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Everything posted by Apech

  1. A miscellany of physics

    Bravo! I think maybe some of the confusion for some people comes from the variety of types of particles that scientists talk about e.g. hadrons, leptons, baryons, bosons ... and so on. They are all ways of categorizing behavior and interaction. Using the word particle we still tend to have the image of a billiard ball ... i.e. something which in itself is hard and dense. But we also 'know' that this is not the case ... in fact hardness and density are characteristics of the macro world based on field energy interaction. There is no solid 'stuff' of which things are made. Atoms for instance are largely empty space. We have a common sense view of the world which tells us that solid things are dependable and real ... and we have quantum mechanics (a kind of unfinished project) which tends to tell us the opposite. If it were not for the fact that so much of our modern technology (including our computers) relies on quantum mechanical effects in semi conductors for instance ... a lot of people would reject it completely out of hand as being absurd. I can't remember which physicist it was who said 'forget the theory and do the numbers' (possibly Fred Hoyle) ... but that is what most scientists do. Those who do theorize start to produce interpretations which sounds like mysticism. Just a couple of thoughts.
  2. Free will

    Better to think you have, than to think you have not. But the truth is paradoxically you do but you don't. If you see what I mean.
  3. Haiku Chain

    now here, now there, gone shopping with my credit card all consuming mind.
  4. Ernest Rutherford said: "All Science is either physics or stamp collecting" ...so make that monster post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact start a new thread ... I promise to read.
  5. Quote from Richard Feynman (great physicist)
  6. Hi, I'm not going to try to explain physics again having fouled up with my mass-less bosons. In a way I think you are right to be skeptical because apart from anything else there is no doubt that in 100 years time (prob sooner) many current scientific models will be over turned. That's how its supposed to be I guess. Two things only ... the mass equivalence of energy has been demonstrated by experiment. And relativistic effects have also been verified for particles moving close to the speed of light. There is empirical data fro these things. I don't have it. You'll have to google around I suppose.
  7. Haiku Chain

    The hour of the Owl! Who has the wit to woo her? Midnight in silence.
  8. Thank you for this ... very interesting ... someone else already put me right on this mass thing. I need to read more ... I feel like a heavy boson myself.
  9. A very kind TB has corrected me by PM thus: I appear to have been talking out of the wrong orifice.
  10. Who are the top people out there?

    Oh please don't start squabbling you guys. A) on the 'top people' thing ... my answer would be I don't really care. I am a bit of a mercurial thief and taking good bits from whoever I find. Loving a teacher is good ... if you find genuine love ... but looking for a guru is a complete waste of time and energy. B ) on the belief thing ... my only belief is that I can understand (know or gnow as you choose) ... that it s possible to gain deeper and deeper realisation ... its not so much a belief as a working praxis I suppose ...
  11. Not the idea but the reality if it exists.
  12. Everything is forms or modalities of energy. But some of these forms have different qualities to others. Some forms i.e. particles called Fermions have mass, while others called Bosons do not. The way in which the Fermions acquire mass is speculated to be by interaction with the Higgs Field. The rule is that every interaction has a particle associated with it. The particle for electromagnetic interaction is the photon ... i.e. light ... which is a Boson i.e. a non mass bearing energy particle. The interaction particle for the Higgs field is the Higgs Boson which is what the Large Hadron Collider is looking for. Whats Einstein e=mc2 demonstrated is that the mass of a particle is just a form of energy.
  13. Who are the top people out there?

    How often do you say this? Oh to be a fly on the wall of your living-room.
  14. Haiku Chain

    seventeen word waste, excrement carefully placed, is feng shui pooey.
  15. Haiku Chain

    stony lonesome time future gone, past still to come, now, there is no now.
  16. Sure ... but what if they choose the burka but live in the West ... e.g. I think France has banned its use. In UK such a move was refuted by the Government on the basis that we don't tell people what to wear.
  17. And if the woman chooses to dress that way ... what then?
  18. Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene

    Sorry ... its just the title made me think of this ...
  19. Why does it matter? haha ... its called matter because it has mass causing gravity ... i.e. its not Dark Energy which hasn't and doesn't.
  20. Personal Practice Forum

    You could still do special meditation for a year if you like ...
  21. Personal Practice Forum

    Do you mean you want your own? or just you want to be able to access them. You should be able to access them now you have posted in the lobby.
  22. He's Under Seige, Hard to Kill and Out for Justice.
  23. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Shoe gazing no doubt. And on the subject of EM - electromagnetism and the like ... apparently it is said that there is a light that never goes out.
  24. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Yes ... supposed to and has are two different things IMO. Everyday is like Sunday ... not sure if this is relevant but you did mention Mozza.
  25. Scientific Approach to Practice

    I think the problem with science and Qi is that science, however empirical it is, has a paradigm of reality which automatically rejects certain ways of seeing the world. It presupposes a kind of dead mechanism for everything. The inclusion of sentience/consciousness as anything other than an epi-phenomenon is a no-no form the start.