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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. As the Tao Turns

    I thought most truth was half truth. Wu wei needs something invested in it. Its like laying a foundation. Once you begin to start working on something and can see it in your mind you can finish the project. Unless you are on a shoestring budget then thats another topic.
  2. Time for some Shit !

    OOooh! More to add: Democrat: There is enough shit to go around. Republican: Shit happens because it can. Independant: It may be shit but its my own. Communist: You cant have the good shit. Socialist: Only the government can have the good shit. Anarchist: Shit happens because we make it happen. Christian: Shit happens because we are sinners.
  3. Time for some Shit !

    Stiggy, Need to add one: Jehovah's Witnesses: The shit always gets brighter. Counldnt resist, sorry. It just reminded me of my time spent as a minister.
  4. As the Tao Turns

    Well your energy is good. Funny, I almost want to call you Mal. Course then again Im tired taking vitamins... studying for a test I wish I could be liberated from the internet. Never happened quite yet. I had it in the works in the past but its just hard to get by without it. Yes the nice thing is that you can take a break at any time and you don't need anyone's permission. Saw the movie Limitless recently. It was awesome.
  5. Disinformation campaign

    I was trying to find instances of his insulting also. I couldnt find any, but found a lof of people insulting him. The only insult I saw as well is the implying conservativism was a dis-ease. I mean If I called someone a *multiple expletives* (I feel now that profanity has no place on a forum) Yes I could see it but I have seen far worse. It looks more like someone tried to make an example of him and because he is new and the other members know how to use the report button he suffered. It really isnt anything new to me, I know there are cliques here. Ive had one Moderator get upset because I reported a post so I dont use the report option. I figure someday Ill say something and get banned because someone didnt like me.
  6. As the Tao Turns

    Yes I caught both of those. Mine was supposed to be a humorous response combined with the current vmarco thing
  7. Disinformation campaign

    Isnt it an epic fail when someone pushes a point? Seems like Vmarco.
  8. Disinformation campaign

    It just seems not kind or sane to take the forum so seriously. We are on a computer connected to a forum over the internet. Some of the "trolls" we encounter like to get on and get people worked up. To be completely forthcomming they get off on it. So, I guess Im just concerned over the sanity of the forum. Sure we can ignore people but it just ignore's the problem which is the combative nature already present in the forum.
  9. Disinformation campaign

    dopamine levels around here are getting pretty low and I am not talking myself. edit: yet it might be just because of the over all feeling
  10. Disinformation campaign

    I have never understood it. Apparently obsessed fans tend to imitate people because they like the ideas. They also do it to feel important, since they feel... I am guessing insecure or inadequate? I liken it to the guy on irc in the 90s that pretended to be Jim Carrey as the "riddeler". He didnt have his own persona, wasnt creative enough to create his own. So evidently borrowed from someone else? I dont know how to feel about it. It's kind of like going to take your clinical psychology classes in college and finding out that yes there are people who are necrophiliacs. If you dont know what that word means... Dont look it up it would disturb your mind.
  11. As the Tao Turns

    Yep. Now for our viewing pleasure:
  12. Peace: a free verse poem

    We try to see our future life In the image of what we feel to be perfection Though rose-colored glasses we work and we try. Finding we only see through two eyes We cannot watch everyones actions. We see sometimes only what we wish. Sometimes we see benevolent actions. Some malevolent tendancies we dont get a chance to see. Working with the best in comraderie We seek to bring or lifes work, our goals to fruition. Finding the flaw, that humanity is not precise it slows us down. For our errors are not as easiliy corrected as they are made. Twords the barrenness and the corrupt we epoch, dragging the world's brightest and finest. Compassion came to save the masses. Though a little too late it did. The blur between the compassionate and the powerful Was not seen till it was too late. The mechanation of humanity twords the (evil) goal of power of the individual was never understood. Mandkinds heart and mind blinded by its self-created money. Traded the rest of life and light for its own green. Pain and anguish the entire race felt. It could not save anything for it feared it would be without money. It found itself with no trees, no animals, no plants and no food. It could not change fast enough because money was the only goal. Too bad it could not eat money! In the end the peace came. The slumber of their own making. The eons wasted... In the end it was a peace. A peace of their own making.
  13. As the Tao Turns

    Doing it wrong? Stormtrooper "Yes Sir, right away Sir..."
  14. Peace: a free verse poem

    Lol thank you Marblehead. Having some time to meditate on this and creatively expressing this has finally made me realize I am focusing too much energy on this. Or I was? So, just like some other things I am going to kick it like cold turkey. Just like any addictive habit I just need to avoid thinking about or talking about like subjects. Ah feeling better. Its like a big weight lifted off of me.
  15. As the Tao Turns

    uh oh *looks nervously behind his shoulders* I think the thought police might converge... Look busy..
  16. Peace: a free verse poem

    Yes cliches are viral displays of easily communicated and spread information. Mass communication is often cliched or riddled with cliches. Maybe we dont like cliches because they are kind of "empty". Maybe instead of being ugly bags of mostly water we are just a bag of nuts...

    Its easy to get attached to a username

  19. Peace: a free verse poem

    We havnt heard any fat lady yet! lol
  20. Disinformation campaign

    voltaire candide... amen reverend
  21. Disinformation campaign

    I am quite sure that the workplace gossip analogy explained the original statement of people generally being full of contradictions. We may choose to agree with most or part of a general idea. Sometimes we reject the rest. The analogy of a gossip being "good" is just one colorful metaphor. Its also like the Evangelist that has focused on one area of a holy writing, at the sacrifice of other areas. Since this happens often with any scripture, we are sometimes unaware of shadowy areas of knowlege or awareness we did not persue. This is where we agree. It is my own shortcomming that I find conflict funny. There are many personal reasons for this. I would not stir things up haphazardly or deliberately today. Cruelty is one so-called virtue of scholars who are just "of the mind". I say that to distinguish between those who are more empathetic or emotional based in their learning curve. For people who are purely mental and this is a rough subject, knowledge and the mental problem solving aspect is held of higher value over comradery or friendship. I am approaching this subject from the aspect of human behaviour. However, we all need people and it seems a shame that learning this aspect of human interaction is difficult for these ones. This is not a "diss" it is just an aspect of human behaviour. Why did I post? I for some reason understood the whys of the original postee. I merely mean to inform only. However in a "Community" it is of better benefit to get along and understand differences rather than attempt to usurp, control or push an agenda. If you agree with what Ive said it sounds like my perspective is almost the same CowTao. We seek to understand, inform and/or harmonize if it is not possible to completely get along. I realize not everyone does get along, yet we can't try to wage wars all the time. Edit: It isnt fun to try to wage war, especially on a forum.
  22. Disinformation campaign

    Hmm. Is not everyone contradictory in some way or another? Kind of like the workplace gossip who is extra-nice to you in the breakroom because earlier they stabbed you in the back by gossiping about you to a friend earlier. Is the person Good? Well they may be in many senses of the word. However, it still doesnt change the fact that they are a backstabber and a gossip. Personally, I havn't seen anything wrong in what he has said. Of course it has been a while since I have visited the forum. The only crime I have seen so far is outspokenness. If that is a crime, I am guilty of this too. It is sometimes easier to make people aware of things than to move against something. When ideas and paradigms conflict there will always be conflict. Too bad that I find it humourous.
  23. Honesty

    VMarco, I am glad to hear of your acheivements. I havnt been on this forum for quite some time now. My mind was clouded for at least a good year that I had to work through due to a stressor. However, I also came out of it a better person. Personally, I cant help but wonder if you were targeted because I responded.
  24. Honesty