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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Hello,I'm new.

    Hello and welcome to TBs. Plenty of people here are not religious in the 'normal' way so you should fit in well. A.
  2. Can I change my dispy name?

    I think a lot of people would be grateful! LOL
  3. Can I change my dispy name?

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  4. Bat is a name for the ancient goddess aka Hathor. If you flatter her she lifts her skirt and shows her vagina. At which point everyone's energy picks up. The car = the chariot ( Tarot card) moves forward on non-dual and yet dual force, the vajra. The vajra so raised conceives the divine child and thus spiritual immortality. Viator, I am not sure you passed the test but nevertheless you are admitted to the holy chamber of ppf.
  5. Ok to activate your ppf you must answer this zen-like riddle. "If flattery gets you nowhere. If my car won't start does this mean it has a bat flattery?"
  6. Can I change my dispy name?

    "And what [monks] is name-&-form? Feeling, perception, intention, contact, & attention: This is called name. The four great elements, and the form dependent on the four great elements: This is called form. This name & this form are, [monks], called name-&-form."
  7. Nope ... well maybe ... ok but you'll have to wait.
  8. Can I change my dispy name?

    Tell this story from the chicken's point of view.
  9. Can I change my dispy name?

    That's not magic its the Tour de France.
  10. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    ... and the fish.
  11. Sorry but this is def. off topic.
  12. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Seriously I like them. It's great that you are using solar power too.
  13. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Nice barrels!
  14. Can I change my dispy name?

    Don't worry about Dec 21 2012 ... global apocalypse is bad but hey its not the end of the world you know ...
  15. Attack from your site

    It was someone using an avatar from a blacklist site last time this happened. I'm using Chrome but not getting this message.
  16. Poverty is a concept

    I feel that poverty is good for you spiritually ... so in order to help everyone I am willing to accept your money if you send it to my paypal a/c. Thank you and blessings.
  17. ...

    Two dots ... the second one underlined ... what does it mean?????? Is it a sign? Is it Jesus and Mary Magdalen ... just guessing.
  18. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Yep I can imagine ... those things get really big ... with flowers like dinner plates. You can eat the seeds of course but here the birds get them all.
  19. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Yep had sunflowers ... couple 6 - 7 foot high.
  20. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    I think I could climb that fence ... is it electrified??? Is that an irrigation pipe on the right? How much rain do you get? Where I am we have to irrigate twice a week in the summer ... its a pin in the neck and takes ages. Mind you I grow mostly veggies. Thanks for the pic (should have said that first)
  21. Caral in Peru

    "Great things can come from peace" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61x7jHvBcYY worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
  22. Lama Tsongkhapa

    SB, Well for me all I can say is that meditation is a kind of natural and intuitive process. A kind of internal empiricism. If you use very simple techniques these are the most powerful in the end. Its a bit like the mind is a landscape of different terrains and you are exploring it. Nothing is counted in and nothing out. For instance there are states of dreamy confusion and states of intense clarity (and many many more). the 'trick' is to find a way to negotiate all these different terrains without losing the thread of continuity of consciousness. For a long time I rejected states of dreaminess because I wanted clarity, they seemed unreal and I wanted real stuff, but then I realised you can dip in and out of the dreamy states and not loose yourself ... and also that you gained energy by doing so. The dream states have their own 'reality' too. In fact if for some reason you are depleted in your energy body (for want of a better term) these states are your body's way of re-energizing just as in ordinary sleep you get refreshed(only better). I'm not saying by the way that you should just let yourself nod off ... what i am saying is that the more you notice these states and observe what happens you will naturally develop ways of maintain continuity through them. If you have a history of psychotic episodes then def. take it easy ... be gentle but persistent. practice, practice, practice ... and don't reject one session because maybe you felt sleepy just say its all part of the process. Just my perspective. Also I would suggest that you look for one school/system/practice which makes sense to you and that you feel a genuine connection to. Look for a teacher who seems to know what they are doing and stick to that for a few years.
  23. Lama Tsongkhapa

    SB, I'm a bit confused now. You want to get your meditation going and your problem is cat naps? is that right? Don't worry about cat naps ... just bring your attention back when you notice you have entered one, not harsh but gentle. the mind has its own ways. 99 % of the time you should just let it do its stuff. Don't get me wrong I think its good to read all these different systems but you'll get confused if you think they are all the same. For instance getting to I AM is never a goal of Buddhist practice ... maybe the getting to the I'm Not. Ultimately reality is reality ... that must be true but the ways to it (which are complete unto themselves) are not mix and match (well that's my opinion anyway). Cheers A.