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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Are you in mixed company ... you should stop that at once ... no telling what you might get up to. I agree the word Cat should not be uttered ... she might come and ban us all for ever ... the very thought scares me mouseless.
  2. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    But I am a solemn oaf. So tell me!
  3. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    What can't be named ... tell me ... tell me now!
  4. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    That joke is offensive to cats. I demand an joke of equal proportions but weighted in favour of cats in order to address the balance.
  5. It would be cool...

    good idea
  6. Western Symbolism thread

    Did you get an answer?
  7. Runes

    These are runes ... discuss them please ....
  8. Haiku Chain

    blue toes in flip-flops. (*sigh* fed up with correcting) blue crows on ship docks
  9. Haiku Chain

    Is growing within Down there beside my liver several gall stones. [several] Gall stones... silently, thrive. [and will be] [full grown] One day soon.
  10. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    The mouse that can be squeaked of is not the eternal mouse. ... I'm sure that Lao Tzu wasn't singling mice out but meant all rodents.
  11. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Who are you to say there should be one dissenting argument! I think there should be three. At least three.
  12. I feel like I'm being targetted

    NO ... by which I mean yes.
  13. I feel like I'm being targetted

    That has the word time twice ... how could you possibly suggest such a thing! I am shocked and appalled ... on the other hand ... yea ... ok ... lets go with it.
  14. I feel like I'm being targetted

    Ever since I started reading this thread.
  15. How come Lao Tzu didn't mention this God?
  16. I feel like I'm being targetted

    how about "Yuletide Yatter"
  17. GrandmasterP where are you?

    I'm trying, I'm very trying.
  18. I feel like I'm being targetted

    No. no. no. not. not now. not ever. oh go on then.
  19. I feel like I'm being targetted

    I feel like a pudding. No really i do.
  20. Runes

    Ah here it is! Ok lets talk about Futhork ... anyone read The White Goddess by Graves?
  21. I feel like I'm being targetted

    Huh I'm not fooled by your agreement. I do feel targeted now. the world is against me and rightly so.
  22. I feel like I'm being targetted

    i don't agree with your arguing and shall continue to say so until you are sick of it and the thread gets locked.
  23. GrandmasterP where are you?

    I was away fro a whole week and no-one started a thread asking where I was. I hope you now feel valued and loved by Bums around the world.