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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Just dropping in to say "Hi"

    Stiggyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! Yo.
  2. New and confused!

    Hi Thomsun, Welcome to TTBs - suggest you post your question as a topic in Taoist discussion ... you'll probably get plenty of answers ... all you will have to do is decide if you agree with any of them. Apech
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 21 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Hi TS, We've discussed that one at length - read the thread(s) on it maybe someone has already answered your question. Manitou, Thanks for that answer!!!! Great. The path is not easy.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 21 of the Tao Teh Ching

    This chapter makes me think about how difficult it is to follow the Tao - especially in worldly pressured situations. The world seems to demand certainty (where often it doesn't really exist) and being subtle doesn't wash. I saw a film today with Will Smith called Pursuit of Happiness (didn't really like the film cos the end just seemed to justify the system) but as a character he was being pressurized by forces into being corporate man - pushing himself into something unnatural ... and I thought how bad that is - but when the answer is something fluid and subtle (evasive) how does it get the strength to 'be' in that kind of environment. (sorry if this doesn't make sense)
  5. Tao te Ching book study

    Same to you ... beijinhos. PS. You have transformed from a green blob into an orangey thingy ... profound.
  6. Google ads way too invasive

    Yes I think that's the answer - I checked with my other browser (Safari) and I do get annoying adds. So Firefox with adblock ... that is our new mantra! P.S. yes I dropped the 7 it was very 2010 I thought. PPS. I am going to move this to tech support its not really a Book Club thing.
  7. Tao te Ching book study

    Hi, Yep I started by joining in but all my recent sessions have been moderation activity thanks to certain other threads - I'll try to get back to it.
  8. Google ads way too invasive

    Hi, Did you mean to post this in the Book Club - I can move it to Tech Support if you want. Apech PS. I don't get google ads - maybe cos I'm on Firefox with adblock not sure.
  9. Online Tibetan practice program

    From the period when I practiced vajrayana (karma kagyu) I can't imagine receiving teachings online - maybe shedra type study of the philosophical view but not transmissions ... I'm not saying this doesn't have any value but I would try to meet my teacher and develop a personal connection as without that I'm sure how much benefit can develop.
  10. Haiku Chain

    Seeing all, the hills Are our watchtowers you see, Look out and look up.
  11. The Ideology of Exclusivity

    It's : htp di nsw dhwty = offerings given by the king to Thoth (god of wisdom).
  12. The Ideology of Exclusivity

    Politicians use hate and difference as a way to control people. Some mystics are overwhelmed by their subjective experiences which makes them think they are some kind exclusive link to God - a prophet or whatever - people like this are to be avoided IMO.
  13. Hi!

    Welcome Dale, Enjoy your stay at TTBs. A.
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 19 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Hi, Plenty of western philosophers have been mystics - but quite often it has been hidden by academics/the Church - because this type of thinking was suppressed in the west - while in the est this didn't happen as much.
  15. Didn't Lao Tzu say something along the lines of 'becoming male while holding to the female?' ... a realized being (for want of a better term) would be the most attractive person in the room (elephant or no elephant).
  16. Cake Corner

    pasteis feijao Cakes made with beans! yummy
  17. Cake Corner

    I baked this pie: it's not a cake ... but I make no excuses ... it can hold it's head high in pastry world.
  18. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    Ninpo, Don't think that we have not considered these moderation options. Offense against a jam rolly polley is clearly a crime against all puddings in general. I believe this has been discussed in the International Court of Baking Rights and is actually law punishable by immersion in Angel Delight (or other blanc mange type product.)
  19. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    *** Moderation reminder *** To all posters on this thread, these are the guidelines: Causes for moderation action: * Making personal insults of other members * Stalking and unduly harassing other members * Profanity and vulgar language * Threatening other members in any way * Discrimination whether based on gender, race, religion, culture or creed * Posting images that would be deemed offensive to the general public * Unwarranted spam * Links to malicious websites * Links to websites that would violate these guidelines * Illegal content (ie: links to download copyright software) * Content that jeopardizes someone's privacy in an unsafe way or is otherwise dangerous to their safety * Excessively and deliberately hijacking threads * Overtly and incessantly trying to convert others (will be considered as spamming) Discrimination is not ok whatever your personal beliefs or intent. Please avoid generalizations based on race which suggest inferiority and so on. Thank you. *** Mod Apech ***
  20. There be Dragons

    Is your dragon coughing from the cigarette or is it lighting up for others?
  21. The Moon Is Bright Tonight!

    yep - nice pic! you can embed the pics in your posts if you use the icon that looks like a pic and says 'insert image' - you just need the url from flickr.
  22. The Moon Is Bright Tonight!

    open a flickr a/c post on there and link to here (that's how I post media).
  23. Tao beats Buddha

    Google insights Vaj eat your heart out
  24. The Moon Is Bright Tonight!

    Moon very bright here tonight. Last night a moon-bow ... a ring of light around the moon (caused by ice crystals in upper atmosphere I think). BTW my neighbour plants his onions only at a late crescent/new moon - anyone else come across this?
  25. Cake Corner

    What's a 'bisquick biscuit' ... is it something evil?????