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Everything posted by CarsonZi

  1. Are KAP and AYP compatible practices?

    Hi Scott, Were you ever practicing AYP strictly on it's own? I remember you practicing AYP and Kunlun I think simultaneously but just curious as too how much of a shot you gave AYP by itself....just asking. Love, Carson P.S> There have been many Kundalini overload cases that have shown up and been solved by AYP....Ananda is one I can think of off the top of my head.
  2. Where's the dotted line? I'd sign! Love, Carson
  3. Man Stigweard...that must have been some conference!?! Lucky you getting to attend! I would answer this question by saying that all "belief systems" have the goal of liberating human-kind from ignorance. Awakening the desire for spiritual liberation (called salvation in some systems) and delivering us into the waiting arms of the "Source". Whether in life or in death. Great question. Thanks for asking it! Love, Carson
  4. Are KAP and AYP compatible practices?

    I can only re-ask what I already asked; "Why would you say that AYP is flawed?" (No system is all-inclusive for everyone. [and AYP doesn't claim to be] There will always be people who need to go "outside the system" [any system] to solve certain problems) So again I ask; "Why would YOU say that AYP is flawed?" Love, Carson P.S> I've heard Yogani say that AYP is an experiment in how much spiritual information can be transferred through writing alone, but never heard him say that AYP is an experiment in "Kundalini for the masses".
  5. Are KAP and AYP compatible practices?

    Hi growant, I practice AYP, and have for some time now. I gave up many other practices to stick (almost) solely with the AYPractices. From what I know of KAP and from what other AYP practitioners who have done KAP have said, I too conclude that they are not the most compatible. The reason being the obvious potential for kundalini overload. AYP has some pretty effective kundalini stimulating practices (SBP, Nauli Kriya, Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka, Bastrika Pranayam etc etc) and combining these practices with OTHER kundalini stimulating practices is going to make it very difficult to control the amount of kundalini ripping through your nervous system at any given point. And if your system is not sufficiently purified before this, you could find yourself with some pretty uncomfortable kundalini overload symptoms. Hawk Over Water: Why would you say that AYP is flawed? Flawed for you perhaps but is it necessary to say this? AYP got me off a 4 year 90mg daily dose of methadone in 10 weeks without ANY withdrawals. Have a read through some literature on currently medically accepted downdose times for methadone and I think you will see that this a medical miracle. And that is only physically what it did for me, I haven't even got into the spiritual aspects so.....To say AYP is flawed is a pretty harsh judgement and may turn people who could benefit greatly from the AYP system away from trying it for themselves. I hope we can all refrain from bashing other systems just because we don't personally resonate with them. I don't personally resonate with many of the Oriental practices/religions/philosophies.....but I don't go around telling people that the Tao (or any other) system is "flawed". I just don't resonate with it and I keep that to myself so as not to throw anyone else off their particular path. I hope you can do the same. Much respect for all. Love, Carson
  6. Hi altiora, I pretty much agree with everything you said....but I don't understand your need to seperate into "West" and "East"....Why not take what works from any and every tradition and move on? Seperating things into Western philosophies/ideas/religions and Eastern philosophies/ideas/religions creates conflict that doesn't need to be there....why not just accept that there are many similarities among all of these different spiritual "sects" and focus on those instead or finding all the little differences and spouting that we know something others don't because of these. We are all one in the end, all that seperates us is our beliefs. Love, Carson P.S. Isn't Nazareth pretty much in the East anyways?
  7. Hi ThisLife..... Have you read "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie? I have not read "The Acceptance of What Is" and am wondering how it compares to "LWI" if you have read it. Love, Carson
  8. Wasn't expecting that one!! Thanks!
  9. Why does maya exist?

    Namaste TTT, We choose to live in illusion because we do not know any better and when we do know better we can't seem to figure out how to stop. We've been living in illusion(maya) for so long, so many lifetimes, that it seems natural to us now. Well, somewhat natural anyways. It wouldn't be/isn't boring to live in pure bliss conciousness 24/7 but having no free will would be very boring. For both us and God. And life would be meaningless without free will because there would be no journey. Life is all about the journey back to True Self(No Self), and if we were knowing of our True Self all along, it wouldn't mean anything coming back to it. Therefore being born with the opportunity to live in seperation makes it that much more meaningful when we actually DO find our way back home. Make sense? Love, Carson
  10. Why does maya exist?

    Good morning TTT, I would say that the "Creator" created us and gave us free will (it would be pretty boring and meaningless if he didn't) and because of that maya exists. I don't think the Creator created maya. I think maya is a byproduct of us humans having free will. We are free to choose to live in illusion or not. That's the definition of free will in my opinion. Love, Carson
  11. Why does maya exist?

    Karma exists again because we have free will. Cause and effect. Act appropriately and there will be good karma....act inappropriately and there will be negative karma. Without free will there would be no karma, no maya, no "existance". So IMO, free will is the answer to all these questions. Without the aspect of free will in our daily lives what would we have? Love, Carson
  12. Why does maya exist?

    Maya exists because humans have free will.
  13. Near death experiences

    All there is is awareness.....There is no right or wrong, there just is what is. There are 6.5 billion realities going on all simultaneously and none are more right than any other. They are what they are.....personal perspectives of the same Ultimate Reality. And for those who can see this Ultimate Reality 24/7 there is no seperation. We are all the same. Love, Carson
  14. Near death experiences

    Sorry Bro but I have read this a couple times through and I don't get what you are saying...I think perhaps you are agreeing with my last statement but that could just be my perception. Either way I prefer not to argue. Words mean so little anyways. All that really matters is personal experience of these concepts. I will never convince anyone of anything, nor do I want to. Love, Carson
  15. Near death experiences

    What IS always within our control is our reactions to reality and the validity we give to our own reactions. You are right in that "reality" doesn't end in death, which ultimately makes THIS reality a lot less "real". Ultimate reality is unchanging we just hardly ever get anything more then a glimpse of this. The Ultimate Reality (IMO) is that Love/God is everything. Even in the "ugly" stuff. Love, Carson In other words, there are 6.5 billion "subjective" realities on the planet and one objective reality. The objective reality is that all is one.
  16. Near death experiences

    Reality is what you make of it. You can choose to see any situation in any light. Someone can beat the @##$ outta me and I can choose to see it as unjust or unfair or I can choose to see it as a lesson and grow from it. Reality is what you make of it.
  17. Near death experiences

    You are intitled to your opinions as I am entitled to mine. I choose to see the outer reality as a reflection of the inner one. Sometimes this hurts the pride/ego, but this is reality to me. To you it isn't. So be it. Love, Carson
  18. There have been many.... First it was "The Holy Bible", then "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence", then "The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge", then "Autobiography of a Yogi", then "Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living", then "Real Love", then "Loving What Is". Every one of these books has been a catalyst for change in my life. Love, Carson P.S. Sorry there are more then 3...I just couldn't leave any of these ones out and still have the list be complete.
  19. Kundalini & Lucifer &:...

    The attachment to thoughts is Lucifer...
  20. Near death experiences

    Hi hagar, In my opinion the outer reality will always mirror the inner reality. Everything outside of us is a projection of what is inside of us. If you feel angry, you will view the outer reality in a way that reflects that anger....same for any emotion/thought. The outer reality is just a projection of the inner reality and therefor the outer reality is constantly changing based on what you feel your inner reality is at the time. IMO anyways. Love, Carson
  21. The Rainbow of Reality

    Anyone here done Ibogaine before?
  22. The Rainbow of Reality

    Strassman also QUIT DMT research because he came under the impression that these "entities" that were being experienced by his subjects were using HIM and his studies to try and gain access to the physical realms of existence. This scared him enough to stop researching. So yes, it is all in the mind, (what isn't) but at the same time, once you have PERSONALLY experienced contact like what is being discussed here it is difficult to say "this was all in my mind". Anyone who has experienced contact with "beings" will know what I am talking about....It's more real then "reality". Won't convince anyone else of this, but you also will never be able to convince someone who has experienced this themselves, otherwise. I know from experience. Love, Carson
  23. meditation time

    20 minutes before breakfast and 20 minutes before dinner work great for me. Mind you that is just meditation time not posture, energy, prayer or rest time. Love, Carson
  24. I think the Buddha said (and this will be my paraphrase) in response to the question "What is the most important thing in life?" that it was "Noble friends and noble conversation." That would mean no lying I think Love, Carson PS> Sorry if I butchered the quote