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Everything posted by NorthWide

  1. The danger of radical Islam

    couldnt have said it better myself
  2. The danger of radical Islam

    I never feel the need to express any of Jesus teachings, though there is great wisdom in some of them. The reason why you cannot group "all of islam" together as wrong is the same as why the Ninevites in the Book of Jonah were not destroyed. Such wanton destruction just because someone is wrong is silly. A religion should not be destroyed because a few renegade lunatics. In fact Reference is made in the Gospels regarding "the sign of jonah". Jonah waited for the destruction of Ninevah, and experienced a bottle gourd plant grow and die that shaded him momentarily. A good lesson in compassion. Makes us who feel obliged walk a fine line.
  3. The danger of radical Islam

    I feel sorry for you my friend. You truely let everything bother you.
  4. So - you think you have rhythm?

    ROFLMAO!!! These guys live to be 80 ears old or more and eat fruit... hahahahaha!
  5. The danger of radical Islam

    I have to add that I thought that was the case years ago also. But then I met a powerful Sufi practitioner a few years ago, and I have to agree he spirituality and the talismans he made were very powerful. Though I dont hold a lot of beliefs others do, I still believe everyone should have the right to believe what they do. I believe that spiritual truth rather than dogma to be paramount in my life.
  6. Aliens?

    I think it would be good to note that there are groups that are specifically mentioned in ancient texts... (oh boy now youre going to hear some weird stuff). The ancient daoist mentioned the pleiades constellation in a few texts including information regarding visitors from that system (this is in connection with the steps of wu method). Knowing that the native american peoples talk about white buffalo woman and the pleiadians also makes me feel as though there may be some connection between the ancient wu and the native americans. There are also more troubled groups out there such as the grey aliens. I dont know how you would prove anything like this really. Unless they come visit and most likely when that happens peacefully we will start a war.
  7. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. The earth has significantly fewer people and is devoid now of the technology and conveniences we once previously had. Edit: a cheeseburger
  8. Lao Tzu's birthday inconsistancy

    ROFLMAO!!!!! hahahahaa!
  9. I agree... I know it is not customary with TaoBums, but I in my humble opinion believe this topic should be locked.
  10. Yes thank you, Something my five element acupunturist suggests to help the imbalance is to just go for a walk for 20 minutes everyday.
  11. Santi Yes i got a kick out of the topic thread name too. This kind of reminds me of a friend in Greece who once said "Sometimes the light we shine is stifled by the oil of our insecurities". What he said means that where i may talk about attainments or confidence others may misteak it for a form of egotism... As for money, many people learn very specialized skills, like medical chikung. Acupuncture is NO DIFFERENT, as energetic connections must be formed for the needle prescriptions to work. If you learn a skill and spend money learning it and time, there should be no question as to weather it is okay or not to charge money for it. Acupressure may work for some people, but without the esoteric training methods that are taught at an acupuncture university, it is not as effectual as the real thing. As for usage of the word "I" individuality is something we learn on the physical plane. Ego is something that always exists as long as we need food, water or sleep... any of our needs.
  12. ghosts

    I definately want to say it feels as though perhaps my feelers, or my ability to sense energy may have something to do with it. It could be that there is something gained in the stillness movement exercises that has to deal with this. But I can only guess because im not on the other side of the fence yet. I probably wont know until i learn the stillness movement, then i may realize how wrong i was! Edit: as a side point I dont use that indigo healing method on anyone, but if i ever fully understand it I will. Meaning I know how to perform it, its just a matter of energies being violent as you put it.
  13. ghosts

    Over the last day or so I made a few unsuccessful attempts. First time I raised my vibration a lightbulb went out, and i connected with the non-time of the spirit world. Shifted, then realized that i could see some stuff, could see some cables that the sheilding was broken on (glow) and some small black energy specks floating slightly above the floor(not to be confused with bugs) then i lost it. I didnt see any spirits but then again i didnt feel any in the vicinity or spirit field. Well maybe a few gnomes but i didnt see them(by the plants) What im getting from some of this and trying to hold it that it may be an advanced technique, or it feels that way. I would very much like to learn it but I am uncertain if my oversoul is trying to tell me that im not ready for it or not? Or it may be an outmoded perception? As a side note, I stumbled on this through feeling another person do this that was not daoist. He did it at work once (ripples in a pond?) and made me want to attempt the same. It was an intrigueing concept, though it seemed to make him more aggressive. But not as aggressive as a particular technique made me that was taught to me by a fire spirit. He taught me healing techniques using indigo light, and was a very aggressive and forceful creature.
  14. Santi you dont even need to defend yourself. Im behind you, just because your energy was very good the first time I looked at your picture.
  15. ghosts

    Edit: was going to post what i did then later thought... naaaaah. I stumbled on this a few times just playing around but it left me unbalanced. I would like to learn more about this "shifting"
  16. ghosts

    I would definately like to hear more of what Mak has to say. He is right about a lot of things, and even though I have spirits that pass through my apartment or even visit me in other places I think he might deal more with spirits than me... I can share what I was taught and my experiences all i want but beliefs are not great because you see, they are not based upon what one has experienced and I am not going to just post beliefs. This is based upon my study of the works of Immanuel Kant There are analytic and synthetic propositions of reality: 1. Analytic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept; e.g., "All bachelors are unmarried," or, "All bodies take up space." 2. Synthetic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is not contained in its subject concept ; e.g., "All bachelors are happy," or, "All bodies have mass." Most of what beliefs are sometimes do not fall into either category, and is based upon opinions of reality. Does not make them invalid, just makes things difficult to understand and makes time fly by in this dimension as opposed to the spirit world that does not have time in it (no time, center of time, alltime is now)...
  17. Yeah wasnt that the Zoroastrians? I know Judaism and Christianity has its roots there... The indus river valley peoples spoke of people bringing this strong spirituality (aryan, persian) peoples to that area. Id like to give some links regarding the different arts based upon the hexigrams and energies using similar principles... Five Arts WebForum Books Available on the subject: Joey Yap's Books and site - You can get Chinese Metaphysics Compendium Here! If you have trouble getting a handle on a qi men dun jia book: David Twicken has one here for sale Most of the more complicated diagrams and castings use the magic square or PAN as it is called to cast. Learning these arts is a difficult undertaking alone. the bone oracle times are when this river diagram came from, the time of heating turtle shells and reading the cracks in the shell to see the future. To this day a lot of magic books are still etched in bone fragments also as a side point. Hope that helps.
  18. ghosts

    I completely agree Ya Mu. I also dot want to give off the impression that i torture ghosts for sport or fear or anything. or that i do
  19. ghosts

    Yes, mineral water comes to mind. Holy water can be made by charging the mineral water with whitelight spirit energy as such OOG lemme scratch on wall: the hand is rotated in a clockwise direction and the spirit energy (white light energy) is pulled down into the water... Extremely effective against negitive entities, as well as sheilding methods. However has been my experience that a whitelight bubble that is too forceful may scare dead people (ghosts). You must know and develop the intuition necessary to be able to apply these methods.
  20. ghosts

    I see where you are comming from GIH, but sometimes words fail to truely describe the situation and the boundaries people set through thought and language can be even worse... People generally talk about what they know about a subject. Though for some of the part spirits deal with our unconscious mind is correct, for holes in the mind must exist for interaction. If it is to misunderstand this statement that you do, if that be the case, I am at peace with that. However, there is much top be said for the majority of old texts regarding the subject, and that most of how interaction occurs, the explanations do not exist in detail(even in written texts), only in methods used. Though this does not bridge any gaps in understanding the subject, it only shows that the understanding of the subject is based upon application. Though there may be a lack of intuitiveness in the magic square presented you need to understand the intuitive system it is based upon, which is a challenge in itself. The square presented is based upon ancient divination systems, the five arts explain the intuitive system in detail. If you can learn this, it will be more difficult than the most difficult chemistry class on your own. Though the information contained in the Dun Jia is sensitive and dangerous, getting your hands on a copy may prove... Extremely difficult at that. heres for starters: Five Arts Divination Systems Study and Applications Webforum
  21. Corrupt a Wish.

    Oh I forgot to wish. I wish for more wishes...
  22. ghosts

    Actually now this is turning out to be a good conversation... Thank you for that post Stigweard, and you too Mak. Gwai Yin that is very good. This is why the "Gathering the hun" magic ritual exists in Taoism... To unite the hun after death. What do they call when a human becomes a disturbed spirit (violent traumatic death)? The energies fuse to become an even more cohesive spirit... I should share the locations of the po spirits. I recall they used to use talismans and jade to stop up the po inside the body so they stayed there at death. Po interact with outside spirits and such. I was taught that the po exist on the taijipole, the center core of light used in shengong training, the specific locations are the chakra cores, where the chakras meet the pole of light. I had tried to reconfirm this with ancient texts in the past but kept comming back to the chakra cores. Some give locations like behind the heart on the taiji pole, at the back of the cauldron of the dantien (triangle) where the gate of life acupunture point exists.... I wished I had added the yellow court to the picture which is between chakra 3 and 4. At that the po have flip personalities, and can be self-sustaining or self-destructive... E.g. the po pf life, and the po of death et cetera. even though I know quite a bit about the subject I must admit I do not know absolutely everything, at that I do use a lot of "shortcut" "side-door" methods. EDIT: I have found that even with the ability to see, ghosts can play tricks, and it is always better to sense them with your periphrial energies lest they get stuck on you haha! Feel free to chime in? Critique, comments always welcome...
  23. ghosts

    Acts 2:38 Lake of fire is where the enemies go.
  24. Lao Tzu's birthday inconsistancy

    The date changes from year to year, due to the fact that the chinese go by a lunar-solar calandar originally.. I wanted to say something here about Mak, but healers don't do damage, they help people.
  25. Corrupt a Wish.

    HAHA! Granted he doesnt get married when he goes to Korea.. But he finds a hot chick anyway who likes him so much she... (deleted for politness) Shes into the same stuff for the most part as him, they move back to the states and THEN get married. He spends so much time with her doing things married people do that he doesnt have time for much else! haha!