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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Which creed calls pope antichrist?

    I have to agree with h.uriahr Jehovah's Witnesses are kind of an off-branch of the Adventists because Russell used to go to adventist meetings circa 1850-1870s I want to say but that is off the top of my head. I am not sure of the latin words mentioned equaling 666 might be someone adding numerology. If it mentions heaven and hell, but not necessarily about people going to heaven (except 144,000) or about people who die going to gehenna (lake of fire) then it is the witnesses because they dont believe in an afterlife. Most witnesses will quote Revelation 21:3-4 in reference to after Armageddon. If they believe in an afterlife, it sounds adventist in origin. Everything else seems to be adventist in origin. Most believe Jesus will physically return in that religion or as is my understanding. An expert on the Adventist could possibly give some more defined answers. The tactic with it and the witnesses is to generally imply that you will die in armageddon if you dont get the right religion. Implications of teaching the distruction of the current world which is a fear tactic. Most religions with the exception of a few use fear tactics like these.
  2. Cold Water Therapy (Fascinating!)

    The text Xi Sui Jing contains information regarding bathing in alternating hot and cold water to improve circulation. Too much heat or cold can lead to hot type or cold type pathenogenic invasions, in combination with other current imbalances these can create heath problems. An example would be: My being fatigued after working a fifteen hour shift in a warehouse (previous job) then going home and taking a cold shower as a habit. Resulting in a cold pathenogenic invasion lasting a couple of years until treatment with acupuncture and herbalism. (chronic bronchitis some years back) I am sure anything I say about it would be imperfect; yet these things did cross my mind when I read this.
  3. ..........

    ... (was going to say something but nah)
  4. baaaaaaack?`

    ty Scotty. Its good to be back
  5. Hua Hu Ching

    I have the translation by Hua-Ching Ni. Just thought I would share. There seems to be a lot o similarities between both translated versions of the Hua Hu Ching
  6. Review Stillness Movement Worshop June 20 and 21, 2009

    Thank you Creation, and great posts guys. I cant wait to go back again hes a good teacher.
  7. Sexual smell

    I agree with goldisheavy. Another way you could look at it also is like "chemistry". There have been women in the past i have encountered where I have picked up on that similar scent so to speak. It could be that we also being animal in nature pick up on compatable "pheremones" from partners that we are similar to or compatable with.
  8. 100% absorbable

    I just had a bizarre Idea... I think I might try your recipe and add protien powder... maybe soy and or whey... hmmm
  9. Does Taoism presuppose a political viewpoint?

    Very good posts everyone. Especially Vortex and Stigweard. Ive found people sometimes have a hard time understanding non-dualism. It doesnt make it invalid, just that the world has become a strange place. I feel I should quote the hua hu ching (highly trivial?) I am not sure of the majority of thought here on the hua hu ching, but this came to mind. I merely suggest that most learn facets of how to do different workings within the Tao, but do not seek complete wisdom to prevent harming themselves or others.
  10. Is Micheal Jackson really dead?

  11. Does Taoism presuppose a political viewpoint?

    hmmm I know I was gone for a while.... thought I would give my take on it. It seems difficult, I know that some argue that there is some mental aspect of Taoism, and yes that is very true. I think what is often not taught or not easily understood or studied is the non-mental aspect of taoism. By this I dont mean faith or the limbic system. It seems to me that the non-mental aspect of taoism is far more powerful and sublimating than the mere mental aspect. Does Taoism in itself lend to a political agenda? Probably not anymore than people lend themselves to a particular type of work as a doctor, artist or engineer. Nature, healing and self healing as well as progressive enlightenment is something a lot of people aspire to on any political side. I used to hold to a political agenda, however freeing oneself from strongly held-to ideas tends to free up more energy. Could I suggest that Taoism does not lend itself to critical thinking, or an agenda? It seems to me that this is how it feels...
  12. Chips Ahoy

  13. Hi guys, Ive tried xubuntu wasnt impressed, ubuntu and was impressed kubuntu (kde) was a bit much... That do you guys think of studio ubuntu? I think its totally kick ass... In the past ive done many versions of linux searching for a complete replacement for windows. Alas, i still need windows *grumble* but am looking forward to the day when ubuntu flavors surpass windows. Easiest way to install ubuntu or any flavors is to download wubi it installs on your windows partition. Becareful first timers... read this before jumping in. Other alternatives is to install from cd ( i recommend installing it to a separate harddrive and unplugging your windows harddrive from the computer before booting the live cd. (it will save you so much hardship!)
  14. Goodbye!

    Goodbye my friends, I have enjoyed TaoBums, but I must move on. I wish you all the very best in everything.
  15. Goodbye!

    Well I havnt abandoned any of you. You can always get in touch by emailing me. there is a finality to this. Metta
  16. 2012 Big Changes

    I am not ridiculing you here, but the blue colored people is your defense? I know psychics predicted calamities in 2012 but I am sure they all have books and booking on shows (something to sell). Too bad no one asked me. I give what I get freely. I feel left out I picked up on the vibrational changes which can be a hazard in itself, but never felt any "calamity" course it depends upon what you consider a calamity. As for 7 births I am not sure why people create such wild stories. I wish I had some contempt to give here, but deep down I feel mild amusement at it. How does that make you feel? Is there not something deep down that disagrees with it? I am not here to force your opinion but seriously copying something from a book or cut and pasting from emails or websites is something I have seen a lot in my time i have been on the internet. It hasnt impressed me one iota.
  17. 2012 Big Changes

  18. What are you listening to?

    hahahahaha thats great zhangshen Ill have to get the mp3...
  19. 2012 Big Changes

    At first thought I wasnt going to respond but... ok. Ive heard some say there was going to be wars. I also heard other stuff too... The magnetic pole moves a few centimeters per year however. Well documented. However noticing the sun still seems to rise and set at an angle maintaining winter due to the axis of the earth and revolution around the sun showing that a huge jump in this has not occured yet. I know that there have been many energy shifts and in fact this last fall of 2008 there were some strong ones. All I can say is that there are a lot of stories going around. Some of them true, some of them wild ideas. The energy shift thing seems to be very true, in fact something I have experienced, even as far back as 2007. Some started noticing it as far back as 2002 when it was more subtle... I am sure people will be suprised when this time comes around 2012-2013 and the angle of the sun stays relatively the same in the sky, and the water levels stay relatively the same. What can I really say? Perhaps wait and see what happens?
  20. The Role Of Belief/Faith in Magic

    Hi guys, I thought you might enjoy this little tidbit. Some time ago I used to frequent the old "direct magic" board and might help give some people more perspective of the role of belief in magic. This is a topic that has been revisited many times, and was a hurdle twords my understanding magic itself, in fact on the old board many would find themselves refered to a topic just like this one, though it no longer exists. But for everyone's reading enjoyment I have found the new forum, and found that the same topic as it has resurfaced again it seems. Now after reading this you can truely say you know the role of faith in magic. http://thelibraryofknowledge.freeforums.or...-magic-t28.html
  21. The Role Of Belief/Faith in Magic

    Ah, The replies are the best to the post, and really hit the subject on the "head" also. Many confuse taiji with qigong. But qigong itself is more efficient at helping dissolve blockages. Generally the synopsis is that you can do things that dont require faith, in magic or in mysticism (qigong) one just needs to be able to "feel" the energies involved.
  22. Misspelling!

    Cna yuo raed tihs? I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
  23. Misspelling!

    Its about how the human brain can understand words if he first and last letters are the same and the same letters are jumbled in the spelling. Try looking again, only relax. see now you too can raed sftuf lkie tihs wtih no pborlmes waht so eevr! Email yuor finedrs, see if tehy can fgirue it out.