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About Kama2

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Newguy

  2. Newguy

    Hi. Been lurking around for awhile and wanted to say hello. Appreciate the information the everyone passes on. Don't know if I have anything of value to contribute but will certainly try. I am always looking for different mind-body systems. Tend to do something for a few months, reassess and if I like how things are going I continue, otherwise I shift to something else. Have done 20+ years of martial arts though nothing where I am living now intrigues me enough to bother so I have taken up fencing which I really enjoy. As far as self training I have done ashtanga yoga, dance of shiva, and I have also been known to mess around with some of Scott Sonnon's stuff. Lately I have been doing the yogoda energization exercises of parmahansa followed by some tibetan yoga called kumnye. Cheers