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Everything posted by NorthWide

  1. After death, sin is fully paid. The wages (reward) for sin is death. After death, the debt has been paid. So, this increases this possibility. There are 3 heavens and it is mentioned in the epistles. The first is the domain of man. The second is the layer where spiritual wars are fought. The 3rd heaven is the throne room and other areas and things. The angels sing, sometimes Jesus sings as well. You're already in heaven literally. Its just not all of it is happy in the first 2 heavens. Christian. Im not totally against the use of the word, but what defines a Christian? Jesus said to renounce the self. That would be scary, too scary for most to give up control and to be that humble. I just excluded a lot. Jesus declared that those WHO SERVE would lead. Pause for emphasis on that last point. Those who lead serve the flock which is opposite 100% of Christianity today. John the Baptist didn't attach himself to a sect of Judaism. Ill repeat it again. John the baptist DID NOT attach himself to a sect of Judaism. What did this mean? It meant that the Jews had fallen into the trap of human tradition and pride. What does it mean to carry Jesus name? To be spirit led, to follow God. Asking Jesus for things in prayer and following direction. Being righteous. Micah the minor prophet talks about the remnant that will return with Jesus at the final battle. This is in Chapter 5. Those who overcome will kill the wicked. It has been my experience that God shows himself to people that do not know him. Everyone knows God. Its just that often times metaphorically speaking, someone steals our sweet roll and somehow a person thinks God is to blame for people who have dominion over the earth who in the case of the wicked, just LOVE TO CHEW THAT GALL, OH SO NUMMY. Om nom nom. 🤣 [End of poSt]
  2. change name request

    I would like to change my name to: NorthWide
  3. Learn the language, find commonality, speak Ancient Hebrew. If you say to an Asian, they Generally know who the Jade Emperor is. If you are speaking Samskrita or Hindi, if you say Jesus would be similar to an Avatar of Vishnu. If you are on Sri Lanka, explain simply that Jesus died so the Yakkas could not go free. Shoe on the other foot, I would be concerned with more horse covered bird eating cats. (Buddhist reference to unhumble spiritual predators)
  4. What are you listening to?

    Go Cops! (Fixed)
  5. I ascribe to annihilationism. Its not a widely known teaching but it echoes Jesus words that 'only the saved are given eternal life.' Compare: would God torment some forever for an act committed in a few seconds? I say no. Other experiences with other Christians may vary.
  6. Nungalli: thunder... pulpit... It was more about the weapons of God that people don't know they can actually pray for. Nungali: I do research That's fine and dandy but life is like you said years ago not loosing your wonder and experimenting. The experiment answers just that.
  7. Demonstration time: simple. Everything that I ever remember about you, though time passed, I went through amnesia... Came back from stuff that was horrible. I remember that we talked about existential questions, like why things happen. This can simply be solved by thinking about something which you do not know the answer to. After a while, what happens? What is the uniqueness of this parlor trick? Except it is not a parlor trick, you know as well as I that if you focus on a concept long enough, what happens? If literature that Paul mentioned were referred to as spirits... surely he didn't mean the dead or such. If Jimbob is assumed to be unarmed, literally he is not as teeth are spears and nails are tanks (more literally battlements). It sounds different but even weapons that God uses seem ...different. For God created Adam (man) perfect, but he sought out many devices[literally in the Hebrew it means ideas) There is the east wind that scorches and brings deliverance. There is even the snare of the Almighty which no one escapes who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. There is the wrath of God which is lava and incinerates the enemy. There is the cup of Gods anger, which only affects spirits. How are spirits ideas? In the deliverance ministry spirits cast out have names like pride, so on. Angels also have names like Love, Humility, Valiant so on. So angels and demons are named by their works. Someone also posted something about posting in a Daoist forum, when it is an Abrahamic board on a Daoist forum. If I didn't like string cheese, I wouldn't seek out string cheese. If I didn't want to talk Baseball then you wouldn't see me posting about it. If I didn't like cats, I wouldn't post about it. I was going to post a whole bunch of scripture, at the last second decided against it, deciding on a more existential approach. Since we have more of a history I felt I should give a somewhat decent response. I've never seen a debate won on the dao bums. ..and yes, a lot of people were very angry that I went back to Jesus. I think that is quite firmly established. I understand. I won't apologize for it being the best thing to ever happen to me.
  8. I will when I get home from work.
  9. Hi. I would like to...

    I need to have my posts removed and my profile/name erased. I renounced everything I was a part of in April of 2021. This would be integral for my healing. Thank you for understanding. I want to put this behind me and close any open doors by erasing all of this. In Christian deliverance/exorcism to leave these for a period of time gives evil spirits "rights" and to deny this leaves the doorway in the court of someone who denies it in the power and authority of the name and blood of Jesus Christ. If you need a reference, deliverance from evil spirits by Francis Macnutt. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way. I feel sorry for the direction it took everyone but nothing lasts forever, not even fantasy. Not even the internet will last forever.
  10. Hi. I would like to...

    This reminds me: t=g Time equals gravity. Researchers are starting to realize that gravity exists without mass and is a function of time. When you are in God's presence in the throne room of 3rd heaven (Paul writes of that aspect). (What follows is an experience) Time does not exist. God exists outside of time and space, therefore no time exists but temporal anomalies exist due to prayerful effort to change physical reality. What science should be looking for are White Holes which are the opposite of black holes and exhibit properties opposite of gravity and time. Further, angels have to return to God's presence to absorb 'the weight of glory', or God's glory. His glory does take on gravity in our Universe. This might also cause time dialation as it is a possibility we also might take on glory in addition to Holy Spirit during prayer, meditating on the Bible, fasting, praise (psalms) and sharing scripture through public bible readings or declarations. Mahanaim mahkeydah po, I pray that my colleagues are spirit led.
  11. I have had a few experiences where I actually met Jesus, Yeshu'at or Yehoshua First when I begged Jesus to fix my family because its so broken. He appeared as a 6'1" Middle eastern man with tan hues. His hair and teeth were perfectly straight and he wore a red tunic/robe and a foursided gold collored diamond emblem. He healed me and said everything would be okay. Just give it time. The second time he placed his left hand on my head and his right had on My Wife's head. I found my experiences full of peace and a fullness like water but yet not coming from my belly. Generally I just take everything to Jesus. Yes an assembly is important,but I don't take things to an assembly, you take it to God, right? If you like, share the experiences Jesus would want you to share.
  12. change name request

    Hi, I am ready to be: NorthWide
  13. deleted

    Emptiness is humility.
  14. Hi. I would like to...

    Doubt is a spirit too. Wonder is the name of the angel that visited Samson. Things "created" are elements whether by perception or ecology (buildings/people). I actually really love Chabad it has helped me to really understand the bible a lot more. When Im stuck I go there. I learned that turning the other cheek is principled non violence like Ghandhi type nonviolence. Here's some more really different verses: 1. Angels listen to the word of God (follow commands). Psalms 2. Decree and declare (Job) 3. Angels minister to us. 4. The Kingdom of heaven suffers ______ and the ______ take it by force (Jesus) [Last one I believe has to do with a type of violent quality of prayer like Elijah] 5. Jesus used the term "whatsoever" asked in his name. These are some of the big guns. There are huge weapons in the bible too but I concurs that God understands that Adam seek out devices. Im also glad you understand dominion. I met a minister once who thought dominion was only his. Yes, the fat idea does seem slightly distorted, I agree. Its kind of like how some say you have to be desperate, when they really mean humble cuz you tried everything else. God bless you and may the stars fight against our enemies.
  15. Hi. I would like to...

    I literally believe that our fat cells or neurons are literally antennas for spirits. Example: Spirits (ideas) can be cast out in Jesus name. Solomon was given wisdom with the breadth (repeated earlier) of the sands of the sea (2 Kings Ch 4) Why would God use a distance measurement so huge for Solomon's mind? There is a Verse that says "test the spirits to see if they come from God." So, by meditating on this you realize God's perspective is different than what Adam (humans) often believe. In addition the bible refers to the heart as mostly inter-operative with the mind. Back in 2007 I was saying that the energetic field of the heart is 60 times that of the body. Once you combine those perspectives you begin to see a different picture than what is taught in classrooms. This isn't just a debatable topic, it is what I have come to believe.
  16. Hi. I would like to...

    Nungali, I understand your perspective, but as I was seeking a way to undo things, I don't see it. Spirits in the Bible are synonymous with ideas. According to Hebrew and Christian tradition, ideas do not reside within the brain but the fat cells in our brains are antennas for ideas. Other things like d-mons are different than spirits, spirits sometimes being related to works either good or bad. I haven't created "rights" because I renounced my previous course. (2 kings 4 talks about Solomon being given a mind with the breadth[unit of measurement] of the sands of the sea/ also the scripture on testing the spirits to see if they are from God) Silent thunder: I only wish peace. My restitution: 1. To help others to live authentic and realistic lives void of coercive methods, name calling and propaganda and to educate people on how to deal with difficult situations without resorting to violence. Also to donate to organizations that further reality. 2. To undo, erase all previous negative actions so that they no longer exist. (Don't worry, a list exists) it may seem impossible, but I have already started and I will finish. Let us all live free, realistic and authentic lives. Let our creations be few that in old age we do not regret them. Don't lose the truth you learn, maintain your honesty (authenticity), this would prevent the problem. Too much fantasy disturbs the mind. I am at peace now, be at peace. Thank you.
  17. Read the Bible and pray to Jesus.

    Don't waste your time on stuff like this with fantasy words that take you nowhere.


    Acts 2:38

  18. Hi. I would like to...

    Yeshu'at is in the psalms, trust me. You'll find it. It may take a while, but it is there. Yes it does. Yes Yeshua, Yeshu'at is Jesus. This was known before Babylon. Yes, my salvation, Yeshu'at is literally the helmet of salvation. Hence Jesus is literally the helmet of salvation. The only difference is Jesus is the Germanic of Iesous from Latin from Yeshua which is Hebrew. Jesus said he is the keeper of all doors and locks. Yeshua has the Keys of David. He also has the keys of death. He is also the door of the sheep. He has already proclaimed victory over this situation. I will now tell you what happened: My kitten tore down my Kali statue and the tapestry April 4th 2021. I asked her is it really that bad? Her eyes were all black. I prayed to God, which I hadn't in a long time and asked God to help me get free from this stuff. Then my mind was clear and I remembered things I hadn't in a long time. I burned my books, destroyed my crystals, found a church that understood deliverance... moved... my life is completely blessed now. Let me tell you Jesus name when he returns... Bereyom Immanuel Bere means beginning Yom means forever Immanuel means God is with us. This isn't taught. This is the kind of amazing stuff you hear from Jesus. You just double check it with the bible, if what you get is out of harmony with it, then its not from him. But it makes sense. But, if you renounce everything and pray to him, you too can hear that still small voice. Its no trick, Jesus wants people to come directly to him. He will train your fingers for war. Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords (Whole council of God) in their hands 7to take vengeance on the nations, to punish the people of the world, 8to put their kings (demons) in chains and their leaders in iron shackles, 9to carry out the judgment that is written against them. This is the glory of all the saints! Hallelujah! -Psalm149:6-9 I pray for the end of all these wicked spirits, dragons, that they never even be found again, that the agents be given forgiveness and a clean slate and that all here drive furiously to find their freedom in Jesus. Give them the eyes of Elijah, ears of Samuel, wisdom of Solomon in Jesus mighty name, Amen. Edit: Yes, I recognized what you said. I would take it up with Jesus. He still has his body. That's enough proof for me. Acts 2:38 Yay, now I can forget about this. I don't believe in the word construct anymore.
  19. Hi. I would like to...

    Thank you, I have full Faith this will go well. I've had opportunities to say farewell. All of my former way is now debris, Yeshu'at. I pray everyone's life goes better, freedom from heavy ideas, Yeshu'at. 👌
  20. Acts 2:38

    Repent be baptized in Jesus name receive the holy ghost.
  21. Acts 2:38

    Has anyone done anything bad that they felt sorry for... Then went through the trouble of correcting that? Each person posts their story. Mine is known to most.