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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit


    Did he mention who authorized him to teach? It might help me skip some work.

    hmmmm. I would have to say my end conclusion would be very different. Generally I am a scientist first, and a metaphysicist second. Even though I have been know to debunk in the past, generally I am not doing that in the future. I will however tell you if his credentials check out. Besides that when psychically tuning into the video, I could tell there was a charge around him. My wife who entered the room when I was viewing the video did not even know what I was looking at when I was tuning into the energies. This is what she said: He definately has a charge that he is pulling in close to his body, when the guy is coming close into his vicinity he is extending it slightly. This type of charge can destroy electrical equipment which is why it is not close when he is doing it. She also said that the guy probably feels some type of discomfort akin to a buzzing sensation like being shocked. If we were in the same situation we would be able to touch him because our energy vibrations are much higher than normal. However we would probably feel the vibration of what he is doing. that was her psychic impressions. However I will check out the guys credentials and see if I can find out more information about him possibly the people that trained him and such and try to report back in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Sometimes it is hard to get in contact with some of them, but it just takes time. I am notorious for always checking my sources and credentials on people. It might be quite likely that this type of energy is toned down, due to the destruction of equipment. I have destroyed a vehicle by raising my energy personally and though that may not be enough for some who have not been exposed to this type of thing, it gives you an idea of the ability one can acquire through practice and hard training.
  3. Understanding rebirth and reality

    I thought I would add the concept of ATP to the discussion as a currency that is transfered among our good bacteria also. This is thanks to Jerry alan johnson for bringing it from the beijing chikung school curriculum. So knowing that ATP is responsible in part for some of our wei qi field helps us understnad the situation even more. It helps to know that the level of energy we have to some extent controls the amount of defenses. Thus with our intent it influences our reality.
  4. WASSSUP!?!?!?!

    This takes a while to load but its funny... Dragonball z wassup! Post your favorite funny viral videos, parodies or funny music videos here Edit: one more Sponge bob 'this is why im hot' Teasing Buu
  5. WASSSUP!?!?!?!

    thats great! Heres another:
  6. The Germinal Vesicle

    I agree being a linage holder is a big deal. One that is usually well documented.
  7. Zeitgeist

    Yes there are three religions that have called themselves "the way". Christianity (Apostle Paul), Buddhism and Taoism. More fitting when people find out that as a teenager Jesus spent time in the far east. Doing what? Learing taoist and buddhist/hindu teachings and techniques. Does it really seem too bizarre now that he became a healer? Anyone tried the stuff on that "Strawman" link? Does it work? Anyway of finding people who have attempted such a thing? It seems way too good to be true... having a feeling it might be.
  8. Drugs or Meditation?

    Yes e-sangha is awesome, what can I say?
  9. .

    Yeah sure, ill give it a shot. I learned pakua when I was a teenager and then went 'off the path'. I came back to focus on Chikung around 2002 and did it religiously with the concept of ascension in mind till 2005. Around 2004 I learned the Daoist Dream meditations and such. I am not going to go into my credentials and certifications because I dont want to be seen as a teacher here. Im not going into the pakua or magic stuff prior to 2002. Leave it at that. 2002 Left to my own devices I began to reconstruct what I remember of chikung and begin practicing on my own this time. I got the same skin crawling sensations as the first times. Et cetera. 2004 It wasnt until this year that on my own my consciousness began to shift into the emotional state and a lot of emotions began to resurface. I began to see a white mist around myself and others for starters. 2005 I met my girlfriend and from her, I naturally began to piece together the stuff I misunderstood from friends and my previous teacher, about feeling. She helped me to learn to communicate with and sense spirits, sense objects. Raise my vibrations. 2006 Went to see a sorcerer in Brazil 2007 Learned a healing technique in a Dream session from a fire spirt on a devic world. That is not even including recent stuff. To me what is talked about, alchemy, enlightenment is just learning to feel yourself or things outside your body. The smoother your energy through emotions and actions the easier it is. Everything seems to be about a constant shift in greater awareness. Recently Im addicted to learning "Go" I believe this game symbolically teaches us to strike a balance between life(centralized protection) and death(attack and spreading influence). So rather than view it as something that can be confirmed, yes it can be. It does exist if thats what you mean. There is so many methods and ways even outside of daoism to do things. I think it is just hard for some to believe it enough to try. If I was to speak in terms of how I accomplish things in this field now. I was a thinker before, proving things by facts and such and using critical thinking. Now I feel. It is all about emotions and sensation. Turning off everything else but that for the most part is what it is all about. Critical thinking and worrying about not having enough information isnt going to help. Visiting people who have higher energy vibrations has been known to jumpstart progress. Also attempt visiting a vortex suggested by someone with credentials this has also know to spike ones awareness. There are other ways too. Just make sure they are truely certified.
  10. The Bee Daoist at Wudan

  11. .

    I saw the stuff about the tigle' s. They just exist as the chakra cores. More than one acupunture point crossing creates a chakra like effect to add. It is just a matter of awareness. Tigle is more akin to tibetan buddhism from my experience however, and some of the practices especially the black tigle practice or the rose crystal practice can be dangerous. Being untrained you can introduce violent things into your subconscious you may not be ready for which resurfaces in ones daily life...
  12. .

    I think it is very interesting to see where your searches have taken you guys. Question, has anyone here played the Asian game "Go"? I believe it illustrates the two main types of strategy, choosing life through one type of placement and attack (death) by spreading out ones pieces and increasing ones influence on the board... I mention this because it relates entirely to the subject, just in case you wonder why I am talking about a game. The two strategies and the concepts you were talking about are related.
  13. Doorway to Now

    I dont sense any untruthfulness at all.
  14. Awakening 101

  15. Awakening 101

  16. For a Taoist

    Hi Lin, I have a question. Some years back when I had begun to stray off the route of compassion and had even developed too much yin, yang collapse to be precise... It made me very recently completely appreiciate compassion more and have a deeper respect for it. I know it is a large subject but if you or would like to talk more about your feelings on desire, passion and how it relates to traing and enlighenment that would be totally awesome. Of course Im not saying no one else can chime in, IIf you have some experiences please feel free to share. Thank You
  17. Breast Enlargement

  18. Custom Tao Bum Title

    No problem. I like playing around with computers. Takes me back to my programming days... ha ha!
  19. definately usa. I just got off work ill try to call around 2-3pm
  20. I know its going to be worth it. Is it okay if I take the 3rd day also, even if I dont have my massage certification yet?
  21. Ah LOL it was a joke actually. Was just trying to liven things up. It probably did not contribute to the thread, but there are may conspiracy theories out there. Conspiracies dont really mean very much to me anymore. Building up ones ability to "feel" if something is true or correct is. This is called clairsentience. Believe it or not it is a real ability developed by highly evolved psychic people, that can also be developed through training. Perhaps that is what you are looking for? It would be hard otherwise to prove some things if it were not through experience, yes?
  22. Herbs for memory/brainpower/concentration

    Im not being a downer, just asking if anyone knows about the effects of longterm usage of ginko biloba on vein/artery walls especially in the brain?
  23. Um how about the its over 9000 conspiracy?:
  24. 4 year old mcdonalds burger & fries

    The laws regarding how Trans fats are labeled have made this particular issue troublesome. Recently there was a case in federal court a few years ago which deregulated what the food industry has to do when labling ingredients and nutritional value labels on food. Before the deregulation, hydrogenated oils were considered transfats. But during the trial, it was deemed that hydrogenated oils are more closely related to plastic! Thus since plastic is not a food it was found that it could not be regulated by the FDA! Though real trans fats do exist, one example is coconut oil, looking for trans fats is not a decent way anymore to avoid these contaminants (hydrogenated oils). It is no longer required for companies to label oils if they are hydrogenated or not either, though some still do out of courtesy. In fact the legal stuff is almost making it difficult for people like me to inform the general public about the additives in foods like McDonalds also. Now I cannot say McDonalds has so and so in their food. And in fact when people ask at McDonalds they refer them to the website for product ingredient information. However if you get someone nice, you can ask them to read the ingredient label on the oil they use and then you can find out for yourself weather or not their food contains said item. Scarey huh? I bought a 20lb block of margarine from a food warehouse back in 2002 I had it open in my garage for 2 years. During that time, there was no rotting smell, and the flies would not even eat it! It looked the same as the day I had bought it. That is what margarine is, hydrogenated vegitable protien. Very similar to the oils. There are a lot of people even the companies that need to be shown compassion about this so that they can see what is happening to the people.