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Everything posted by UTI

  1. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Wow, sounds interesting! I'll have to read more about it, and continue with the practice. Maybe I wont step in there again, these things usually only appear metaphorically for me once or twice, then they go over to function as they're accepted into "the programming". This meditation technique really keeps surprising me. It keeps going deeper, opening things up. It's really like tracing the "problems" that have arisen with time back through history, one by one, and correcting them. It's a funny coincidence that I chose to start bettering my eyesight at the same time as I started with this. I keep reliving past experiences that made me limit myself when treating my eyes, bringing locked up emotions back out. It's an amazing feling after training. The lower dantian is mildly warm and feeling like a kettle of soup just off the fire, legs springy, everything relaxed in the body (I'm starting to understand liuhe-jargon a bit more recently...), and the whole body opens out into the eyes. I do wonder what will come next, and I do love to wonder.
  2. The Eyes and Soul

    Don't have the link, it was in one of darin hamel's "chunyi lin yadda yada" threads. yeah, maybe it's a question of what energy? Excess is never any good, obviously. But in my opinion, all energy can be changed/transformed. When focusing on the eyes and spreading joy, acceptance, curiosity and love in them, the previously stagnant energy starts recirculating, the muscles relax, and the vision improves.
  3. The Eyes and Soul

    I really don't do it that long. Two times a day, for around 5 minutes each time. I'm not sure, but I think it's mostly about the intention, and about keeping an awareness in the eyes during the rest of the days. Thanks!
  4. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Had an experience with this that may be insignificant, but I'll state it anyways. I followed the meditation as usual, and was at the third eye turning my focus around. This time i felt that when I looked inwards my focus was off, like I wasn't looking at the right place (I was glancing up more towards the left hemisphere). I adjusted my line of sight to go straight in, inbetween the two hemispheres, so what I was seeing was more like a road between two great mountains, or like the entrance to a deep valley. I started moving inwards, through the "valley", towards the center of the brain. A bit on the way I saw something new, a cube made of pulsing light where I usually pass by on heading further inwards. I go closer to look, interested in what it may be. This is where it may become insignificant due to the dreamy nature of the vision. when I get close enough I come upon the entrance to a palace grounds. At first it was keeping it's distance as I approached, but I managed to "just be there" after a while. When I step in two guards approach me, saying the palace is for the king only. I answer that I am the king, and they reluctantly let me pass. The palace has a long shallow pool in front of it, and is very lofty and open. Just one room with a throne in it, open to all sides except behind. Come to think of it, it all looked a bit like the Lincoln memorial. I step up in front of the throne, and ask who's there, the throne answers emptiness. A long conversation later, about the nature of myself and why I should be allowed to sit on the throne as a part of emptiness (it wanted a very good reason to let me up, understandably so...)it let me sit. When I sat down, my mind went completely blank, and it was more as if my consciousness, all at once, radiated from the point I was at, outwards in all directions. I have felt it somewhat before, but then it was more as if there were still some stray thoughts and ideas floating around, and I was more or less collected and focused into emptiness. This was as if all the "light" had gone into the upper center, and simply sat there radiating. I sat there a while, but eventually I had to take leave. Paralells can be drawn to Taoist literature, but I've read it a bit too many times for it to be spontaneously the same experience. My guess is I was dreamy and helped create the vision. But then again, I'll see where I end up today. If the palace is there I may want to think about working a bit on the decoration. Some koi in the pool perhaps, and a few trees with beautiful birds in them...
  5. Beginning Taoist Practices

    That's cool, I see the same thing, only not a 2d image. Landing in the middle of the brain after travelling down the optic nerves, having a view of the whole brain. There the light spreads, eventually filling the whole body. I stopped having trouble with the technique when I started visualizing the sun with eyes closed. Open-eyed visualization was just too much for my scope of concentration together with the technique. Perhaps I'll pick that up at a later point, when I have it all down clearer. Been working with the 100 days book, it adds a lot to it, I'm really glad I'm doing it. Also, the inner smile and healing sounds feel really good
  6. Falun Gong Crackdown Movie!

    I have nothing against falun gong, but that movie felt like the asian version of "The Watchtower". Perhaps because I didn't watch for too long. I'll try to wrestle through a bit longer and see if I change my mind.
  7. That's crazy! and in the second part she gets depressed after weighing herself, because she weighs under 600 pounds. She obviously gets a lot of attention for it, so it's not that strange that she feels happy being fat. Too bad though, she could have developed joy for something that lets her live three times as long as she will, and allows her to experience life on all levels, not just one kind of sensation.
  8. Yip Man 2

    Nice! I really liked the first one, it was a great action movie.
  9. Push hands

    Yeah, practice practice practice, it's not something you learn by only repeating movements or doing exercises alone. I shouldn't say too much though, I'm not good at pushing hands. At the last place I trained eventually beat my teacher and his senior student, but where I train now my teacher is having me focus on getting the basics right before I start practicing pushing hands under him. He's very adamant on learning to relax, have the right alignments, and using force properly from all angles without loosing one's center. I agree with him, there's no real point trying to wrestle down his students with poorly understood theory and too much force. I'd only mess my intuition up. Practice practice practice.
  10. Relationships with older women

    Wow, that story's crazy! anyways... My partner's older than me. I was twenty when I met her, and she had just gotten divorced. Before her I had a relationship with a 30-year old. I live with her, her two children from the previous marriage, and our daughter. Works great! I could never imagine being with someone younger than me, for some reason.
  11. Tao And Science

    "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart does an awesome job linking together science and religion. Everyone should read it, at least a dozen times. I'm just getting started on my second round. "McTaggart, an investigative journalist, describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian science with quantum physics and, most importantly, science with religion. At issue is the zero point field, the so-called "dead space" of microscopic vibrations in outer space as well as within and between physical objects on earth. These fields, McTaggart asserts, are a "cobweb of energy exchange" that link everything in the universe; they control everything from cellular communication to the workings of the mind, and they could be harnessed for unlimited propulsion fuel, levitation, ESP, spiritual healing and more. Physicists have been aware of the likelihood of this field for years, McTaggart writes, but, constrained by orthodoxy, they have ignored its effects, which she likens to "subtracting out God" from their equations. But, McTaggart asserts, "tiny pockets of quiet rebellion" against scientific convention are emerging, led by Ed Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, an alternative-science think tank. McTaggart writes well and tells a good story, but the supporting data here is somewhat sketchy. Until it materializes, McTaggart may have to settle for being a voice in the wilderness. Sketchy supporting data or not, it's an excellent read, and it TRULY ties Taoism to science. Not to say all other religion.
  12. Collection of facts

    He DID say he had no idea if there was a connection to the anna lindh murder. Another inaccuracy is the mention of the fuel lines being overly powerful at Denver. All airports pump fuel at that rate. It's needed since the fuel-depots are usually very far away, and there are several airplanes being fuelled at once. I suppose the spiral thing will be repeated as it comes closer, if it is a phenomenon caused by it. It really bugged me out... but I guess it's an opportunity to embrace the fragile nature of life, and the fact that death can come at any time.
  13. Collection of facts

    Talk about dropping a bomb on my mind Nothing to do but run to the hills when the devil comes flying across the sky...
  14. Beginning Taoist Practices

    That last bit sounds quite intense I've just started getting the hang of moving to the ridge and visualizing the light, my eyes geting tired soon and start to glide away on their own. But the past two days I've started to move forward a bit again. It suddenly felt as though I wasn't looking out through my two eyes, but rather through my third eye, looking down at the nose-tip. Somehow the visualization went much easier after that, and I started feeling the light moving into it. Gonna get a hang of it a bit more, then move on to what you said above. Thanks so much for the time and knowledge you've given us here! I have a feeling this will bring a new dimension to my practice if I stay on course. Also, got a copy of "100 days" in the mail today, I already do some of the stuff twice a day, but I will follow the course anyways as an appendix to what I already do If you want to share more with us, I have a feeling I'm far from the only one who wants to hear it! If nothing else, I will post again as this practice progresses. -uti
  15. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Ok, was just fishing to see if there was anything more to be said. Then I know how to progress, thank you!
  16. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Eric, I would be grateful if you could clarigy a bit what the intended result of the initial nose-gazing is. The reason is that I feel I am having different things happening every time I do it. This may not be bad, and this stuff is all indivudual I suppose, but it would be good for me to know what's sidetracking and what's something to work towards. What I've felt so far, that was what I figured as the most on-track instance, was working with the sun visualization and ridge of the nose. I felt the sensation increasing, and the visualised sun drawing up the nose, and moving into the eye-brow point. However, when I did it today, I felt the craziest tingling in my lower abdomen-nothing else. So, it sort of varies from day to day...
  17. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Really nice results so far, after a while when everything relaxes and the focus comes naturally it's like I feel something sucking in, sometimes to the center of the brain, sometimes it goes down the front the body. It's fast and very pleasant. I'll start also working on the ridge of the nose, and try the visualization with the sun you mentioned a while back.
  18. I became multiorgasmic

    There's a thread on here called "beginning taoist practices" which is probably perfect to latch on to. check it out. I also discovered the multiorgasmic thing, it took me quite a while to get straight though. Now, however, it's just a matter of choice for me. During an intercourse nowadays I usually have 2-3 dry orgasms, and if I haven't circulated enough and feel dense or clogged I ejaculate, otherwise I keep going all night. It's really amazing, more people shoud try it. I wouldn't have made it 4 months without ejaculating (though frequently having sex) without daily meditation...
  19. 我找一本书,李慶遠的長生總訣, 可是不能找到了。 个人知道哪儿卖这本书? I'm looking for Changsheng zongjue 長生總訣, by Li Qingyuan 李慶遠, but can't find where to buy it. Can anyone (who knows their way around chinese sites) help me out?
  20. Beginning Taoist Practices

    That's great. Then I will continue with the massaging two times a day, minus visualization, and have the nose gazing before each session. To share my initial results with the nose gazing, I first found it difficult to find the tip of the nose by looking, much easier to close the eyes and just feel it. The second session, however, I felt the point between the eyebrow very clearly, and it was like there was a tingling string between the tip of the nose and the middle of the eyebrows. I'm very glad you've invited us to take part of this Eric
  21. Beginning Taoist Practices

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Eric! I'll be getting your book in a few days, look forwards to reading through it. I'll be doing the nose gazing too. I wonder, how does this mix in with previously done "foundation training". I followed the book "qigong; the secret of youth" by Yang Jwing-ming, which describes a method of massaging the abdomen coupled with meditation to build up qi in the dantian. I had what I percieved as a lot of success with this system, it revolutionalized my emotional, intellectual, and sexual life. However, when it came to the point where one starts working with the MCO, I felt the energy wasn't "right". It was either so strong that it blew my head out of orbit and made me conceited, or it wasn't present. I felt that, like what you said, I was only circulating messy qi. Would your 100 days book give me a window to find the right energy? Does it combine ok with the techniques of massage to stimulate fascia and increase qi, or is it better to abandon that and go over to the system you describe? Thanks a lot again! -Joakim
  22. Thanks for the link! I can read a bit chinese, I just started studying. I'm so glad you gave me the link, there's really no info about it in english!

    Gonna take out my dictionary and set about reading it :)

  23. Anti Aging Guy

    Is it just me, or is that site a complete lack of information? Does he say, anywhere, what his magical "cure" actually is? I bet it's something along the line of "eat a lot of yoghurt and go running a lot". I agree with DanC. There are easy ways to stay young, and they aren't exactly secret.