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Everything posted by NeutralWire

  1. .

    Mal good quote and they are saying the same thing which is nice. NW
  2. .

    cat -- I knew you understood, from your recent posts about Kunlun. I just quoted a chunk of Glenn in Lino's thread which you might like... mal -- I'm working really hard on a system for exactly this kind of issue. The methods Bardon gives can be augmented. I am very instinctive in how I discover these things but I am now trying to systematize. My goal long-term is to get people going on Bardon from a different perspective, more flowing... believe me it can be done. What Glenn taught combines well with Bardon, but everything else on the western 'high magic' trail, eg. Golden Dawn, has somehow never interested me at all. One of the secrets to combining this stuff is a combination of Rawn's 'Archaeous' with the Frantzis technique of dissolving. Right now I am here just tootling around for company and absorbing what's around with you all you people but one day I want to get more people's minds running on these methods if they turn out to be interested. Well the teachers who are around now seem like good people. I can say that if you had Glenn to confer with you were still basically on your own, and he admitted as much. He thought it was good for you. I helped organize Glenn seminars in London, sold some of his books, and interviewed him -- got plenty of oral transmission, but unfortunately it turned out that to get wisdom that way you need to be able to take a hint, which at the time, I couldn't. All best wishes, NW
  3. .

    You know these replies confirm some of the thoughts I had about Glenn's path. He was such a loose guy partly because he had wonderful good fate, everything just worked. To say it outright, all of the energy difficulties people have w/ KAP would be solved if they worked on their personalities first. The same is probably true of any other method that produces unforeseen awkardness and/or and discomfiting side effects on those who who haven't enquired who exactly this person is. I've been re-reading 'Path Notes', inspired by some KAPers, and it's still one of the best books on spiritual development ever. A master, no doubt. But he was not someone who spelled things out. He left it for you to find and most don't know how; I didn't. I can see what he was about much more now but at the time I missed everything because his chosen style of teaching was not plain and clear the way Bardon's is. At one point he says: Well it's true. But it's just one sentence and you can ignore it; in practice Glenn did ignore it, meaning he didn't insist on it -- if you thought you were ready he took your word for it, but I wasn't adult enough nine years ago to have my word count. I knew squat. What in Glenn's work is a single remark thrown out liberally becomes in Bardon's a whole step to either complete or falter on. I personally needed that toughness to sort it out and I think many might be similar. You have to really go for it. Cleansing the psyche: that's the secret, that and nothing else. There are alot of good methods, and I hope to provide more one day... but you'll find your own. The point is, it really works and it makes everything else work. All best wishes, ~NeutralWire~
  4. .

    *bump* No more here?
  5. karen -- just as a thought for your deliberations on that. You've mentioned several times that the decision to become ill is made in order to learn, my question is really, how do you actually access that decision so that you can review it? Do you have any particular way? I mean, in this system do you see that you have made this decision to use the energy in a particular way, and thereby become well from learning what needed to be learned? This must be something that happens, no? That people say, I see now why I decided to be ill?

    I agree with you of course concerning how writers of fiction function. I should explain though that using stories for healing is not really the same thing. The stories might have little or no literary or artistic value, in fact you would never really consider them in that light; if you read some of Milton Erickson's stories just as stories, you would say they were very boring and pointless! But using those techniques one can make major changes in the soul in a deliberate manner, consistent with the Bardon-style practices, this is the intent. You write, knowing that what you write will cause specific images and feelings in your reality to change, rather than to access the feelings and images themselves. This happens through psychological association of images in the energy body. Many of the same things can happen working this way as happen with fiction writing too -- spontaneous things of course. But still it's not 'art' or meant to have a public audience of any kind, this is the big difference. You use diction that works rather than diction which sounds good, and you work in a specific manner. Some public stories do have a healing effect too, and I think are intended to. I remember hearing there were both Hindu and Islamic practices of healing using stories, and Pythagoras is said to have healed people by reading passages of Homer to them. But this might have been to do with their meter -- physiologically the hexameter has been studied and found to help your heart! -- see this article, Reading Hexametric Rhyme Supports Cardiac Synchronization, Especially After A Heart Attack, The artistic use of writing to explore feeling-images can be very helpful in cathartic healing too of course! But there are also other ways to get at the feeling-images too for the less artistic. The practice I've been designing takes you step-by-step from a specific psychological problem to a solution in the form of a series of image-feelings and so on. Story is probably the best way to use that info. Still working on it! NW

    Well you might know that the initial stages of Bardon have you working with your personality to make it more balanced & positive, get self-knowledge and find your way about, etc. This is a practice that developed out of that. I will essentially use Ericksonian techniques to tease out what needs to change, and add in other techniques too of course. I can't say too much more about it right now, but one day I hope to offer it up to my fellow Bardonists as a new technique to help with their practice -- any anyone else too of course! Essentially with storytelling you go into a trance, and this happens even with writing a story too. You use what I call 'approach technique' which means, images that remind you of key things that you are changing, and you scoop them up into a story that leads you to look at things in a different way, or express those things in a different way. What's very interesting is how incredibly similar it gets, when you add energy techniques, to what karen talks about when she explains Heilkunst. It is about putting something into yourself that has a deliberate magical effect on your system, like a seed. Stephen and Carol Lankton had a huge influence on me; they were Ericksonian and wrote some unbelievably good books about using storytelling for change, including one called 'Tales of Enchantment'. But what I discovered was that, if you put yourself into it more as a self-directed practice, it becomes a whole other thing that can have profound effects. As time has gone on I have refined it and brought in more and more of the magical techniques... I will write more on this one day. NW

    I also stopped a while back. Personally I have a theory about it. There are lots of people who use books like that as bases for spiritual practice -- had you noticed? Taylor Ellwood and Storm Constantine... Lord of the Rings Tarot, etc. You probably know about that. I can't help noticing, esp. looking back over the Greek myths now, just how much stories are intended to naturalize a spiritual practice in oneself. That is precisely the role of mythology and it's a reflex going back a long time -- spirituality has always been connected with storytelling, and not least here, where the Bards reigned so long. I feel people are doing the same thing with the fantasies as well. The same reflex is at work. Some people do treat the LoTR like it was scripture, they will learn Elvish and so on. They are trying to bring it to life just as a Rabbi would the Torah, and it is playing a role not dissimilar to the one that the new Orphic mythologies played in Greece actually. I personally am learning Ancient Greek, where someone might learn Elvish! Sounds daft but I think it has something to it. With one difference -- there's no real practice behind it necessarily. Orpheus saw right through and was experienced in travelling to the other side; Tolkien would write about things like that too but he was no Orpheus! At a certain point I realized I needed something more real, and at that point, fantasy fell by the wayside, but I still do find some of those ideas in myself, because it awakened my imagination as a kid... I just have my priorities different and have stopped trying to get too much out of what, in the end, is entertainment. I still think, though, that fantasy came along at the right time to have that influence in the culture, opening things up and away from paradigms that existed then. I also think about gaming that way -- I notice that the excellent Phore plays D&D. I never was a big player but I really liked the idea of it. And I notice that some of the more sophisticated games, eg. Runequest, are quite on the money as far as my own view of spirituality is concerned! Which is interesting. (Mind you wasn't the designer of that a practicing shaman?) Maybe I should come back around to fantasy and try to deal with it differently now. One of the reasons I might is that I am very much using storytelling now to effect self-change. I got that practice from Milton Erickson... but somehow, I haven't yet managed to get back and actually read any fantasy in the last decade or so. Maybe the 'Dark Crystal' thing will prompt some more investigating, but the problem is, I have all this new stuff now... All best wishes, ~NeutralWire~

    Oh yeh! Love that stuff. Mind you my favourite was always... you can guess... 'A Wizard of Earthsea.' And there was 'The Book of Three' as well, very Welsh. Way OT now but did you ever see 'The Dark Crystal'? Watched it again the other day, it's really good actually!

    Sp is correct. The Mabinogion stories came out of a couple of different medieval manuscripts, one of which (The 'Red Book of Hergest') is collected in that four ancient books volume. Mabinogion was not used as a name for that collection until later on, by Lady Charlotte Guest I think, first translator of those tales into modern English. NW
  11. Eye of Horus

    I thought you might say something like that, personally I'm going to give him a miss for the mo.
  12. .

    I didn't do KAP but I got a transmission from Glenn. Personally I have no complaints in terms of energy or amount of fireworks, but I later came to prefer the Bardon practice. NW
  13. Virtue is...


    Nah, those are a couple of centuries later on and written in English. And as usual Hugo you have chosen the most expensive copy you can find! The Black book of Carmarthen was written in Welsh. Bound together with some others it features as 'Four Ancient Books of Wales' eg: ... as usual I've chosen the cheapest copy I could find lol. There are also other early Arthurian romances like those of Chretien de Troyes: ... these were written in French verse. Well they would be favourite, but bottom line: no-one knows for sure. All best wishes, ~NeutralWire~
  15. Eye of Horus

    And does the sacred-geometrical idea enter your own assessment of this? I haven't read Schwaller de Lubicz but is he your kind of deal? NW
  16. Thanks again, interesting. I will delve into this when I get the chance. NW
  17. Eye of Horus

    Fascinating. Did the fractions actually appear in ancient texts? Another thing I've certainly never heard of before... NW

    Right, that's one of those four books. Lots of other stuff about Taliesin too, who I find extremely interesting. Looking forward to this when I get a moment. NW
  19. Thanks for that, very interesting.
  20. ghosts
  21. TO ALL - attention! something to discuss!

    Smartie and diet coke?
  22. Raw vs refined

    Not my practice; can't comment. NW
  23. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. Your inchoate wish causes the North Dakota State Bisons to 'go far' in the Division II National Championships; however, they are disqualified for the use of Taoist magic in a crucial 4th down play. I wish everyone would just settle down and get on with it.
  24. Thanks to all for their instructive comments. Anyone: I'm interested in all systems which have medical effects but which use less or no electrical power. Would these items fall into that category? Once made, do they continually work? How long do they last? How much energy do they take to make? Thanks, NW
  25. ghosts

    In my opinion there are many, many beings that could be called 'ghosts'. In the west the term tends to be used for an etheric shell of a dead human being. However I've noticed that in China they like to use the word 'ghost' where we would use the word 'spirit'. If we are really talking about spirits, this is a much much bigger subject. There are huge numbers of types of being that you could consider a 'spirit' -- a small incomplete list off the top of my head: 1. An extruded astral body of a living human being (happens all the time unconsciously) 2. A being on the etheric level right above ours living its normal life (fairy/elf/tengu) 3. The intelligence of a plant, tree, mountain, building, nation... 4. The created thought form of a magician (or very emotional human being) 5. The created living spirit in a piece of living statuary (as described in a recent article by me: ) 6. Any of many forms of astral wildlife not covered by the above. 7. The beings of the elements. 8. The daimons. 9. Not to mention, if you are a Native American, a god. NW