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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Oh Fuck Yeah! Get Laid or Die Trying, BITCH!

    No I thought that's exactly how babies are made.
  2. helllo!

    Welcome to TTbs Enjoy your stay.
  3. Oh Fuck Yeah! Get Laid or Die Trying, BITCH!

    Tell us something we haven't worked out ourselves.
  4. Oh Fuck Yeah! Get Laid or Die Trying, BITCH!

    Is this step one in the TBs keep a thread going technique?
  5. Oh Fuck Yeah! Get Laid or Die Trying, BITCH!

    Yes I think this was basically the point I was trying to make. You have to think about the overall affect on yourself and everyone you come into contact with if your approach is to try to deliberately lower someone's value. Maybe it works I don't know but what is happening in the energy dynamic between the people involved?
  6. Damn if we win Ya Mu will exercise the judgement of Solomon and cut the disk in half!
  7. What are you listening to?

    http://www.youtube.c...h?v=KXgoqG7ZU94 Opposite's attract When the female and male come in contact Sticky situation in fact
  8. Tulku, The world ending for you might mean enlightenment. The world could be seen as a testing ground for Saints/Bodhisattvas and not a 3d Prison. If it ends of itself - then so be it but don't wish for it so much. Look for happiness and the causes of happiness ... please. A.
  9. Me and myself

    Stick around on TTBs for a few years and it will sound normal .
  10. Me and myself

    Hi, Aaron I think you have some courage sharing this with us. I kind of agree with the 'have a beer' approach but only in the sense that if you focus too much on this sort of thing then it can get more 'real' (in an obsessive way) and less easy to understand. In some ways we are all legion ... that is until we achieve a high level of integration then our personality is fragmented ... most people would confess to doing things out of character and we mostly have an internal dialogue which includes one part of ourselves commenting on the other parts. We have many parts. Not everybody experiences these as being separate entities but it is not a million miles from ordinary experience. I would suggest that you meditate (in a light hearted way) on emptiness and then examine these experiences for what they are and try to see what your Self is trying to tell you (if you see what I mean). Probably good to have someone to work with you on this one-to-one if you can find someone with the right listening skills. My 2 c. A.
  11. The Double Bind

    If you read the above post and it made some sense - then you need urgent medical assistance ... it's a spambot I just banned.
  12. Put your date of birth in and you can see where this occurred on world pop graph and some other interesting stuff about population changes by country. BBC website
  13. If you were shot they would not be missing you ... not from close range anyway.
  14. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    OK I'll hold my hands up and say that I may be very sensitized to racism and 'the Pit' may have been a step too far. I am quite concerned though that in researching for replies on here to the questions about race that the stuff on youtube is almost entirely based on aryan supremacy or similar. However reading Blavatsky on the Root Races I see this is a completely different thing (although slightly odd/crazy in my opinion). Anyway it seem to be the will of the TBs that this goes to Off Topic ... so there it goes .
  15. I'm sure everyone in Belarus is missing you.
  16. Yes - that graph of population rise is truly scary. (I'm sure no-one is quite like you )
  17. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    I assume there's a Bardon iPhone app available now that does the 20 mins for you.
  18. General Discussions

    Best wishes Rene and welcome back.
  19. Chi manipulation to Elemental energies?

    An enlightened man with a very frustrated and disappointed wife ....