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Everything posted by Apech

  1. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Is it? Presumably then that would mean that consciousness is the product of complexity so that something which is not conscious - matter - becomes conscious through its circuitry ... to me anyway this seems absurd.
  2. Haiku Chain

    b'raised by sun and moon and quickened by mercury alchemical child.
  3. Haiku Chain

    cause I love you'se all I have stripped myself naked skin plucked like a hen
  4. What is Suffering?

    I think the idea that existence = suffering puts a lot of people off Buddhism and is actually confusing because dukka, although it can be translated as suffering has the broader meaning of conditionality. The enlightened mind does not depend on anything for happiness - while the samsaric mind has fallen into the trap of thinking it does. Another way of looking at it is to say that there is no utopian earthly existence which liberate you from suffering - because no matter how perfect, balanced and blissful your life is, unless your mind is free from attachment to things then it is conditioned and at some time things will change. So even apparent blissful existence has the seeds for eventual suffering. Desire (together with ignorance and hate) is one of the drivers which keeps the wheel spinning. We think "If only I had that ... I would be happy". But its not really true, it might bring temporary happiness but that's the best you can expect from any external thing. But its not really about crushing desire, more about being wary of its nature and outcomes. Desire itself is a force or energy which has become mixed with confusion. Ultimately, freed from attachment it becomes a force for liberation. Same goes for wishing for a better life for yourself and others. Bt the Buddhist position would be that really any better life or happiness comes together with liberation/enlightenment independent of external causes (which are misunderstood by our confused and unenlightened minds anyway). I am not into the Buddhism/Taoism sparring which happens here.
  5. Haiku Chain

    only the shadows spend the day out of the light shades but no sun tan.
  6. Haiku Chain

    thoughtfully forge on but answering your own haiku can make you go blind. ...or so my mum told me
  7. RE: The Buddha Bums

    Ralis, The suffering which Buddhism addresses is the mental delusion resulting from attachment. It can be the suffering arising from conditionality, from attachment to sense objects which are ephemeral and also the suffering of pain, old age and disease and so on. Buddhism sees the world as samara, that is an endless cyclical 'existence' which is actually a projection of deluded consciousness. The way - the eightfold path - does not attempt to end suffering in the world but seeks to liberate the individual consciousness so as to free it from being engrossed in the suffering of samsara. The success of Buddhism can only be assessed by asking how many enlightened beings it has produced and not by looking at the amount of suffering in the world. Anyway that's how I see it.
  8. Haiku Chain

    panics, yells: "Makeup!" "Make up what?" comes the reply, "Another haiku!".
  9. Haiku Chain

    iron tongue chi kung builds lots of inner strength, but then iths hard to shpeak.
  10. Haiku Chain

    Oops!! The glass has spilled! Tongue licks the frothy pool dry Tastes better this way.
  11. Haiku Chain

    the sky was falling? lucky then its reinstated I like it up there.
  12. Haiku Chain

    Then drink with the moon Or dine out with the planets Start with a big bang.
  13. max

    I have read that the Vedic culture came with an invasion of "Aryan" peoples from the north and may have over run the Indus Valley culture (although this an old interpretation). I am a bit skeptical about claims that Bon is a former Buddhist cycle as this seems to me like an attempt by Buddhism to assimilate (and subsume) the earlier religion into theirs - much like Christianity absorbed pagans gods as saints and so on. It also justifies Buddhists using shamanism - because this way it is not strictly non - Buddhist. What I would like to ask, anyone who knows, is what is Bonist about the first vid? Do Bonists actually practice in this way? I have never seen anything to suggest they do. Can someone explain? Thanks.
  14. Haiku Chain

    jump in the shower and jump on the trampoline just jump, don't care where.
  15. Haiku Chain

    O! Orgasmic Bliss! So total it never ends till its all over.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Who counts the moon too? Ancient hunter gatherers Stalk in sliver light.
  17. Haiku Chain

    Burn the Burning Man Then send us the match report a strike for freedom?
  18. Haiku Chain

    jot down her number Ciao baby! Wanna meet up? 'Drop dead?' 'Loser?' Sheesh!
  19. Haiku Chain

    lost in the index footnote to my appendix symbol on my tongue
  20. Haiku Chain

    bookmarks forgotten scribbled notes in the margin, illegible truths.
  21. Haiku Chain

    nor covered over although life made me hard backed, dog eared and yellow.
  22. Haiku Chain

    Life springs forth re-newed I wasted that weed-killer concrete and jungle.
  23. Haiku Chain

    good every way that bumps this thread to page one from four where it was.
  24. Haiku Chain

    alchemy, freedom tea, sympathy and semen what more do you need?
  25. Good vid from lizard conspiracy man David Icke: vqMK_yu8APg