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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    It was a personal friend. Now, I dont think he wants his personal information drifting on the internet. Besides it he was taking vitamins. In situations where formulas are involved that is usually the case. If you are taking an actual TCM formula that contains Ginko Biloba then it is soup we are speaking of. Pharmacology of Chinese herbs breaks down the herbs by their components, not the components of formulas. It seems inappropriate to discredit something because it is not understood. Such behaviour could be likened to saying particle accelerators and particle physicists are useless because they dont take into considerstion the synergy of atoms and molecules. Or that Radio Frequency electronics are worthless because they create unneeded Radio frequency pollution. The study of Chinese Herb Pharmacology tells us a lot about herbs, their toxicity and the appropriate does that are effective. It even tells us things we would not have otherwise known about these herbs. It reminds me a time back when an uncle said they liked a specific cartoon. I thought it was dorky. Later on I decided I liked it but somehow I was unable to find copies of it anymore. As for personal information, the Mak thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Who knew that someone had the balls to call up people I had learned from and obnoxiously yell at them. So no personal information. Sorry to disappoint.
  2. I've got some good news...

    I was mucking around a bit on that search and turned up a picture of a poppy (flower). Of course it is an internal part of the flower.. Isnt it awesome??
  3. hmm kind of like light in a tunnel or radio frequency photons moving through a wire... Interesting.
  4. in thought everything exists therefore the perception is wrong.
  5. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    People get angry about this but Ginko Biloba is dangerous and not meant for long term use. Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs states that several months use can lead to a weakening of brain arteries resulting in aneurysm, stroke or brain hemmorraging. Ive been saying this for a long time people. I know people who have had brain damage from misusing this herb by taking it all the time, or taking it sporadically long term.
  6. I've got some good news...

    Blasto, heres your MOPAR BED LINERS: ....! All in good fun of course. I know youre probably not feeling great after the minor surgery but it would be cool to have a TTBum party. Could get that grill you have going and cook some TNT burgers. Ill even bring the olde west bbq sauce.
  7. I've got some good news...

    Hey Blasto, next life youre supposed to help me rob banks!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Becoming One With The Hay

    Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Liquor was definately involved. Straw dogs anyone?
  9. STFU!

    It seems like uninvited spiritual intervention seems to be on par with premature ejaculation of corrosive acid. Or atleast that is how far out, repulsive and devastating it seems to be to people from reactions I have recieved. Martial Development: It seems Psychic phenomena seem to be limited and imperfect just like people. Only if you ascribe to that area of expertise. So while some may be able to assess some of the interests of the Tao it seems that complete assessment of the Tao isnt in the Tao's best interests? funny?
  10. Move to Outer Space or Face Extinction

    Nope. Did you think there was an antimatter scientist here? Seriously, the process in which matter comes in contact with antimatter is called PARTICLE ANNIHILATION. IT DOES NOT, repeat DOES NOT WARP THE FABRIC OF SPACE (or reality). When an electron comes in contact with an anti-electron or a positron it creates a nuclear explosion in the form of One Mega Electron Volt. However there is an energy flux at the point of contact. There is no gravity or fabric of space distortion. Okay science lesson over.
  11. Dog BEATEN

    Afro buddy... I cant believe you posted this. Did you take a mean pill or something? What pissed you off so bad?
  12. Our Own Suffering

    The ignorant create their own agonies when they allow their desire, greed and hatred to turn the fiction in their minds into the reality of suffering. Tao Te Ching #79 Most suffering is of our own minds. To blame causes a cycle that does not (maybe will eventually) end. To blame is very human. To forgive is divine. Just some thoughts that seem to bubble up as I comb the board this morning. Reflecting upon times past where I thought that I was one hundred percent right about everything.
  13. Our Own Suffering

    Great posts everyone. I would like to hear it;look forward to it. Pink Light
  14. Third Eye

    Do you want to know why what you say sounds like it is from a book? Because I dont hear any specific experiences from you. Even though experiences are somewhat different is some ways from person to person there are still many things that remain the same. Just in case there was any question whatsoever. I may sound arrogant, but im not obsessed with my 3rd eye either. Ah okay *secret handshake* *goes separate ways*. You are doing it wrong then. Calmness of mind is needed. There is no chaos, you just have to be able to set your intention on what you are looking for. Otherwise you can get anything. It is better to have compassion for ones fellow human beings. Which is why I asked before about your opinions on the bodhisattva vows just to see how you would respond. You may be Buddhist, but most of the Buddhist I know dont throw stones. Have you ever hear of a guy on the forum named RJ? He was a real jokester and liked playing around with people. Besides that his energy was high, maybe not as high as someone I met last year but it was considerable. I dont know what made me say that. Today I was harsh with you. Tomorrow I will probably jest with you. Life is full of surprises. Either way I gotta stay outta this thread. Peace and Pink Light my friend.
  15. Moving In The Tao

    If you move a lot like me, you might move a lot. So the question is, as a Taoist how does one move? I generally start packing little by little months in advance. Any other tips you have used when moving... the taoist way?
  16. Third Eye

    The part V is right about is the multidimensionality of things. However from the writing it sounds more like from a book. If ones awareness is gradulally raised a person becomes aware of this. The awareness tends to defy some logic. That is where the lack of understanding occurs. This also contributes to the erroneous logic sometimes applied to the subject and the degree of strange ideas that people develop along with delusions. Some time back i used to try to preach about how to do this or that. When it comes down to it most were not aware enough to know. So it only became a way to become frustrated about the subject. People who are aware of certain things will always seem to clash with people who can not "get their head around" another persons experiences of something. If you theorize in an armchair, like I have seen people do in spirituality circles or in taoist or buddhist circles you dont get anywhere. That is why you will find so much bickering on these subjects. EDIT: Some parts of the energetic world dont really have any time. A better way to describe it would be a type of time Dilation You have to keep that concept in mind when working with higher energy that time doesnt exist in the awareness of that type of reality. I will finally try to stay away from this topic. Be kind and let live, give concepts that have worked and dont judge others. Pink Light
  17. Third Eye

    Why because fixed concepts tend to only mess up ones mind! Or you develop some irrational concept of how things work, become aloof or both Okay ill leave this thread alone.
  18. Third Eye

    I was going to try to avoid posting not because I dont think the topic isnt important. Before in my previous energy work before stillness movement I was taught that opening one type of energy center was not just dangerous. Why I say not just dangerous is because the energy that isnt developed tends to move into the same area afterwards. The result is usually seen when I would work at opening energy centers at one time, then the results would dissipate over time. Generally I found that my ability to see with the third eye was still very limited. There were other specialized meditations you can learn that deal with the problems related to this. Its like a higher dense energy containing blockages moves into the cleared area. High concentration to low concentration area. The meditations I would use are nothing but a form to "prop up" ones own previous work on the centers. That is why S-M tends to be very innovative because you are not just focusing on energy centers, you tend to cover it all. So, in hind sight it creates instability in the mental mind. It makes you more "jumpy" and fearful when you begin because you are nto ready for such an event. Now I was taught to be calm and not to be afraid no matter what by my old master (who has since passed on). But it is much better to learn to be calm, and focus on doing that. Stillness Movement is one of those ways. Although I would not want any one to hurt themselves there is the "light-disk" meditation I was taught which can be use somewhat to clear ones energy. I recommend caution because it still tends to cause a type of duality fixation. Simple, create a large circular disk of gold or purple light and move it downwards through your energy field to clean it, including your body. You should keep a journal and write extensively about your feelings and experiences before (a day or a week before) and during using this method. If you have to do it quickly and dont have any time for reflection, this is not the mediation for you. If you stop the meditation the effects will go away rather quickly. If you dont like go for a walk everyday instead. Would be better for you. With complete respect, any fixation on the third eye really isnt anything people bargain for and will rewire things very fast. So, even though my recommendation is a very light form of a precautionary measure.. just dont. Being a veteran of learning the hard way it is much better to learn something like Stillness Movement.
  19. TaoBum Love

    I really enjoyed the video. Pink Light edit: wish we could make this post a pinned item up there with the FAQs for DB
  20. Wasp's Nest

    I have a feeling you may have already done something about the problem. THE SCIENTIST SOLUTION: 1. Smoke em out. Wear heavy clothing, everything micheal said. Start a bonfire 20 feet from your house on a day where you know the wind will blow twords the front door. Close all the doors and windows in your house. Use a large rug to blow the smoke twords the nest. Smell of smoke will make them pack up and leave except for a few who will watch the queen, if she leaves at all. However the smoke will be distracting enough to limit any possible encounter. Possible variations may include a tiki torch but you dont want to have a lit object close to your house. If you do have the garden hose ready. Chance of success 50% (depends upon the wind direction) 2.Wash em out. Get a garden hose and a sprayer that is very powerful. OR even better a pressure washer. Yet keep in mind that a pressure washer will destroy siding of many different kinds and possibly window frames. The idea is to blast the nest off from afar. Wait till dusk then use micheals method of every 15 minutes with the wasp killer. Alternatively you can use bleach, which will also kill the nest. This is more effective when the nest has fallen and is on the pavement. Careful. Once they smell the bleach in the vicinity they WILL ATTACK. So wasp fogger at night may be a better solution. 90% effective. (Have an escape route like a car close by to run into and drive off for a while) They may not even know you are the culprit and has been the weapon of choice for me when I lived in georgia for 5 years. I had many wasp nest problems back then. Finally, invest in some Wasp Repellant. If it was a good place to put a nest once you can count on it appearing again. The other option is to find out what their main food source is in the area and eliminate it. Bounce Fabric Dryer Sheets, BABY POWDER (keeps everything away), and bleach keep yellow jackets away. There are also fake nests you can buy which repel the yellow jackets. More about your Wasps here. Pink Light
  21. Of Men and Of Heaven

    Ah I remember DB saying something about Straw Dogs having value and yet being expendable. I suppose we all are. Not in a bad way, but others come to take our place. Pink Light.
  22. Taoist Philosophy

    I agree. Sometimes it is a great benefit to "step outside oneself" and look at things from the the direction of the observer. Which might eliminate what we were going to do though observation of our actions. I find it humorous, but others not so much. Maybe because I communicate things differently than others would.
  23. Can We make Tao Bum Love

    Can we make Tao Bum Love a sticky? I think Dave would have wanted it.
  24. I agree. Before Stillness movement I was fixated on certain phenomena. If I had the chance to go back and redo it beginning with Stillness Movement it would have created much less drama in my life.
  25. Without A Revolution, Americans Are History

    Okay after that how do we solve the problem? Show compassion to others and show others how to. It is contagious. I believe there was a Tao Te Ching verse marblehead posted a few days that applies. We have learned to mistrust and be cruel, and it will catch up to us until we deal with it. Edit: HERE is the link to Marblehead's post to which I was refering.