
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. The Whitest Kids You Know (Humor)

    Is that a promise or a threat?
  2. Tao Bums Dating? (possibly?)

    Yeah if only dating was so easy, right? I have heard people who have met online sometimes get "catfished."
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    yeah i give in to this song for now
  4. The Whitest Kids You Know (Humor)

    I do not want the Dao Bums to become a war zone of any kind and I am a sensitive person who does not advocate physical or violent behaviour in real life.
  5. The Whitest Kids You Know (Humor)

    I decided to go with a more humorous video that did not involve violence to keep the peace. I did not like the small part about slavery at the end of the video. I am praying the 1s and 0s of this thread become corrupted into oblivion.
  6. Ok. If they ever abolish religion we will have to rename everything cool names and call the site "Guardians Of The Galaxy" or something. Maybe misspell guardians so there is no infringement. (light-hearted joking)
  7. This is not a question about who is better or this and that... The reason I need a plausible and ostensible answer to this question is patterns. What makes one thing different from another that can make it related to another thing. If you do not understand patterns, just dismiss my explanation. However getting to my question for people who would actually know from experience or reading: Who is more "Orthodox" when it comes to following rules? Is it Buddhists? Or Daoists? Even more important, in the past do we know what the comparative was? Were things the same or different? I greatly appreciate any knowledge anyone might have on this subject. I have been too close to most of it so fresh opinions help me refocus.
  8. Orthodoxy and Eastern Religion or Pan-Asian Religion.

    Sometimes explaining something like using Qi Men Dun Jia is a very odd concept to people and some of the older writing reference peoples and ways that do not exist in a modern sense. Even in America some do not exist. In fact there are like nature seekers and the like that are like daoists but not. For example I may know that in a location if I see people helping each other and Iam active and traveling that I could seek <this thing that is intentionally vague because I do not want to distract from the purpose>. Thus the trouble of explaining patterns. It is like being told that your lifelong profession will be Daoist and you have no idea what that means. So, you are lef to trying to associate the different aspects. Yes, it sure seems that way. Ill have to check the history and demographics of them when I get a chance. I am looking for patterns in old suppliments to the Qi Men Dun Jia. Naturally Taoists and Buddhists are not just in an of themselves but each religion has specific subsets and patterns. Taoism relates to naturism more than buddhism might. While buddhists are definately very orthodox. Comparing this to a western perspectve devout Catholics seem to be very orthodox as well as some Hindus in my area that use mantras. So, to see different types of patterns in something else is a strange thing. We do have some things in America that have an energy and pattern all of itself.
  9. True news vs fake news

    It was more of a realization: 1. People saw that Trump got more media coverage than anyone but did not understand why. i. In fact more people argue over what techniques and more he was using and this scared them. ii. In addition it caused divisions when they tried to counter his tactics SO.. that is why what happened next was not too amazing. 2. People wanted "ThEIR" candidate to win SO. They censored trump. Who was in Louisiana handing out food during the flood? It was not Obama, nor Clinton. Yes, it was Trump, and this was completely censored and people did not see this on television media. Remember when he shook the hands of a black bishop in Detroit and the bishop thanked him? No. They actually over the air told the camera man to "pull the plug". 3. In addition, no one who is doing a job willingly puts their jobs on the line for the sake of preference. So money is involved. News anchors definately do not assign preference over candidates so this is usually decided by management or who ever has money to spend. This has been an increasing tend especially post 2008 with media. So, I am not suprised. 4. Have you ever had people speak "for you"? It can be really annoying. That is more or less what happened to America. Americans were told to vote a specific way. They were told that they already were going to vote a certain way. What happens when you really annoy people like that and do not bother to tell people what the real results are? Well, everyone stubborn is going to be upset. So, sure there are many other factors but the stuff that was in plain sight that most people "caught" was what unsettled most people who voted. I mean we could argue about other minor details till the cows come home (around 10pm btw) and still the most profane and memorable contraditions always stand out. Sure it is'nt an end all be all post. I suppose I should apologize in a way. What I really meant to say was America felt like people were tryig to pull the wool over our eyes and America responded.
  10. Learning from Immortals

    I have to just mention something here, that The Learner, in the past has not only told me how things in a stretch of my life was going to happen, it actually came true. So, though you might discount some of the perspectives you get here, some of the information is first hand knowledge and valuable. All traditions come from religion and without respect for religion it is impossible to attain a tradition or method. Perhaps my offending officer (my mouth) has veen bulgar and nailed rn many in the past, but it is the cohesive nature of this board and the willingness to stick out for the good of the club and its betterment that helps us all and keeps us around. Its kind of like how I was liberal years ago and after talking to sean eventually I came to understand that conservative values embody the tao... Though I disagreed years ago. It requires the least amount of effort for development. So, I have Sean, Stigweard, Marblehead, Mal and all of the people willing to put up with my ridiculousness years ago to thank and be thankful for. Would I ever say liberalism can be marketed? No. In reality it only creates terrorists or near-terrorism because stability, normalcy and balance is never learned. God bless you Sean. If we had not talked I would have been even more aggressive.
  11. Under Trump

    I saw this and I liked it so much. I had an old friend talk to me earlier and wanted to know what I had done years ago or what I learned that was so powerful. I said "telling the truth" and I even posted about it. Then I saw this and I just liked it so much. It really is true you can learn all of whatever... Nothing is more powerful than the truth.
  12. Under Trump

    I wish things were as simple, even Daoism is not simple. If life were made good by something as simple as avoiding pickles?
  13. Rigging the election part two

    Apparently cables that happened in 1979 had to do with Isis. @Wells aaaand... The point is that Republicans/Conservatives do not exterminate. So, you should be thankful and lucky. Liberals do oppress people, which is the next best thing to extermination I suppose.
  14. Rigging the election part two

    OP is bogus. Anonymous really is bogus anymore. There are some surviving splinter groups but the post more videos than anything. Meaning they are just a bunch of Crackers (kids with hacking programs rather than skills) which is much different than an actual talented hacker who can be a real and lasting threat. I've reiterated this many times especially in 2014 when they caught the last of the real hackers who got everything networked. Now they have to guess who they can trust and have even made some dubious misteaks. Some of these include releasing the personal information on the wrong antagonist (or person) they may be fighting against. It is pathetic. So, maybe the OPster might not believe the source or the information and I hope they do not because it is [as I sound like a broken record] the worst popular tripe.
  15. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    So, looking into the Qi Men Dun Jia (hidden doors escaping technique) I see theft occurring and such at the beginning of Trump's presidency. Now if we take a look at Obama's actions the oval office is being redone so Trump can not use it for a year or so. We can also see that Obama is taking steps to solidify the damage he has done. Will Trump overcome all of this scheming? He seems impervious to the robbing star (he plans and strategizes well). For me it just reenforces the fact that Obama was so corrupt. I worry about the children. Children should be able to grow up having faith that things will turn out good and that they can do good things rather than getting sucked into negativity and weird SJW stuff.
  16. Enlightened movies

    The story of Milarepa who ventured into sorcery then redeemed himself. Its subtitled in english, no english dubbing yet. UJetsun Milarepa (Tibetan: རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་ལ་རས་པ, Wylie: rje btsun mi la ras pa) (c. 1052 – c. 1135 CE) is generally considered one of Tibet's most famous yogis and poets. He was a student of Marpa Lotsawa, and a major figure in the history of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism When his father died, Milarepa's uncle and aunt took all of the family's wealth. At his mother's request, Milarepa left home and studied sorcery. While his aunt and uncle were having a party to celebrate the impending marriage of their son, he took his revenge by summoning a giant hailstorm to demolish their house, killing 35 people, although the uncle and aunt are supposed to have survived. The villagers were angry and set off to look for Milarepa, but his mother got word to him, and he sent a hailstorm to destroy their crops. Many of Milarepa's deeds took place in the homeland of Chö kyi Drönma, the Samding Dorje Phagmo, and his life and songs were compiled by Tsangnyön Heruka, sponsored by her brother, the Gungthang king Thri Namgyal De. Milarepa later lamented his evil ways in his older years in conversation with Rechungpa: "In my youth I committed black deeds. In maturity I practised innocence. Now, released from both good and evil, I have destroyed the root of karmic action and shall have no reason for action in the future. To say more than this would only cause weeping and laughter. What good would it do to tell you? I am an old man. Leave me in peace."
  17. What are you listening to?

    Feeling really good today
  18. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    I am disappointed that I am not a t3rr00rist r1sk.
  19. What are you listening to?

    I like rockabilly. This is what i am listening to right now:
  20. BLR

    Bad Lip Reading