are looking forward to the first gay marriage in the village. If you can drag yourself up to the church that is.
  7. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    There are two vicars involved ... a kind of blessed trinity ... I see.
  8. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Not convinced but I've googled around and found a few people with this compassion as a verb thing and I get what they mean. It was a verb originally meaning something like 'feel-with' ... I compassion that you are happy ... or some such ... so ok. I wonder if Mary should kneel so close to the Vicar next time he has an agape moment ... it would save in the laundry bill.
  9. 2012: The End of the World

    Paper! I win.
  10. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Really? Can you give me an example?
  11. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Nice thoughts there GmP. and very wise. I did think compassion was a noun ... in fact I still think it is ... but hey.
  12. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Q. What's the connection between a sore arse and a right wing politicians? A. Suppose its Tories. (Just made that up and still larfing).
  13. 2012: The End of the World

    Yes ... no wait ... OMG .... aahhhhhhgggghhhhhh ... it's coming ..... run run run for your lives ...... oh no ...agh agh ... yikes ... fuck my boots .... jesus h bloody christ .... help help ... oh wait .... its just the postman with a parcel.
  14. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Without wishing to intrude on Vmarco's thread I found this helpful to listen to on compassion ... on the idea that it is about understanding and not feeling (and certainly not sentimentality):
  15. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    I tried that and someone sliced the top of my head off and dipped toast into my brain.
  16. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Anti-pancomestiblist! How dare you ... I have had the voids removed from all my pans and other cooking appliances ... they were taken away last week by Void-Removals-R-Us ... you sir are a voidist of the worst sort.
  17. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Hell is other people. Jean-Paul Sartre
  18. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Its not a void its an omelette. One you can't make without breaking eggs.
  19. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    What kind of cook are you? Cutting mustard with a pan?
  20. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Pandimensional ? I've got a pan about maybe 10 inches across ... that's one pan dimension sorted.
  21. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    I think we should go for a Teutonic apocalypse next ... those Germans know how to make things that actually work.
  22. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    yes a very happy solstice to everyone ....