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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. On 6/16/2023 at 4:10 PM, Nungali said:

    You might not get an answer聽 ..... answering could be 'another evil spirit doorway ' .

    (Yeshu is a form of聽 jesus ,聽 - the spelling depends on which Christian cult has chosen which聽 Bible that comes from what Talmud聽 :)聽 ... some like the pre Babylonian聽 which is amusing as the whole thing is a post Babylonian construct anyway聽 ;)

    The final radical of this word is guttural; this affects the adjacent vowels. | Singular: 讬职砖讈讜旨注指讛 yeshu'a | Singular, construct state: 讬职砖讈讜旨注址转志 yeshu'at- | Plural: 讬职砖讈讜旨注讜止转 yeshu'ot | Plural, construct state ...聽 ('salvation , rescue'聽 , etc . )聽聽聽 Lit;聽 Yeshu'at =聽 'salvation of '

    Yeshu'at is in the psalms, trust me. You'll find it. It may take a while, but it is there.

    Yes it does.

    Yes Yeshua, Yeshu'at is Jesus. This was known before Babylon. Yes, my salvation, Yeshu'at is literally the helmet of salvation. Hence Jesus is literally the helmet of salvation.

    The only difference is Jesus is the Germanic of Iesous from Latin from Yeshua which is Hebrew.

    Jesus said he is the keeper of all doors and locks. Yeshua has the Keys of David.

    He also has the keys of death. He is also the door of the sheep.

    He has already proclaimed victory over this situation. I will now tell you what happened:

    My kitten tore down my Kali statue and the tapestry April 4th 2021.

    I asked her is it really that bad? Her eyes were all black.

    I prayed to God, which I hadn't in a long time and asked God to help me get free from this stuff.

    Then my mind was clear and I remembered things I hadn't in a long time.

    I burned my books, destroyed my crystals, found a church that understood deliverance... moved... my life is completely blessed now.

    Let me tell you Jesus name when he returns...聽

    Bereyom Immanuel

    Bere means beginning

    Yom means forever

    Immanuel means God is with us.

    This isn't taught. This is the kind of amazing stuff you hear from Jesus.

    You just double check it with the bible, if what you get is out of harmony with it, then its not from him.

    But it makes sense.

    But, if you renounce everything and pray to him, you too can hear that still small voice. Its no trick, Jesus wants people to come directly to him. He will train your fingers for war.

    Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords (Whole council of God) in their hands

    7to take vengeance on the nations, to punish the people of the world,

    8to put their kings (demons) in chains and their leaders in iron shackles,

    9to carry out the judgment that is written against them. This is the glory of all the saints! Hallelujah!


    I pray for the end of all these wicked spirits, dragons, that they never even be found again, that the agents be given forgiveness and a clean slate and that all here drive furiously to find their freedom in Jesus. Give them the eyes of Elijah, ears of Samuel, wisdom of Solomon in Jesus mighty name, Amen.


    Yes, I recognized what you said.

    I would take it up with Jesus. He still has his body. That's enough proof for me.

    Acts 2:38

    Yay, now I can forget about this.

    I don't believe in the word construct anymore.

  2. I need to have my posts removed and my profile/name erased.

    I renounced everything I was a part of in April of 2021.

    This would be integral for my healing. Thank you for understanding. I want to put this behind me and close any open doors by erasing all of this.

    In Christian deliverance/exorcism to leave these for a period of time gives evil spirits "rights" and to deny this leaves the doorway in the court of someone who denies it in the power and authority of the name and blood of Jesus Christ.

    If you need a reference, deliverance from evil spirits by Francis Macnutt.

    Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way. I feel sorry for the direction it took everyone but nothing lasts forever, not even fantasy. Not even the internet will last forever.

  3. 22 hours ago, Taomeow said:

    The last time I consciously did something bad, I was 4.聽 I can tell the story if anyone's interested.聽

    Of course the bulk of bad stuff in this world is done unconsciously, at least by humans.聽 (The Unmentionables do evil stuff consciously and enjoy it.聽 I will use this name for them from now on.聽 I used to call them the elites, then the overlords, then I considered calling them the parasites, but none of these definitions satisfied.聽 The word "elite" had positive connotations originally, the word "overlords" implies power whereas we're dealing with abuse of power -- big difference, and the word "parasites" applied to them insults a whole class of animals who never go so far as to falsify the host species' habitat and endanger its very existence.聽 The Unmentionables it is then.)聽

    People who think they never did anything bad haven't been paying attention.聽

    Or maybe were not aware of themselves as much as they think they were when they did.

    Well, if we call something a thing we choose.聽 I submit that we then give them a measure of power.聽 It is easy to group things like that or even people that we do not like into such groups.聽 That I also submit may be where our awareness betrays us.聽 It is easier for people to position themselves against groups.聽 Much harder for people to find a position above that that works towards a positive ideal that works in one's favor.聽 But when I speak generalities... I do not do so according to my disposition, but more of a reflection of how I had to come to terms with the outworking of things in a way that was eventually meaningful and yet had a useable and pragmatic approach.

  4. Has anyone done anything bad that they felt sorry for... Then went through the trouble of correcting that?

    Each person posts their story.聽 Mine is known to most.

  5. 4 hours ago, Marblehead said:

    I breathe at least 108 times a day.聽 Does that count?

    Awesome!聽 Very well played.

    Well, I am kind of in a hurry to get back to practicing my stuff.聽 I realize the bar I set... 20 thanks is a bit much.聽 So, I will go ahead and post the practice.聽 I will additionally add something which I do not often add.聽 Which is that people that live free of the concepts that make people feel generally stuck have a faster chance of success. If you use mantras before hand, cleansing ones like STREEM, Ganesha, or any of the Tibean mantras that clear you that contain BEKANZE or BEKANZA, or other supplications that clear as well as a Stillness-Movement practice... All of these types of things tend to speed up the activation of it.

    Final Warning I give beforehand is that some mantras are specifically sacred. Meaning that people who would treat it in a worthless way find themselves in a type of negative contagion or entanglement.聽 When I have warned people of this in the distant past, this went unheeded.聽 Do not make this misteak.聽 You have to put your full feeling, devotion and thanks into this practice.聽 It is probably the most powerful thing in existance beside KREEM as a mantra or the one I explain in the spoiler.

    Okay, final words, mantras activate the brain when we draw them out and meditate upon them spiritually.聽 This one requires no OM to activate, but you can choose to use OM or OM HUM before it to get a deeper application.聽 Because this mantra includes the EE sound, It is part of the subset of IM vedic-type mantras.聽 IM was used far before OM, and is far more directive.聽 People who have used the divine power type mantras before like the Shakti or Bija mantras may readily understand this.



    (pronounced SHEEVOHAM)

    What it does: This mantra activates the part of the male divine consciousness.聽 After enough times of drawing out the mantra and meditating upon it, it activates this aspect of consciousness and brings it "to us".聽 If we have questions about what it means, divine masculinity... People, things that aid us and help us to understand this are brought to us.聽 Sometimes even in the form of lessons.聽 With full devotion to the practice, we have to be open to how the mantra makes us feel or the messages we receive.聽 That is merely the price of such mantras, that we put forth the effort and choose to be open to the answers we might receive.

    It might just be the most powerful mantra in existence besides OM HROAM RAH SWAHA, which draws spiritual people to you, and can be used when you are lacking in spiritual support.

    What it MEANS... It means, and you are saying "I am Shiva!" (If you are Christian it is like saying I am God) so, like the mantras like KREEM the power enters you rather quickly.聽 If you are not sure how to use such mantras.聽 It is best not to.聽 Just like KREEM (Kali), shiva can possibly even possess you.聽 That is the price of these types of mantras.聽 I only state the mantra and its practice for information only.聽 My duty ends with this because I have warned you about this and it sometimes happens.聽 If it does, if you become fearful, Recite RAM RAMETI RAM RAM RAM, STREEM or other balancing mantras and simply discontinue the practice.

    Any Bakti, can use this.聽 Except, since it is a Shiva mantra... We warn against the consumption of meat or use of tobacco during your use of it.聽 Experience tends to shed light on it.聽 Kali does not seem to be bothered by the consumption of meat, but some who have used tobacco have claimed that she warns to quit this, may even withdraw support.聽 So, these are the general consensus on these things and I would not be performing my duty if I did not mention it.

    • Like 3

  6. Hmm.聽 Okay, I have decided to get really serious about this.聽 I hardly ever share specific practices anymore BUT...

    That can all change.聽 What if I told you that you could repeat something 108 times a day... That would put you in touch with the divine masculine.聽 All you have to do is be consistent have 100% dedication and devotion to the practice -and do this every day until you do not need to anymore.聽 Which can be 21-100 days depending on how firmly you put your faith into it.

    If I get 20 thanks for this post I promise to post it.聽 It is simple.聽 Its not a shakti or a bija... This method is like an atomic crack ride.

    Can I get 20?

    • Like 4

  7. Want Ad:


    Sacred Masculine classes.

    Women only.

    Preferably virgins.

    And rich.

    With good circulation.

    Also, teaching turtle back yoga.

    First lessons free, $450 monthly.

    Must be ready, willing and eager to study something that takes up a lot of space.

    In your brain.聽

    • Like 2

  8. 5 minutes ago, Stosh said:

    Its fine and interesting, I just resented the implication that Luke and others are all聽malfunctioning. . Hes keeping his cool in the face of considerable opposition.聽

    Whats he supposed to say ? Im sorry about the magnetic field ? ;)

    I was thinking about this stream I often would spend time by as a kid.聽 Even as thought streams go.聽 Some people throw rocks and pebbles in and still the beautiful stream keeps beautifully moving onwards.

    Kind of like a discussion of the scouts.聽 I went back a bit through the posts, but I do not really see "opposition" it is just a rolling stream.

    @rene I like the merit badge.聽 It is spacey.

    • Like 1

  9. 2 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

    Actually, no.聽 I`m not so confused.聽 I just have a bad habit of thinking of other Bums as my friends and talking to them as my friends.聽 Some people are friendly, of course, but others approach conversation like a boxing match and are quick to exploit any perceied weakness.聽 If I don`t want to be treated like a punching bag, I shouldn`t even hint at the possibility of finding anything confusing.聽 Lesson learned, I guess.

    You are not a punching bag.聽 We are not treating you like a punching bag.

    Simple.聽 Your words and you position are not you, or yourself.聽 Most conversation on here is pretty much like that.聽 I imagine there may be some people who just think of it in terms of people.聽 But, just because they disagree does not mean that they are not your friends.聽 I mean, people like me do take very strong positions on things.聽 In fact, some of peoples views are deeply involved in very personal experiences that have developed over a very long time.

    I sympathize with you because some peoples attachments to their views or ideas are very strong.聽 But, just because they are willing to talk about their ideas still means they want to interact with you which means that they care enough about you to do so.聽 If you see people stop talking or conversing, it is much like overpetting a cat.聽 The cat becomes frustrated and rrreeoow!聽 So, likely people become tired of some types of conversation as well.

    So, pet your friends.聽 Just don't overpet.聽 rrreeoow! ;)

    • Like 3

  10. 5 hours ago, rene said:

    Me too...but it raises some interesting (rhetorical) questions. Are whites/blacks/etc only groups then聽 deemed racist? Is a no-Gays group homophobic? Is a Gay-only group heterophobic?

    Maybe our default position is valid... and the raison d'etre of the individual group determines appropriateness.

    I think in the Dolezal case a big part was not only the whiteness... but the deception


    That has always shaped my perceptions of things.聽 Years ago I thought, gee some of these people are seriously maligned... We need to help them.聽 But in doing so... We just come full circle to understanding that each element of society as you said has it's raison d'etre.

    So, already we have groups that are pushing against the grain en masse.聽 The voice they have publically is that their point must be accepted.聽 (Tolerance implies that Intolerance exists).聽 Sublimated to the highest spiritual energy of a thing in LOA is actually the want for them to be accepted.聽 But, as groups gain power and influence any said group becomes totalitarian in enforcing its aims.聽 Meaning that the secret wants they have had is to make more proselytes.聽 This is essentially how liberalism dies.聽 Once the ideas of championing the underdog has made them the alpha dog... The movement toward totalitarian goals have already been achieved.

    So, my aims, what has never been said until now... Is this:

    That all things possibly need to be challenged or protected.聽 Since that is not something that can be used as a LOA point of manifestation... It is simply that people need to come together to a point of unity.聽 That cannot be used either as an LOA point because the oppositional point exceed the ability to manifest.聽 Thus, one has to find a subset of ideas.聽 A vehicle from which all people can agree upon that is the sublimation of these ideas.

    I agree that each motivation and political group has its own raison d'etre.聽 But we can see that in America "all Men are created equal and created with certain unalienable rights"聽 was not, or is not good enough for some groups.聽 Because we are still dealing with the ideas that some people could somehow be oppressed.聽 When in reality we all have everything we need to achieve greatness or have forgotten that.聽 Let me illustrate, in my pre-right ideology way by championing a cause I do not believe in.

    Lets say for example I decide to identify as bird-kin.聽 The fact that many people identify with birds is a factor.聽 Thus bird-kin exist. The fact that bird-kin might be oppressed because some people do not identify with birds is probably a factor that could be debated.聽 Because people might disagree or impune things wrongly because a person takes a strong position helps identify the dichotomy that develops.聽 When we start to create a dichotomy of sorts, it starts to set up the failure to begin with.聽 That is why post-modernist thought was such a helper.聽 If a people or group is oppressed, we should try to alleviate that oppression.聽 Right?聽 But, this exemplifies some of the fallacies of this potential.聽 For each group that wins according to this subset, another will mysteriously arise to the same.聽 So, if we keep this in place we can't really solve the real issues because we will always have more of the same.聽 Post-modernist thought will always be seen to be right and constantly gratify and prove it is right with each group that is championed at each turn.聽 It becomes an obsession and an addiction because it provides ready and accessible emotional gratification.聽 Post-modernism always dictates that people who do not champion the cause of the underdog are evil and vile people.聽 Thus, we made something so great... Who can speak against it, even if we really wanted to find something more effective?

    So, in the end... I took up the mantle of being specifically against that kind of thing.聽 Because I firmly believe that it is somehow possible to bring the world back into balance by finding something that everyone can latch on to that will unify people.聽 If people stay in the idea that some things oppress others, there can be no point of LOA manifestation for that.聽 But if people can somehow find that there are sets of doings that impress the need for success in any given endeavor... We then circumvent the need for the post-modernist school of thought.

    The world changes constantly.聽 Every day, we see that much hard and fast rules that we held to... Have easily proved futile.聽 But, the more people are realizing that the false dichotomies we use only serve themselves as a vehicle for oppression rather than the specific groups themselves.聽 The closer humanity is to understanding this failing in impeding and stifling the manifestation helps us find a better vehicle and point of manifestation for alleviating suffering.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    No more boys and girls.聽 No more men and women.聽 We all become self-propagating.聽 Do your own thing.

    Maybe this bubble thing is underrated.聽 I could create my own little bubble as well and declare everything else hurtful and harmful.

    It might just be fun.聽 Really.聽 Simply Immaculate or Simply Obama Nation... No those were not ideological slurs dont hurt me with your shaming... no...

    • Like 1

  12. On 10/16/2017 at 3:44 AM, windwalker said:

    They do until things get so out of wack that it starts to聽interfere with their lives.聽

    Unfortunately聽 once it reaches this point it may already be to late.....聽

    The reality is many people do not know what tomorrow will bring.

    Where I live, most people get drunk all the time and have a lack of education, history and life experience to form developed conclusions.

    If you were to take away everyone's addictions... It proves this quite well that people so clouded by their various kinds of wants and addictions do not seek to be better people.聽 They just want to stay in the warm goo that they are in.聽 This goo is basically ignorance because it protects them from seeing things as they are.

    Its like the Buddhist parable of the Bird, horse and cat.

    The bird is freezing in a snowstorm, falls into the snow and is convinced he will freeze to death.

    The horse comes along and takes a big healthy shit on the bird.

    The bird thinks oh man, it can't get any worse...

    But then he realizes... I am warm!聽 He starts singing he is so happy.

    A cat comes along, pulls him out of the shit and eats him.

    The shit symbolizes ignorance.

    The bird symbolizes the traveling initiate

    The horse symbolizes the common folk

    The cat represents a corrupt person.

    The moral of the story is that not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.

    Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend.

    When you are in deep shit, don't sing.

    It is something of a complex object lesson.聽 Ignorance always exists and provides a measure of protection to prevent harm.

    But, there will always be some corrupt people as well who under the guise of "knowing how it is, tell people what they want... Or even what they think people want to hear."聽 So, when things get political, it often is not always what it seems because Ignorance and corrupt people make up the majority of what is said.

    I have learned my lesson from this as well.聽 How does one swim in shit to save people from bad ideas?聽 Truth is you don't.聽 They have to find their own way out.聽 Enlightenment and upwards is like a harsh cold blizzard.

    Something I have tended to leave out until now... Who is singing the loudest (consider the message in the Media, what is reported) and what is the message today?聽 It is hard to hear, but it allows people to really evaluate what is going on here.聽 It allows me to finally complete the object lesson without pointing fingers at anyone.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Marblehead said:

    Good point about people living in fantasy worlds.聽 Can't seem to accept reality and try to change what they feel is bad.

    Again, my old-fashionedness, Boy Scouts means it is scouting for boys.聽 Girl Scouts is for girls.聽 Won't be long they will be integrating YMCA and YWCA.

    People can't even figure out what sex they are.聽 Something wrong somewhere.聽 But then, I may be wrong and it's all Nature's Way.

    Nature does not use man-made tactics or man-made ecology to enforce ideas... Only people do that.

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  14. 3 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    If this thread is any indication, one thing`s for sure: the "silent majority"聽 -- not so silent.

    I personally think there is value in both separate and mixed gender groups.聽 It`s not either/or.

    Of course.聽 But people want you to think that.聽 Its MOSTLY convoluted and distorted views and assumptions that exist... Not actual reality.

    Thats why people are so caught up in their fantasy worlds of different kinds.聽 No wonder they have sentamentalist views.聽 - Because it is all them.聽 Bring on cannibalism... I don't give a fuck.聽 Just don't let kids get hurt.

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  15. I think it might be a good thing... we have to just wait and see of course.

    I tend to disagree with the idea that Boy Scouts was an abusive organization.聽 One or both my parents were present at troop meetings and all activities.聽 Parents should be a part and present at such things because it protects kids.

    But, the thing that I don't get is that there were girls in Boy Scouts even as far back as my childhood.聽 So, I do not see what the big deal is.聽 I mean there was not a lot of paperwork involved (as far as I know) and maybe they fudged things a bit in Vermont (Where I lived back then).聽 We didnt have camping trips or anything like that.聽 In fact some of the Scout leaders were women, even though it might not have been Kosher to what Boy Scouts demanded.聽 Just saying.聽 I mean there were male scout leaders... But the moms did most of everything.聽 The leadership was just all show.聽 I know I am stepping on some feet here, but most of us who maybe lived in the northeast where things always were a bit different probably know what I mean.

    I think keeping women in organizations that involve children are a good thing.聽 If something is going on, the women are more easily approachable especially if there was abuse.聽 As far as I remember they were very mentally balanced.

    I think abuse has become demagogic in our age.聽 I would like to see people trying to prevent abuse rather than simply labeling religion or a group as abusive.聽 This kind of thing has gotten out of hand and people can't accept responsibility for things if we go around blaming a bunch of perceived pedobears when people do nothing to get involved to prevent it.聽 I think it makes the people pointing fingers just as much to blame.聽 If you have children and they are a part of something, try to be present or be a part in it if you can.聽 I know that is not always possible but I think that is something anyone can do to prevent child abuse.聽 It is one of the few causes I really believe in.聽 Just being there means all the world to children.聽 If everyone did their part there would be much less child abuse in the world.聽 That is also why I do not think sex-ed should be taught by anyone other than teachers and parents.聽 There is too much abuse going on when activist groups come to schools bringing porn paraphernalia to push their ideas on impressionable children.聽 This is a greater danger than the catholic church and ensures some children a lifetime of depression and unhappiness due to accepting a lifestyle that is destructive.

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  16. 16 hours ago, thelerner said:

    Thank you, but justice..聽 there's no crimes here, just people annoying each other in midst of stating there opinions.聽 When we start taking the forum too seriously, letting it affect our mood in real life then its probably time to take a break or ignore the nastier heated threads for a bit.聽聽 Arguing and even reporting is fine, but after a while, state your truth and walk away. 聽 Generally that shows more eloquence and maturity then the wittiest insult or come back.聽

    Well said; Could not have said it better myself.