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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Author Sam Harris on Buddhism

    1381 The peasants are revolting. 1649 Nobility lost its head. No coincidence you get 268 if you subtract one date from the other. 2+6+8 = 16 and 1+6 = 7 Lord Buddha walked seven steps at birth ... aha! see ....
  2. Author Sam Harris on Buddhism

    These are things taught by Tibetan Buddhists ... presumably as a result of their insights into the nature of reality. Unless they are having a laugh I suppose
  3. Why was Wicca invented?

    Plenty of deities in Taoism! If you mean what is termed Philosophical Taoism then I could argue that that is as much a modern western invention as Wicca. And if you want to discuss 'pre-religion' then that's the shamanist roots of all religion. Shamanism also has many entities and deities although of course not the mono god of the Bible. The megalithic culture of the late stone age/early bronze age seems to be almost universal. They had some kind of 'religion' which was linked to the stars ... this must be since all the structures not just Stone Henge are based on celestial geometry ... and no one would build such a thing just to create a calendar!!! If you want something really old and 'original' have a look at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey/Armenia ... very interesting indeed and dating back some to 9 - 10,000 years ...
  4. Author Sam Harris on Buddhism

    I think there may be more to it than that. The product of a long period of Buddhist contemplation is what we have ... the nature of the Buddhist traditions are as a result of their insights into the nature of mind and reality. So it is not an accident that we end up with the form of practice that exists today. Sam Harris as a committed atheist obviously hates anything that looks like religion. So he is almost bound to end up with the conclusions he has. Because he is starting with the assumption that anything that remotely reminds him of islam, Judaism or Christianity is bad. He is also dismissing the possibility that if we were to scientifically contemplate consciousness then we would find that there is no rebirth, siddhis, karma and so on. And yet these are are part of the Tibetan tradition as a result of contemplative insight ... so in a sense he is dissing the practice too.
  5. Why was Wicca invented?

    I met a man who said he wrote Gardners Book of Shadows for him. It was a convincing story but that person died in the late eighties. So the Wicca religion was created and not by witches. The man I met was a Hermeticist and actually a Christian if you want to categorise him. There is no doubt that Witchcraft is practiced in Europe. It still is today where I live there and many bruxas and other women who do charms against the evil eye. However they have no coherent belief system such as might form consistent religious beliefs or view of nature of reality. It is literally about ways to get the outcome you want, money, a man/woman, win a court case or cause harm to another. I think this was also true of England in Gardners day ... so there's no reason to suppose he did not know practicing witches ... but he invented the religion. Having said this ... from a practical point of view there is something to be said for the pragmatic approach to basic magic ... if you can learn how to make it work. So in the spirit of try it and see if it works his efforts could be viewed as part of that tradition, maybe?
  6. Haiku Chain

    just the bare bollocks they dangle below the dog sint intra scrotum.
  7. Haiku Chain

    hope he's not a prince! playing naked billiards no euphemism.
  8. Discover Magazine: 5 Ways to Astral Project

    Nice font size ... I can almost read some of it.
  9. Haiku Chain

    water to rudder will you wash the piss pot please! i like to drink tea. The spring tree is me. What! You're a tree already? I'm just a sapling. (fixed but had to miss out one of Tom Lin's ... *hint* you supposed to use the last persons last line for your first!!!!!)
  10. I see you guys have achieved some kind of harmony.
  11. I never trust anyone who shaves their chest.
  12. What are you listening to?

    Oh! You need to move! can you see this version? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf4o03uSr4w&feature=relmfu
  13. Science of water

    http://www.uwtv.org/video/player.aspx?mediaid=16213809 interesting lecture on water .... science of liquid crystal effects.
  14. Science of water

    I don't know. he has written a book which is available on amazon which I plan to buy and read.
  15. you are your teacher

    Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather ... my teacher is kind of dominating
  16. Presidential Candidate Quiz

    I don't think the rest of world has ever heard of her. All we hear is Obama and that guy named after a baseball glove ... Mitt something who sounds like a bit of a dick to be honest. Anyway best of luck with the elections.
  17. Presidential Candidate Quiz

    http://www.isidewith.com/results/57441260 who the f*** is Gill Stein???? ... whoever she is apparently I agree with her. Jolly good ... glad I'm English now.
  18. Science of water

    This is not cold fusion which was highly dubious ... this is a simple potential difference caused by the boundary effect of the liquid crystal layer. As he described it, it as if the water had formed itself into a battery. It would be a weak effect but if it could be enlarged over a large surface area it would be a virtually free source of energy.
  19. I do not wish to be here

    "I'm too wishey washey wobby sobby to ever be Wu." Please set this to music ... I want to sing it in the shower.
  20. I do not wish to be here

    Frogs, horses, dragons ... the departure queue is getting longer and stranger ... I would give directions on how to leave but I heard that exit signs are on the way out.
  21. I do not wish to be here

    Did I mention a horse? Perhaps I should have done.
  22. I do not wish to be here

    Contemplating Christian in his/her absence is to contemplate the 'absence of Christian'. The subject thus being not his being but his non-being. Such that in not being here, he is in real sense here. Or that the negation of his being, in that he is not here, is in fact a quality of his being. If he did not or had never existed then his absence would have no meaning. Thus proving that in a very real sense once you become a TaoBum YOU CANNOT LEAVE ...IT IS FORBIDDEN BY THE LAWS OF EXISTENCE.
  23. I do not wish to be here

    This frog does not want to be here