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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Those a countries of different size and population density - here are Portugal and Sweden deaths - the two most similar countries in terms of population ( 10 m): Portugal has used lockdowns - and was the European 'gold standard' for the first wave. Lockdowns don't really stop the virus they just redistribute.
  2. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    As to lockdown versus non-lockdown - compare Sweden to Uk to see that there are other ways of doing things:
  3. I didn't even realise this was a sensitive topic - when I mentioned it earlier I was talking about language groups. It would be surprising in a place as large as India if there were not different languages and groups of languages wouldn't it? After all Europe has many languages - including non IE langauges.
  4. Sam Harris and Rupert Spira

    Wow! Excellent!!!
  5. yep - I guess we need to be clear what we mean by civilisation. ... and it ain't us
  6. Thanks for the link - that is interesting. Test Cricket is still the game of games - but who has five days to spare anymore
  7. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

  8. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    I'm slightly suspicious about the negative publicity around the astrazeneca vax. At one point they were saying it didn't work on over 65s - but that turned out to be just that the testing didn't adequately cover that group. Maybe it doesn't work so well for the SA variant ... but I suspect what we are witnessing are big pharma wars over profit since the AZ vax is cheaper than the others.
  9. If you can link to those 7500 BC settlements I would like to read it. Are you going to scourge the game of cricket too? I hope not.
  10. The IVC is dated 3300 - 1300 BC. The Ghaggar-Hakra river dried up about 1900 BC. Yes - Paleolithic! Two different language groups. Yes it is - far too politicised. You do know that the British Empire is dead and gone don't you?
  11. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Don't you have Pfizer? My parents have had it and seem ok - my sister has had the astrazeneca version ... she seems to have survived. In Portugal there have been numerous scandals where politicians and health officials have given the vaccine to friends and family. The program is now under a vice Admiral from the Navy so there's no messing. Meanwhile I hide in my bunker.
  12. I don't think anyone is disputing that India was not under ice during the ice age - or that there was human occupation. But where is the evidence for anything that might be called a civilisation? I don't think cave painting do it really since they exist in many places going back to maybe 35,000 BC and even before.
  13. From what I understand the Afghanistan/Pakistan area was subject to continuous migration and trade based movement of people for all of what we might call the historical period. Also to call the Proto-Indo-Europeans Central European is stretching a bit. As you probably are aware what we now call Europeans were the product of at least three distinct migrations (or even 'replacements') over the last 7-8,000 years. So there was no population which could have been meaningfully called European at any time before then. The oldest Indian civilisation that we know about was the IVC ... so where exactly was this proposed 14,000 year old culture, which part of the sub-continent and what was their history?
  14. Well ... Max Muller died in 1900 and no-one as far as I know subscribes to his views - it would be like saying Egyptologists still follow Wallis-Budge and so on. The migration theory is supported by genetics and linguistics - and to some extent by archeology - so that is why it persists. I can completely understand why it is galling for a culture as old and noble as the Indic/dharmic one to be lectured by upstart Europeans but that doesn't mean you can justify a narrative without proof. Well, you can of course if you choose to but then expect some kickback.
  15. By western narrative do you mean archeology, genetics and linguistic studies? And what does traditional knowledge mean? Just asking - don't get cross. ( ).
  16. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    !?! https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/02/01/962821038/the-mystery-of-indias-plummeting-covid-19-cases?utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/
  17. Systems and Outlines, Purpose/Goals

    Sorry Luke just my stupid sense of humour.
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Hmmm I wonder where he is .....
  19. Systems and Outlines, Purpose/Goals

    Congratulations Luke you'll make a wonderful mother.
  20. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    @Eggsistentialist Hi, It's good that you had this awakening 20 years ago and have come back to it. Scary energy and images is normal. I would say don't jump for any system which attempts to 'explain' this to you particularly. To normalize the energy - by which I mean make it integral and so on - you need to do a lot of work. Its like something hits you and say 'right sort that out' and in sorting it out you learn a lot. particularly that your mind - which directs energy - has different types of perception. If you can learn to switch from one type to another - then the energy will start to balance itself. If this doesn't make any sense to you - ignore it Cheers and best wishes, A.
  21. The Perils of Meditation

    A life of suffering
  22. Western rationalism and (to be fair) quite a lot of Buddhist responses to Western culture have worked to 'sanitise' Buddhism to the point where it almost becomes unrecognisable. If you listen to the audio interview you will hear the interviewer try to push 'mindfulness' as similar in nature to Buddhist magic (in that it has practical benefit) but the author kind of side steps this. I think the key is that if your world view includes 'entities' and forces in a field of infinite possibilities on multiple levels then you can't count out magical effects as being possible and real. Of course for a Buddhist magic or healing or divination should not be of primary concern since you are seeking liberation not greater binding into worldly aims and so on - so it is a kind of dangerous side-path and not mainstream. But given that Buddhists (including monks) of all eras (including the very earliest) have done this sort of thing then it has to be accepted as valid.
  23. Self vs No-Self
