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Everything posted by Apech

  1. At the moment I am just an Apple iDunno. You could measure the effect but then they would dispute the mechanism by which that effect is caused I suppose.
  2. Two basic rules of life are 1) never go back 2 ) never apologise I forgot to add mod privileges to some of the ppfs I set up ... so I, went back and added them, sorry 'bout that. A.
  3. Ah I didn't know about them. Is there any information on actual achievements or success in measurement? One thought is that scientific measurements take place with instruments which operate at the 'level' of the observed phenomena ... e.g. meters for electricity based on variations of magnetic field etc. ... so what kind of instrument would detect qi ... ??? Just thinking out loud.
  4. I think maintaining mutual respect is the key. As Voltaire said ... to paraphrase ... he did not agree with the other person but he would fight to the death for their right to say it. 'Something tangible to combine with subjectivity' ... well put I think. I like to take the pragmatic empiricism of science to my practice i.e. don't tell me what to believe - show me if it works. Anyway I just thought I'd butt in there for a moment ...
  5. Example of BBC hack job

    BBC very rarely gets the point on this kind of thing. Its like the real world is down the end of a microscope for them ... i.e. a long long way away and a bit strange and not quite understandable. Ah well good old aunty.
  6. *** Moderator Message *** Hello, This has been an interesting thread so far with a lot of information - and based by a genuine heartfelt query. I sense that the thread might fall into bickering if we are not careful. That would be unfortunate. If we don't agree on something that's fine but we simply have to state our own point of view and if necessary move on. Please remember the no insult policy it will be enforced. Thanks. *** Mod Message ends ***
  7. forest dwelling ....

    @informer ... impressive again! Biology is not my thing ... so forgive if this is a dumb question but is there some advantage to the dikaryote over the monokaryote having the increased growth rate ... or is it pure research?
  8. forest dwelling ....

    @informer ... impressive ... where did you find out how to grow the mushrooms?
  9. Hey Mark, I found this on Ancient Egyptians and cerebro-spinal fluid rhythm ... thought you might find it interesting.
  10. Didn't know you could use Kindle for this! Impressed.

    Possibly but if you have pain go to a doctor first. If there is nothing physical then ask your teacher.

    Go and see a doctor first make sure there is nothing physically wrong. What practice are you doing and why do you think this pain is related?
  13. Hello, I have the power to do this! Are you actually going to use it - cos I notice some naughty people asked for one and then never used it. They go to the bottom of the class and may have detention. So tell me j.fachao are you ready to go ... I mean in the ppf sense???
  14. Bad Memories and Love

    It is an odd and very unpleasant aspect of human nature that when people see what they perceive as weakness in another being, rather than try to help they attack, ridicule and insult. This is universally true and is not anything specific about you or the condition you find yourself in. That's the first thing to realise. Then you should recognise that although we are in effect individuals we are born into particular energy configurations. That is our environment as children and early life impact on us and give us a feeling tone and memories which tend to create a load of baggage which we carry around. So its important to remind yourself that you are not this collection of thoughts and feelings ... they are something associated with you but they are not you. You need to think that you are entitled to self fulfilment. You are entitled to seek joy and energy. So you need to regroup and if you can find a practice that boosts your personal power. Then you need to look at your experiences as if you posited them yourself in order to learn something ... and try to see what that thing(s) is/are. Sorry to cut short but got to go now.
  15. Depraved penguins

    The sun never set.
  16. Commonality among all Spirituality

    I think that different religions are actually (partly) codified ancient wisdom ... when I say ancient I mean well beyond recorded history say 150,000 to 200,000 years old. The differences reflect the way the same knowledge was expressed in different places, terrains, social conditions and so on. So after the last ice age maybe 10 - 12,000 years ago mankind started to settle and move to arable farming in fixed locales instead of hunter gatherer nomadic style ... then maybe 6,000 years ago we start to get the beginnings of recorded 'civilisation' and then history as we know it from 3000 BC (roughly) and then the beginning of extant religions maybe 2000 - 1000 bc eg. Vedic in India and Shamanistic Taoism in China and so on. Then a lot happening about 300 - 500 BC (Buddha, LZ, Greek pre-socratics like Heraclitus) ... then of course JC ... well you know the rest. Point being ... for over 100,000 years mankind was naturally spiritual along shamanistic lines and had 'easy' access to spirit world and so on. This access got less and less and more exclusive to particular people and grous as time went on ... and techniques to regain what was once natural had to be developed e.g. yoga, meditation, shaman using drugs, chanting, etc. etc.
  17. Depraved penguins

    I think you proved my point. English is much to lazy to make such a meal of one word. Yes I think I agree. The history of Europe is the history of attempts to rebuild the Roman empire ... including the dreaded European Union ... see the price we (and the Greeks) are paying for that conceit? Interestingly all the stuff that the Romans are famous for, technology and wotnot they stole from the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Phoenicians and so on. In fact lets have a Phoenician empire recreated ... that would be something to behold. Carthage rebuilt.
  18. Commonality among all Spirituality

    The usual date for the founding of the library is under Ptolemy Soter around 290 BC. Some say the original library was burned down by Julius Cesar in about 48 AD but that is not certain and in any case at least part of the collection was retained at the Serapeum. This was prob destroyed around the end of the Roman Empire about 400 AD and probably by Christians (of course). So yes Mohammed and Jesus came after the library but I think Buddha and Loa Tzu before I think. The Arabs did preserve a lot of Greek writing and this was then translated into Latin after the crusades which brought about the Renaissance. So a big thank you to the Muslims. ta.
  19. Depraved penguins

    Not completely true. Some codified information is necessarily so because of the kinds of ideas which are expressed. for instance the bagua could be said to be a certain kind of code ... but not one that is intended to hide knowledge but to present in a way which has to be earned by working on the concepts involved, realisation and application through which real understanding can arise. This as distinct from say the enigma code in WWII or the encryption of files on computers which is as you say deliberately intended to conceal information. There is a strong theory that English evolved in Britain through trade between Celtic Latin speakers, Saxons and other Germanic tribes and the viking/norsemen ... as a lingua franca specifically for trade ... this in someways shows why it is so strong internationally now ... because it has a very adaptive lexis and non-prescriptive syntax and grammar. Compare for instance with French where they regularly control imported words and try to protect its purity ... this makes French more closed off than English and less easy to speak in a street style ... which is what you need for a lot of trade/business. Latin of course is no longer a lingua franca ... this was only the case because of the Catholic Church and its hold on education and hearts and minds. The Hermetic tradition has always used Latin, Greek and Hebrew ... the older and perhaps source language Ancient Egyptian being completely dead at the fall of the Roman Empire. Christianity, god bless it, wiped out most of our heritage ... But even by the time this gentleman was writing about penguins (1911) it was still the case that the educated classes would have been fluent in Latin and Greek and these would have been the academic lingua franca. He was still of the opinion, presumably, that knowledge was for the elite because other people, not properly trained could not be trusted with it. I don't think this kind of thinking died out until after two world wars, especially the first which wiped out a generation of these kinds of people and exposed the aristocracy as being fallible.
  20. Depraved penguins

    Because Latin and to a certain extent Greek was the lingua franca in Europe where science was emerging. And actually English has the capacity to absorb words from different language bases particularly Latin and Germanic roots. As in moon and lunar. We don't talk about moon eclipses but we do talk about lunar eclipses. In medical science we talk about larynx and pharynx and not throat and voice box. Ok this might exclude some people who do not understand how these terms are applied but it allows people who need to be to be more precise. The fact is that knowledge did spread through the use of Latin and in a way which eliminated the need to translate continuously from French to German to English to Spanish and so on. Also remember there were many regional languages which are now truly dead. For a long time a minority of people living in France actually spoke what we would now recognise as French. The idea that someone using precise and yet not necessarily commonly understood terms is doing so to intimidate and exclude people is to attribute a motivation held only by a few on the many.
  21. Haiku Chain

    clinging to our own or touching someone else's could be arrested.
  22. I fear that if I tried to point you towards them it would be like being at the north pole and the needle would spin or hang meaninglessly in a random direction. Its up to you to start your own topics and post what you want (please no racism or porn etc ) more or less. You can delete other people's posts or keep them as you wish. You can post nothing in a kind of zen statement of emptiness if you like. The technical handbook is so large that if you want to have a copy I will have to arrange for three articulated lorries to deliver it and a team of 16 roadies to unload into your front yard. yes you guessed it there is no technical handbook. If you want to ask a specific question I will try to answer for you. Enjoy little cat.
  23. Commonality among all Spirituality

    Those three paradigms are a complete mish-mash of different ideas. Your main point seems reasonable, that humanity is 'progressing' over time but the sites you linked to are just full of unsubstantiated and rather strange assumptions. Also in the ancient world and many extant traditions we are not progressing but either fallen from grace. Why do we have to believe in beings living inside the earth who are more advanced? By the way Amenti is just Ancient Egyptian for 'West' or 'hidden' ... because the sun becomes hidden when it sets in the west.