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Everything posted by Dreamingawake

  1. ramtha any opinions?

    back when evolution was first getting big, they didn't have any way to explain the existence of certain species. When this occurred, scientists would sometimes propose that they must have come from some now long gone island/continent which they would name after whatever creature they were trying to explain. In this case it was the ring tailed lemur which some guy proposed must have come from "lemuria." These critters have since then been explained and other than some guy making up a hypothetical island there was never any actual evidence to support or even point to the possibility of there being such a place as "lemuria." but apparently ramtha came from this island even though it was admittedly made up so it must be real http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemuria_(continent)
  2. How China will own you and your house

    I cant speak for past generations but i do know that Americans overwhelmingly opposed the !st bailout yet it happened anyway. In fact most Americans have been opposed to the majority of the governments actions for the past 8+ years but no matter who gets voted in or out (assuming the votes are still counted) the train keeps chugging along. Now we have a CHANGE of figurehead but so far its just Bush with darker skin. So yeah I guess it is our fault... Our ancestors would have had bloody revolution at least a decade ago (probably several) if they were here. But then they WERE called traitors to the crown and they did sign their own death warrants when they put ink to the Declaration of Independence. P.S. I'm not inciting revolution just remembering what the world was like before Big Brother domesticated the sheeple
  3. Global climate change.......

    The Whole point that those of us dont buy into this global warming crap are trying to make is that it's distracting people from real environmental issues. environmentalism has become a religion that has nothing to do with the beliefs that founded it. Instead of trying to stop the destruction of the rainforest or save endangered whales, were trying to fight carbon?!? further proof of environmentalism as a religion can be found in the fact that recycling is actually BAD for the environment. Aside from being ridiculously expensive, it also creates unbelievable amounts of toxic chemicals as a side effect that end up; guess where... in the environment proponents of global warming always try to draw the line in the sand between those that believe them and those that dont to make it look like anyone who doesnt support Gore's outright lie hates the environment. I would put forward that gore hates the environment because he diverting effort from REAL issues for his own political agenda. There are many issues that need to be addressed to protect our home but as long as people focus on this lie all these important problems get ignored.
  4. Global climate change.......

    probably one day but try not to let it get you down
  5. Global climate change.......

    which terms to you need me to google for you? solar causes for global warming? here http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...rs-warming.html here http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/199805260...trunc_sys.shtml or here http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/1998/triton.html scientists against global warming? try this http://motls.blogspot.com/2008/05/31072-am...gainst-agw.html or this http://www.oism.org/pproject/ or how 'bout the polar bears? http://www.polarbearsinternational.org/ask...rts/population/ http://newsbusters.org/node/12694 http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/56861 or maybe the carbon credits were just too hard to find.. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/T...4125853,00.html in fact here http://www.google.com/search?q=carbon+cred...lient=firefox-a read like the first 100000 articles wow that took me like a whole 20 minutes. As Penn and Teller would say equal division of labor-- I'll prove global warming is a deliberate fraud with no basis in any actual facts or science promoted to further a political and financial agenda, and teller here will steal candy from a baby
  6. I'm starting to question myself

    Serj Tankian is a genius
  7. Global climate change.......

    yeah the whole time that the earth was getting warmer, so were the other planets. thats why the moons of some of them that were made of ice MELTED. you read that right; we burn fossil fuels here and the moons of other planets melt?! come-on theres already plenty of evidence that the sun was responsible for global warming. i say was because we've been cooling off for some time now. Al Gores polar bears that are supposedly going extinct have increased their numbers by more than 10,000 in the last decade. btw some of these guys are the same ones who were screaming 'ice age' back in the 70's and they said it was carbon then too so apparently it heats the earth sometimes and other times makes it really cold... how convenient Just look at the coalition that founded the current pro-global warming trend; a group numbering about 300 many of whom were politicians. now use that famous google-fu to look up the petition signed by over 31,000 actual scientists who say global warming is complete bunk. most of them are pissed cuz Gore has hijacked the environmental movement and is diverting attention away from actual problems in order to achieve his own political agenda. if you look at the 'gore troups' policies and stated intentions you find out that the whole point of scaring people with global warming is so they can invent a 'carbon tax' (thats a tax on breathing to you and me). the big plan is to issue every citizen carbon credits. and if you exceed these credits you pay a huge fine, but not to big brother (cuz we all love him). you pay this fine to the PRIVATE BANKS that issue these credits. the idea is to start with a number of credits that any normal person can tolerate so that nobody riots and then once its in place to severely cut down the credits issued each year. thats right Al Gores big plan is to make you pay your loving bankers to breath and why not? how many of us already buy water? i just wish i'd thought of it first
  8. Zeitgeist

    the "not a law" argument also stems from a true lack of a law the amendment in question might have been ratified (as far as i know) however the supreme court has already declared that it established NO NEW TAXING POWER and was intended to clarify the previous rules regarding taxation. Many of the previous court decisions quoted as being in favor of the income tax actually say the exact opposite when you read the whole decision instead of just the piece typically quoted. The current income tax as it is written is completely constitutional however according to IRS code most U.S. citizens do not actually qualify as "taxpayers" which is in fact a strictly and narrowly defined term. This doesn't mean they wont still punish you if you dont pay but i've seen several cases where they raided homes at gunpoint, confiscated personal goods and shut down businesses (in direct violation of IRS code and the constitution of the united states) of people who had always paid. By the way these confiscations were all before trial and nothing was returned after they were acquitted. A really interesting documentary about the income tax is "freedom to fascism" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173 this guy wasn't sure so he decided to ask some really educated people who you would expect to know. my personal favorites were his interviews with Ron Paul and the ex-head of the IRS. I dont agree with everything in it but it does make some very strong points. By far the best book on taxation i've ever read is "the best kept secret" by Otto Skinner If you really want to understand the federal income tax this book is your best bet. It's very straight forward and sticks mostly to constitutional law and supreme court cases in order to avoid digressing into frivolous 'legal loop-holes' an half baked arguments. by the way i also still pay the IRS but it's purely a case of duress and extortion and right now I'm just hoping that paying them will be enough to avoid the hassle. Isn't that why people used to pay the mob 'protection' money?
  9. I'm still laughing about donkey love lol a cousin of mine came back from Tijuana talking about the same thing for me probably "the moth comes to the flame; volumes 1 & 2" by John Roberts Its a collection of bits of conversation with a recluse by the name of Peter Ragnar and it's sheer practicality was amazing to me. Very uplifting and empowering.
  10. Kundalini & Lucifer &:...

    That's it! I'm starting my own religion! I'll call it the religion of Chuck (My name is not Chuck nor do I know any Chuck.) The basic tenants are thus: 1. My way is the only true way 2. This is proven true by the fact that I said so (SOLID proof) 3. If you don't believe me; then you must be WRONG (see #2) 4. You don't want to be wrong because that would be bad and.. 5. If your bad Chuck will spank you with a large paddle (unless your into that sort of thing..) Thus sayeth CHUCK!! Bow to Chucks beard!! There! now I've single-handedly outdone most of the worlds religions. I say basically the same thing, but without beating around the bush. Now who's your super all powerful clergy man?!? P.S. just sos you know... Chuck is the only man alive who can slam a revolving door... Seriously....
  11. Kunlun, Max, Beliefs

    ya know i bought a copy of that some time ago and still haven't found the time to read it its on my list of things to do though
  12. Kunlun, Max, Beliefs

    thats easy to say and may prove true enough but follow your words to their natural conclusion. if i see a man tormenting other people my first reaction is to stop him. its easy when you see someone suffering at the hands of another to say 'oh its none of my business he just has bad karma so hes really hurting himself' but what kind of person does one have to be to stand by and let it happen? if you saw someone beating a child to death with a bat would you just walk by mumbling something about how the kid must have been a real shit in his past life? i apologize for the overly dramatic example but in my experience; taking a line of thought to its extreme conclusion tends to be very revealing. i dont mean to sound harsh and please dont think im judging you in any way because im certain you mean well. i just hear things like this in spiritual circles a lot and it seems to me people are losing perspective. we still live in this world and it is what we make it and allow it to be. i seem to recall that historically Daoists seem to have a habit of changing history in a big way (ie averting floods, changing rivers, destroying armies) so the idea that we should not get involved because if people are suffering they must deserve it seems out of touch and totally lacking in compassion. im also not saying that we should go out and try to fix everyone elses problems. im only pointing out the dangers of that line of reasoning. there must be balance and without compassion none of us will ever be more than monkeys no matter how much we sit in lotus. P.S. reading over this i realize it sounds entirely too harsh and judgmental but im not really sure how to soften it up and still make the point stick so i want to apologize one more time and ask that you not be too offended or angry with me since i really do mean well.
  13. Loose Change

  14. Loose Change

    architects and engineers for truth http://www.ae911truth.org/ i've seen several interviews from engineers affiliated with this group. do you know how easy it it to recruit for this group? architect A meets engineer B. he shows him a video of WTC on 911 and says 'how might this be possible' engineer B says 'your mother must have dropped you on your head as a baby if you cant tell thats a very well executed controlled demolition' and joins said group. it's just that easy. NIST still has no idea how the towers fell. during their 'investigation' they exposed their test structure to far more heat and pressure than the towers were exposed to and still got jack for their efforts. watch the video again and notice the squibs going off 20-30 floors below the collapse. if the obvious thermate residue found in the wreckage as well as the video footage of molten steel pouring out the side of the building are to be ignored then somebody please explain how even two weeks after the collapse there were still pools of molten metal 1000 degrees hotter than jet fuel even burns. oh wait i get it Allah really was on their side and provided them with a miracle i seriously doubt that a plane hit the pentagon but we'll probably never know. what we do know is that the pentagon and NORAD have publicly admitted before congress and the entire nation that during 911 they were participating in several exercises that exactly mirrored the events that were actually happening. no amount of 'your crazy and stupid that's just a coincidence because the gov said so!!' is going to change that.. Or maybe Allah gave them another miracle?
  15. Loose Change

    i can certainly agree about how little we really know. I just generally get irked when 'debunkers' start bashing people for asking questions and actually wanting real answers
  16. Loose Change

    Wow.. That's a nice pic of some scrap metal.. Shouldn't that be charred at least a little bit? that must be the most solid evidence ever LOL Thanks for putting out the exact 'answers' I was just talking about though I'll put an extra gold star on the board for ya
  17. Loose Change

    not to add fuel to the fire but they identified the pilot of the first plane to hit the WTC because his PAPER passport survived a fiery explosion supposedly hot enough to melt steel and fell to the ground where it was discovered in near perfect condition on the streets below. at least on other hijacker was identified by passport as well even though that passport was actually discovered in TWO separate locations. the official reason that there was no wreckage from the plane that hit the pentagon is that the intense heat from the explosion completely vaporized the aircraft however hydrocarbons (jet fuel) burn at 2000 degrees and it would require twice that to even melt let alone vaporize titanium. even though the entire plane was vaporized forensics somehow managed to positively identify all but eight of the bodies? bush signed the executive order to attack iraq september 10, 2001; the day before 911 and the entire white house staff was put on a drug used to fight anthrax just two weeks before that. during the incident of 911 part of what slowed down the airforce response was that they were in the middle of at least 7 exercises several of which included the EXACT SAME PLANES being hijacked AT THE EXACT SAME TIME and flown at the EXACT SAME TARGETS AS THE REAL PLANES. go figure! we couldnt respond to a 'one in a million' 'unimaginable' incident because we were to busy pretending it was happening?!? WTF!?! look up the gulf of tonkin(spelling?), SS Liberty, or go to CIA.GOV and look at operation AJAX where we murdered women and children for political/economic gain. all of this is now publicly admitted so i would put forward that if the US GOV is not responsible for 911 it might very well be the first time since the american revolution that we didnt use a false flag operation to go to war. there are lots more questions that should be answered but the only answer anyone ever seems to give is how absurd it is to ask the question and how its already been 'debunked' so many times before. maybe if more people would stop dodging the questions and start answering them the issue could really be resolved.
  18. hello

    hey all this seems like an interesting place so i thought i'd stop by for a bit. i usually lurk more than post and sometimes enjoy playing devil's advocate just for chuckles. If you can get past my blatant vanity and pointless sarcasm you'll find im second in perfection only to chuck norris. possibly third actually since the jury's still out on wether his beard counts for second place due to an unexpected rash of round house kick related fatalities...