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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Who still doing Tao of Nature - Daosim?

    I agree with you Adept and Old Man Contradiction. Back when it seemed it was his time on the forum, I was searching for a teacher/master. I do a great deal of study and self study. There were quite a few principles he taught that contradicted much of the old methods and was new added restrictions. He did not understand ghost script, and many FU were copied from published books. I went to great lengths to try to expose the lies, but it was hard to do when there were so many who stood up for him. One of the reasons why I dont frequent the forum as much anymore. I felt the need to share this to give my support and let you know that there are others out there who know. It made me very very angry at the time. I hope this brings a measure of closure to those who are dealing with people who offer him blind support.
  2. Who still doing Tao of Nature - Daosim?

    Yeah, what happened to him?
  3. I know there is much to be said for this book. It is not very long -in fact it is generally only about 127 pages (original print). Despite being published 35 years ago the story is excellent, covering the passion to push oneself past the limits imposed by materialism and the coercive forces imposed by groups of society. A definate must read. It is a fable in novella form. It helps us to understand that yes, at times we may feel outcast from society due to some of our beliefs, or even coerced to move with a society group yet being a hermit is not the end nor a constant. Quoting from the learned Jonathan Seagull: "Do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help them know?" Such important principles of any sprituality apply here as one sees the mirror looking into ones own self and learning the emotional bonds that are holding oneself back. You will definately like this book, and I guarantee this will be one you read to your children.
  4. Thought you might like this

  5. What Have You Opened?

  6. New World Order

  7. Human longevity

  8. Corrupt a Wish.

  9. J.A.Johnson

  10. Corrupt a Wish.

    Okay, had to watch the movie first. Awesome, didnt even know about it. Okay so you have the ability to teleport anywhere when you feel like it. Unfortunately you get caught on a few of those street webcams in Hong Kong and in Amsterdam by accident due to not being too careful about a year or two after you find your special powers. The videos of you teleporting make it on YouTube and you are forever made out to be a freak and held in derision by the public. (Because people in general have never been too understanding.) You live out your life, rich but due to media coverage -hopelessly alone. I wish for a bag of cinnamon bears.
  11. You are all delusional!

  12. What is Taoism? (Video of me.)

  13. Back again...

    Back for a week guys! Glad to be back again. Probably not the last time. Just thought I would say hi and wish everyone well.
  14. Back again...

    Ill try.
  15. How to die?

    edit: change of heart of course.
  16. Lack of Trust in Focus

    although Trust itself is not a technique I only reflect upon my own current journey which made me realize a few things once I had been able to tone down how passionately I feel about some things. If I reflect myself, rather than confusing the situation with other terminology which seems to only bog down the subject... in the distant past every time I expected something in my mind or tried to prove something scientifically with regards to anything about the subjects we speak about, I found myself getting frustrated or angry. So eventually I found ways of trying to communicate what I know. The mind tries to find ways to understand things that are experienced so to speak. So here I suggest there are two different mind sets that people develop. 1. The Machiavellian mindset -(Sorry its a bad name but I cant think of anyone else who so unequivaqually used this concept) Where you try to prepare for absolutely every possible disturbance, problem or task weather it be normal or rare acts-of-god type situations. 2. The Trust mindset - Where one trusts that everything will be alright especially when dealing with the unknown, and that there are some problems that there is no real solution to, so trust prevents fear/hurt/anger complexes that lead to certain delusions. When it comes to real energy work, trust is in the energy work one is doing implicitly. Trust does not apply to real dangers such as true threat of harm situations and the like. Trust is felt rather than thought. I submit this as a solution to these problems, as chi is more readily felt rather than scientifically quantified. Thus developing sensitivity should be possibly be more important than quantifying or proving methods which is the opposite of practicing.