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Everything posted by Apech

  1. You say back pain ... how is your neck? Could be pressure on optic nerve from C2.
  2. I saw this map ... it appeared in some British newspapers. I'm not sure thought how they allowed for the distribution of twitter use in drawing it up. But all the same its a sad thing that people still persist in racist views in 21 century. Somehow it seems instinctive in the human mind to condemn people who appear different in some way.
  3. Tony Parsons Interview

    Oh I don't know! ... have you met Tony????
  4. Tony Parsons Interview

    I wonder who is going to have the last word ... er, on the other hand I don't really care
  5. @turtle That map is exactly the same pattern as the voting in the election! is that the point? seems to say that the US is still two nations.
  6. Can't get to chat anymore

    need to ask sean then ... I've sent him a message
  7. Can't get to chat anymore

    I got in ... first time ever ... try again?
  8. Tony Parsons Interview

    Surely this is a gradual vs. sudden path debate. I reconcile this by saying that enlightenment is said to come of itself suddenly and (necessarily) without preconditions. i.e. it is not contrived or constructed by the mind >>> BUT there is a gradual path comprising a series of small steps (and a lot of work) ... each step being sudden. You can't just sit in a room vacantly waiting for something to happen BUT on the other hand you can't make it happen by effort of will.
  9. Shame ... I thought more people might use it as a protest vote ... but I suppose most voters still thought they were being offered a real choice by obama-romney. Oh well ... I wish Obama well and hope he makes the right choices for the US and the world. I'd like to see him more friendly with us Brits but we have a rather weak/insignificant prime minister who I can't imagine is worth talking to TBH.
  10. Well looks like Obama four more years. How many votes did our Gill Stein actually get?
  11. I believe it may have been Lama Dongdroop who advocated visualising the dharma as a removal vehicle but to avoid Gelugpa teachings, he was taught this by his aged master, so he used to quote: "My old man said follow the van but don't Dalai Lama on the way ..." (joke for Brits only)
  12. Was she attached to your bottom?
  13. A cricket bat maybe ... no I mean a genetic hybrid between an insect and a flying mammal ...
  14. Do you have the contact details for Lama Ploppy?
  15. I thought he was a nice and interesting chap ... but I wasn't completely convinced ... and I thought that the interviewers didn't get it at all ... a feeling of vagueness??? uh?
  16. Buddhas of aynak

    There's a petition about saving these statues: http://www.facebook.com/buddhasofaynak
  17. Buddhas of aynak

    Sign the petition to preserve our heritage ... even if you are not Buddhist.
  18. **** Moderation Team Message **** In the spirit of maintaining healthy political debate, please refrain from making any ad hominem attacks on other posters ... for instance I don't think the term 'half weasel' is acceptable. People may hold opposing and entrenched views and will argue their ground. This is ok. I hope we are all anti-racist, this board is, and that that we can agree on human grounds not to sling mud around in this respect, as it is likely to get out of hand. Thanks. **** Mod Message Ends ****
  19. Madhyamaka is non-dualist, the middle way between nihilism and eternalism.
  20. SJ, This is a conversation like a real live conversation which may well become tangential ... so you'll just have to live with it. A.
  21. The feelings will pass. Try to normalize your day. Eat well, go for a walk, do something you like doing. If it gets bad then tell yourself its only temporary. Is there anyone you could go and see who could help? if so ... go and see them ...
  22. Not a joke if the definitions are correct. I believe these sources are being used because they are easily available and it does not indicate they are the subject of study in themselves. I think accusing others of being confused in not appropriate in these circumstances.
  23. Problems with the Study of Objectless Consciousness

    I'll discuss advaita. I would suggest that objectless consciousness is an abstraction. I mean this in the sense that consciousness, which means something like that which divides itself, is never without objects. Object meaning that which thrown forward into the field of view. That is not to say that consciousness does not have this quality or nature of emptiness or voidity, in that it is itself formless, but it does not depend on the presence or otherwise of objects for this. Conscious is itself AND its predicated objects. They are non-different.