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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    Well that was just one teacher 10 years ago. Recently my wifes mother a few years ago made me feel that way when I was around her, that instance is definately more prominent in my mind, if so haha! But many high level spirit fighters have been known to bring out peoples unconscious negativity. This seems to be a common concensus with most of the people I hang around now.
  2. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    No, you bring a valid point. I agree when one is around a schitzo or someone who is in fact ill, one feels not right. Thats biofeedback alright, showing that one is around something ...not good. You are right about that. So, then just out of curiosity if one feels slightly dizzy, would you consider that exposure to higher energies?
  3. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    I guess you could kind of look at it that way. Ten years ago when it happened I remember the more profound feelings of irritation and not comprehending what was going on, which created those emotions. I suppose if one was very experienced in these matters and has taught others one would realize what the situation was. Sometimes the dynamics of what is going on is not as easily understood as to what to do about it. Example: Sometimes you have to get the feel of an object to move it with your hands. We might not understand the nitty gritty dynamics of our muscle fibers moving to grab something, but we know how to do it. My teacher just simply dismissed it and said 'you are not used to the higher energies'. Over time, I just got used to it and got better at controlling my energy too.
  4. [video] The Shamaness and the Baby

    Wow this is cool! plus the magazine! I havnt seen anything like it since Qi Magazine!
  5. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    I think he was seeking an answer along that line. When really the conclusion we reached was unrelated to reading minds. It was the concept that sometimes when you train on your own then come in contact with people of a higher energy vibration that SOMETIMES it triggers a feeling of paranoia. Especially when one is not used to the spike in energy that happens when you encounter strong energy. It was difficult to put into words. Reading minds is something anyone can do, very similar to communicating with spirits. However it seems unrelated to what we were talking about. Generally when people are trained and certified to read minds or communicate with spirits they are taught techiques to cut through illusions so they do not feel/become paranoid. e.g. Bubble of white/purple light meditation etc... In essence I am merely confirming a danger of self-study.
  6. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted, The world becomes a more caring place, especially with all the free transportation via being able to turn yourself into light, slip through the mesh of space and rematerialize. With all the hugging going on, people find more time to focus on more interesting things like whats for dinner... Of course this is to the disgust of a few of the population who are insensitive scabs... I wish zero point energy generators (water devices) were in mass production to produce unlimited energy cheap and that they were used instead of gasoline engines... The patent is going to expire in a year or so.
  7. Complete Taoist Internal System

    I took a look at the videos. I felt like my energy raised when watching the videos. It seems that you mightve really stumbled upon something here... It was the one where the guy hits the fire logs. Or it could be something else i havnt meditated in a week. Since it almost seems too good to be true, Ill ask for my wifes opinion. (shes good at tuning into this type of thing.) Only questions I have is does it cover any of the disciplines inherent to the daoist system which are not necessarily martial arts related? I also saw his left wrist though, pistiform damage huh? from breaking? That is my only concern, and if I didnt notice that, someone else would... highly preventable
  8. Corrupt a Wish.

    I wish to bring this thread back, without people having something to prove and twice as much so.
  9. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    LOL!!!! Well its kind of like paranoia for lack of a better word way back when. This is something that happened 10 years ago when I thought I could learn chikung on my own haha.
  10. HELL in Taoism

    EDIT: I felt the situation was serious.
  11. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    It seems that most people dont even know how to select a teacher that is good, let alone know what is good or bad for training. You can intuit things, but as has been proven on this path if you do not know of the methods before hand, or for that matter know what a bowling ball is before you pick up the impressions of it intuitively... You wouldnt know how to interpret a bowling ball, if you didnt know what one was before. I helped spear head a lot of study of this when dealing with magic and intuition on other forums. For the most part, this aspect of Chi Kung training takes a while to learn even with a teacher. On your own, perhaps longer... And visualization is not it. It is actually FEELING the energy. Even at that if you did know these perception type meditations, you still would have to deal with illusions that pop up that distort your reality, i.e. how you percieve things. Even higher level chikung teachers like the Medical ChiKung people who are trained and certified say 'It is unethical to train someone in ChiKung of any kind without close supervision.' That has always seemed to be the rule rather than the exception, regardless of what people may think. A good example is an illusion pops up in your mind that energy is flowing a different way in your body than it actually is. This is called an illusion, because most people have not been taught how to properly feel the energy they make misteaks, usually bad.
  12. Dragons, Pearls, & Phoenixes

    The liver is the mother of the heart hence in five elements wood increases fire.
  13. sore loser

    I had something to contribute but withdrew from pursuing it...
  14. hello good people

    wow. i want to burst forth in song and sing fish-heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads... wELCOME TO THE FORUM!
  15. Dragons, Pearls, & Phoenixes

    actually I can answer your question plain and simple. Dragons represent the liver spirit or hun... they comprise three spirits, one exists at each dantien. The dragon always chases the golden pearl because this is the end all of the training. If the body dies, taoist perform the "gathering the hun ritual" to prepare the spirit body in the other world. Or not, then its complicated. If the body does not die and the golden pearl and the hun gain awareness of the ability that exists to "dimensionally transport" matter into void and back, then the training is completely successful and the body survives death through this method or so we are told that we should believe. This unfortunately ressurects the whole 'eternal life' concept which means many different things to different people. Sorry to say that when treading on this ground I tend to fall back on the words of Edgar Cayce who realized both concepts of wanting to go back to the spirit world and the ability to acquire limitless earthly life. He noted that the later group was more ambitious, the former group tends to be more fatalistic in outlook though in some ways triggers certain amounts of spiritual growth in some areas. Although neither view is truely wrong in its pursuit, it is noted that these concepts have been going on with man since time began, and have become a part of everyones life, regardless of who has acquired what. p.s. forgot to add that the pearl is the golden embryo that is seated in the lower dantien. the paihui point on the top of the head is the exit point, at that upon exit it must be surrounded by a bubble of white light. This is high level training and cannot be surmised even by these words you must acquire a keen feeling of energy and sensory awareness that is unlike anything found in chikung. p.p.s. I had to add that the heart is a regulator and mixer of the heaven and earth energies therefore hence the dragon(liver hun or lighter spirits) and phoenix(heart/regulator/mixer)... there are also similar tones with the yin hare and yang raven on the taoist priest's robes.
  16. What More is There to Say But, "God Damn"? =)

    This is nothing compared to the damage done by PCBs in the first half of the 20th century (from ink!). Who even knows or could prove the chemtrail thing.
  17. Marijuana, strength training, nei kung

    ha ha ha ha! Thats great im glad to hear you passed it. But seriously I hope people realize the balance between thinking and feeling when it comes to spirituality on this subject. It explains why for the most part there are more powerful women adepts/psychics than there are men. ha ha
  18. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    I can see where this is heading with everyone. To ignore the other side is not good either In the article presented it also verifies that non-urban groups are more resiliant than urban groups. This is due to a number of factors, including contaminants, and the 60hz powerline i make reference to at the below link. It is quite possible she may have 'gifts' also however, but can we say the same of ourselves? Are we living out in the sticks? Unfortunately you can attempt chikung, and training without a master like I did. But once you meat a real master/teacher it allows you to progress more than you could before. That was my experience. I did have some minor things I learned myself, however looking back on it I realize how rediculous it was to self-train. I give an example here in this post, and it is important, otherwise you can do something you might regret: Generally, some teachers do have strict views, but Bruce Lee held the same ideas that you had to follow a path in order to realize "nothingness" or "void" which was the foundation of his martial art he created. Later he realized his error in trying to teach that from the start. Stigweard barely touches on this concept in the below post when comparing ancient and modern teachers. The fact remains that no one can introduce you to path(s) (I say plural because there are many correct paths) like a teacher/master can. Without it, where do you know where others have been and misteaks they have easily made? Then there were some energy problems that had to be corrected by visiting a five-element acupuncturist... So is it really worth it? NO. If you want to do damage to your body and only progress a little, be my guest. There are no well known masters who were not trained. You can be gifted, but if you dont have someone to guide you, you cannot progress. Yeah there are teachers who dont have certification to be avoided, bad teachers and such, but for those starting they need it ( a real teacher that is). I mean really the things someone found by themselves later after investigation happened based upon things they originally learned. At that, how do you learn the daoist bubble of white light meditation? If you havnt learned how to do this properly or had somone to inspect it for constistency throughout, how do you expect to progress? And if you havnt learned it or been initiated into the base teachings, what can you say? You will still feel like you are missing something like I did when someone mentioned this years ago. I had never heard of it.
  19. Marijuana, strength training, nei kung

    This kind of takes me back... in time a bit in many ways. Speaking from personal experience having "abilities" and then trying it a few times has given me some ideas of what this stuff does. Yes, these are the results of marajuana use, yes the stats are in: 1. More Right Brain thinking- you feel things more, rather than think about them except for "thinkers" some of these will not see an effect. Over time, it impedes the function of the analytical Left Brain. This is the conclusion the ancient Daoists came up with. 2. More connection to energy, you can feel the energy more, can move more (since you can feel it ala "feelers") 3. Relaxation. People on pot score just a few points higher on tests even sat(s) or act(s). This is due to free movement of energy with this substance. 4. Increased Awareness - pot makes things fun for most people because it inhibits the "monkey mind" and increases activity in the brain in centers that deal with feeling and sensation which are directly connected with spirituality, energy work et cetera. 5. Higher sperm count 6. Since there are higher concentrations of compounds with pot and the smoke is held in for longer periods of time to be effective, lung capacity goes down as much as 10% in the first month. After that no other tests have been shown what percentage or fraction of a percent it goes down each month consecutively after that. So increase in lung capacity? no. Its already been medically documented. Downsides? Downsides? Yes, Im getting there. To tell you about the downsides we go back in time to the ancient Daoists known as the shamanic Wu... The Daoist found this plant had those abilities and from time to time would burn a great portion under a tent like structure, with many present. They also found that it creates certain conditions in the body, just like any other food or herb you take in tips the balance of the elements. This creates a condition they called "mind devils" which is a condition relating to the kidneys, heart and brain. It deals with the problem mentioned in #1, where you dont have any control over what state you are in and become stuck in this state. The results range to different things for different people meaning paranoid, fragmented consciousness, et cetera. The Daoists later advocated "adepthood" that is training over taking in pot for sublimation/enlightenment. Self control is better than well.. "minddevils". References: Also another source of information on the real effects of Marajuana are in the Docu-Comedy "SuperHigh Me", be warned however the second half of the movie isnt as funny as the first half. Very informational. Any information I provide here is information, not ment to be sensational and only for information purposes only. I do not condone smoking illegal substances. Due to the lack of facutal information out there, I hope this helps some people's curiosity on the subject, and gives the true nature of the plant rather than just hype.
  20. Expanding Awareness and Paranoia

    I agree. Sometimes I myself limit myself by how I see things. But essentially all we really are doing are formulating conclusions based upon experience. Yes some traditions do not keep that openness to learning new things or expanding horizons. However each tradition seems to in most aspects do a good job of explaining part of an aspect of a given experience in some ways better than another. However there are shortcuts that exist... Like lets say fortune telling without a tool, you can do it based upon feeling, which is difficult to explain on such short notice. In short this illustrates that sometimes the illusion of a big lengthy ritual can be cut through by realizing that something already exists, we just have to connect with it and develop the connections to know its there... Which is actually harder for people to understand than the perspective of cultivation. Neither is wrong, it is still making those connections good and solid.
  21. Acts 2:38

  22. Complete Taoist Internal System

    I just came up with an idea... If some of us write emails to cloud forest and ask they post an overview of what will be covered for their 160k course, maybe they will? Really, no one goes to the grocery store and buys unlabled cans, based upon price rather than content to eat do they? I mean check out the website the books have subjects that are covered... is that not just commonsense or horsesense?
  23. Sith Alchemy

    lol! funny I wasnt condoning killing of course, everything has its appointed time. Even War like in the Gita. So although I agree killing has its place, I am sure there is not a person here that agrees that righteous action is more important. I was merely expanding upon the passionate nature of the sith, and how they through attachment and forced detachment through ritualistic destruction of things they like weather it be their favorite lightsaber and such played a part in their passionate nature of what seemsed to be closley resembling shamanic ecstacy. I am sure human kind will continue to argue the ethics of killing even when it comes to human beings on into the future, however the fact remains that weather we die or not we still come back to learn things we cannot in the spirit world. A persons level and cultivation is not determined by their goodness, it depends upon their vibration level and the purity of their "form" within "formlessness". Meaning reduction of energy blockages. It is well known that even evil daoist still consort with benevolent beings without hinderance. Merely a fact, not a path I have chosen to take.
  24. Sith Alchemy

    Acts 2:38
  25. Purpose of the Yin / Yang in Taoism

    very good. Perhaps you would like this forum also: Covers a lot of the same principles you expressed only applied to different oracles and sciences developed in the taoist systems.