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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Misspelling!

    it semes pioslbse taht one cuold esaliy raed tehm bcakwrads lkie taht. I jsut had a lttile dffiuctly raednig it taht way. . So tanhk you Scotty for rseopndnig to tihs psot. Poelpe dnot konw waht tehy are misisng
  2. Game of Go

  3. I want to train with this master

    Wow, this is exactly the kind of video that would make my Brother flip out... I mean sheesh if you think I had a temper... Woah. Even more so since leaving Taoism for Astaru.
  4. I want to train with this master

    Barney meets Power Rangers with Gi Joe, Hercule (DragonBall Z) and like Erle Montigue only totally satrically... woah. I would rather see Barney sing "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson... Hey maybe not at all. Like the "Everything is Terrible" at the end... Nice touch. Enema of the day- And there is a double meaning and pun intended.
  5. How do you prepare your tea?

    Mak is right the microwaves reverse body energy. It may seem that the power from the high radiowaves in volume is heating your food, which it does... but radiowaves are a lower frequency than the infrared spectrum. Do a test, see how long it takes for an item that is cooked in either the microwave or oven too cool down. And no this post is not to say:
  6. Help me removing a ghost

  7. Jed McKenna On Selecting Teachers

    I believe enlightenment is clairity of focus when it comes to awareness. How do you know what it is if you dont know? Ill tell ya
  8. The Role Of Belief/Faith in Magic

    Wow I cant believe I didnt even get an off topic comment about this
  9. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    Apparently, I take from what this guy is saying maybe we are doing it wrong I think this illustrates... As for group sex well what can I say but: As for who is involved in groupsex: And the Ten million dollar award goes to the poster that encompasses the Taoist principle: hahahahahahahahahahhahaa!
  10. Help me removing a ghost

  11. Help me removing a ghost

  12. Help me removing a ghost

  13. Help me removing a ghost

  14. Help me removing a ghost

  15. A Message From the Hopi Elders

    Yes, send my best and thanks to the Hopi Elders. Winpro, I take this to mean remaining in the "now", is this correct? As background information, as I understand it the Hopi language does not carry the concept of time. In fact they were very in tune with the "no time" of the spirit world. Or at least this is how I understand it. So since you speak of 11th hour and hopi is based upon communicating in duration, othrwise a specific time tends to convey distance, could we say that this is a long period of time that is to be and to prepare ourselves...? Or is it a period where tthings will be hard to reach? Much is lost when one does not fully understand ones friend's language.
  16. Help me removing a ghost

    I used to really agree about that it being an aspect of the subconscious mind. Ive enountered many who say this but I feel the need to share an experience in working with herbs. In studying TCM herbs and formulas it is curious, and I have noticed that even if a person has a particular disorder or imbalance in the body, there may one be one true herb or formula that may correct it. There are generally a few different formulas for each imbalance. However especially certain rare diseases including fibrosis that isl fibrosis can create very strange and disturbing energies and even require one out of different formulas to correct\ besides drinking lots of water. The way I understand this is fromthe Ancient Shamanic Wu that believed that some plants spirit energy was too displaced from a persons energetic aspect that both the body and the plant object to the contact. There is definately something there when communicating with trees and plants and such. What if we divorce all that and make it an aspect of our subconscious? Does this make us less wanting to learn what this is telling us? Could we possibly be duping ourselves into loss of some aspect of spirituality and learning? Just my questions on the matter, sometimes I like to play the advocate against myself to see what others say...
  17. Help me removing a ghost

    The reason I said most are unaware they are dead is because they are so wrapped up in their own addictions from their life and attachments. These attachments are what keep them on the physical reality, even to the point of losing some measure of awareness sometimes. As for forcing, I believe I covered that you can not force this in my post and only works some of the time. I am sure all of my certifications are invalid also as they exist on paper.
  18. Help me removing a ghost
