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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. what is the reason we exist in life ? if spirit exists.. then why would a spirit put itself in a box, limited reality to experience it and try to realize itself ? is it game ? if it is for fun or game... boredom doesn't exist.


    If other realms/dimensions exists... then why do they? what the whole point of all of this? what the point of tao? ... to learn? learn what ? and what would this knowledge really help us ? and if reincarnation exists... why everytime u have to learn the same stuff ? or even... why do we have to learn stuff that as a spirit we are whole, why to box ourselves and try to rediscover ourselves ?


    If you have an answer, how much are sure of it? 


    Well, as you have shown by limiting the things that do not make sense we can make some impressive reasoning deductions.

  2. I think everyone has made some great points.


    When I think of the question "will humankind survive?"


    I think of this:  Can humankind come up with a solution that is not worse than any of the problems?


    Sometimes I wonder if just leaving things alone is the solution.  Could it be that simple?

    • Like 3

  3. Ok, so I am talking Elements here, yes in the 5 element theory fashion.


    Immediately this raises the following warnings:

    1.  Because things people normally tell you about "playing with elements" is that it is extremely dangerous.


    But, cheer up.  We are not "playing" with the elements here... It is more of just a problem with Elements.


    What if you have WAY tOo much METAL???


    Those familiar with more complicated things like Ba Zi or Qi Men Dun Jia realize this leads largely to:

    1. Shocking speech.

    2. Unpopular behaviour

    3. Unlucky Investments

    4. Poor Choices.


    How is this remedied?  Do we have a person that knows about this?


    As i practice, I recognized I have become more balanced... Just a thought.

  4. If you've studied Albert Pike or Revelation,

    Giving up ideologies or getting pulled into a multi-ideological war may not seem such a good thing.



    I think people should talk about this, not because it is a sore point... I must admit in the past even I suggested it.  Now I dread the day when there may actually be satanic groups that try to completely wipe out any good or virtue there is left.


    Maybe we should just focus on this never happening?

  5. Julian Assange was one of my old Hacker buddies from years ago.  I hope he is still alive.  It was my opinion that after he found out about Soros he seemed against the Democrats.


    It has been my opinion that all of the made up charges were because they never liked any of us telling people the truth.

    • Like 5

  6. Also, Hillary paid Internet trolls 6 million recently to spread her stuff on the internet, facebook and attack the right.


    The super-rich globalists like evil George Soros all back the Democrats.


    One way to specifically prove this is look at who goes to the Bilderberg Group meetings.


    They personally try to influence the world to become one government, one community under their control.


    Notable recent attendees include Hillary Clinton, Obama and Beyonce.


    Note the propaganda recently in Beyonce's music.  This propaganda permeates all the mainstream media, including shows like "The Talk"


    In fact on a given day if you want to find out what they WANT you to believe just take a look at the propaganda on "The Talk'.

    This is extremely evil folks.  Very evil.  I have always thought if it is not fair, why do it?  But some people just will not stop at nothing for complete control!


    This is why I hardly watch T.V. anymore some show has some evil propaganda that wants you to think this way about a particular thing.


    That is why we are far better off with the alternative, despite all the media lies.

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  7. Back, sometimes you have to kind of walk.

    Walk, walk and do some more walking and just see suffering and understand it until you can learn how to help others and yourself.

    Sometimes, just doing nothing or giving simple answers are best.

    So, going to give this a shot,  I will try to stick around and bring myself up to speed on everything first.

    But, I have no where near the want to try to change everyone the way I tried to and that is being honest with myself as well.

    Now, we can look forward to something new in the world... Where free-speech will be protected.

    Where no one will be shamed.  Where people do not have to live in mental slavery.

    I look forward to all of the positives of this future.  Is it me? No.


    Also, if I am not hated too much still I would like to have my Personal Practice Forum reopened? Please?

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  8. As I was traveling I thought of another few interesting topics that might trip your neurons up, funny bone or just be way too shocking.


    Never Underestimate The Power Of Human Jealousy


    Ever dressed your best, or felt good about how you are or where your life is going?

    Maybe you have manners. Maybe you can do things others can not.

    There will always be things you have that other people are jealous of.

    Maybe it is simple as you have long hair and other people do not.

    This is based upon my rule of “do not tell anyone”.


    In the past I have thought… Why do I have to change? Does not jealousy mean that other people do not want to accomplish things for themselves? Well, yes.

    But the next time you are looking for that promotion, that financing for your next business or you go on that date ask yourself: How jealous is the person you are meeting with?

    Just because you are crazy enough to have or be good at whatever it is that makes you tick… Also means that the person can, in their jealousy see you as a fake person.

    This can disqualify you from many things you see yourself achieving.

    Crazy is it not? It is funny at the same time. But by the same token if you show that whatever it is the person has focused on… Is somehow flawed… Then they love you for it because they do not somehow feel you are superior to them. They then feel like they have the goods on you and so you are safe. Lets see how this works.


    Interviewer: Wow your hair is still black and thick looking just as it was back in Highschool!

    Me: Yes, I must admit I cheated and use Chinese herbs.

    Interviewer: Really? Chinese herbs?

    Me: Yes, but the downside is I can not eat normal food anymore and they ended up being most of my diet.

    Interviewer: Sorry to hear that.


    The truth is, yes it did affect my diet that way. In the end it also made them feel sorry for my predicament. But in this way if you show people that what they envy has a price, it wakes them up to reality. So, always be conscious of people’s jealousies. Dress for the part. If you look like you are out of place, you most certainly are.


    When People Ask Your Opinion Of Someone Who Is Your Enemy


    Always say something nice. Sometimes it confounds people because they always expect something negative. If you can say good things about even your greatest enemy then you have won the battle and the war. A good example is I had a difficult supervisor in the past.


    Coworker: So, how do you put up with so-and-so, he is not an easy person to work with is he?

    Me: I can not say anything bad about him. He gives me treats.

    Coworker: *laughs*


    By the same token, fighting against someone only makes them stronger. That is the law of attraction and also how I ended up on the payroll of someone who paid me to oppose him for a time. Good lesson to follow and shows how these things work. The best people who succeed have strong opposition. If you really want to oppose someone, you have to rethink everything you ever knew. As for a job, you get paid to do it. There you go and that is all that can be said. Just look at history. We are spectators really. People come and go. Nations rise and fall. People become liberal then nationalistic.

    Things allways change. They never stay the same.


    Your Life And Everything In It Is One Big Alliance


    If you want to change your life, you have to change things about yourself.

    You have to change how you see things and most importantly your friends.

    The people you ally yourself with determine where you will go in life.

    If you have friends who shame you into a liberal design that constantly make you see yourself as a victim… You might be happy, yet totally reliant on giving your power to a system that you expect to get things from.

    Being one of those people at one time, you set yourself up for one of the greatest disappointments. For when you are so wholly bent on getting something or dependant upon payouts from this scheme you give up achieving things. It is sad.

    It is better to have friends that are working on making themselves better and making others better by achieving things for themselves. Helping others achieve for themselves.

    How? It teaches self-reliance and learning to become self-sufficient. You do not have to give your power away to a ridiculous idea that people have to be shamed to be kept in-line. You work to do things for yourself.

    The other way is lazy. Sure, it is fine for some. When society changes again and there is nothing to rely on… That is when you will thank me.


    There are Colleges here in the states that now in their welcome letters state that there will be no safe-spaces and that free speech and the like will be protected. This is different than the previous political correctness dogma founded on liberal ideology.

    Jesus healed the cripples. He did not go out of his way to make people feel better about defects. There are plenty of spiritual people who were cripples. It makes no difference.

    Except to serve the fact, piping hot, not cold that society has become so sensitive and out of touch with reality that it needed such things.

    (The last few sentences are paraphrased from George Carlin’s words)


    So, if you want to do great things. Find other people who are successful and build upon successes rather than failure. If you talk about failure all the time, think and write down things you have done and succeeded at. If need be, suspend reality checking if it is slowing you down.


    I Tried It And It Did Not Work!

    Anybody heard this one?

    This is always a lie.

    Anytime you hear this from someone they either lacked confidence, conviction or stamina to carefully see something through. It usually makes people throw up their hands and give up.


    Unless they tried some work or item of quackery it usually is a sign that they have something different to sell. You can save time and money ignoring anyone who talks this way. Unless you want to look into their eyes to see their pupils dance around from the internal concussion they just gave themselves. Best change the subject entirely otherwise next comes the emotional manipulation. I am all for empathy. Patterns, patterns life is about patterns. If you get involved there will be no end to the suffering you put up with.


    I Just Want To Be Happy


    Do the things that make you happy (within law and reason).


    I Just Want To Be Superior/ Superpowerful/ Supersayian

    This is out of touch with reality. If you think you are, or want to be it is closely related to:

    “I did it and it did not work”. This kind of conversation usually culminates in them saying something that they think is really smart or cunning. Save yourself the trouble.


    Life Is Not Fair

    Once a person believes this, it tends to crush their hopes and dreams. Having lived on either side of this lie… It is better to believe that life is fair. Because, I have also lived around people dragged down by it and it is not pretty. In a way it is like mental slavery. Who ever makes you believe this holds the shackles.


    The person that gets you worked up about this or that

    This is another form of control.

    Learn to control yourself and your emotions through breathing and you will become aware of it. It is also another form of emotional slavery because it will manifest the fears they suggest.


    Person 1: Oh no! Wait did you see that?

    Me: You know I do not react like that. Stop it. Just relax and tell me what is going on.

    Person 1: You never…


    Note the absolutes like never, all the time… so on. If they use a lot of them and there is not a lot of sound reason, they may have some things they need to work through. But, you avoid losing composure or making a serious mistake by controlling your emotions through proper breathing (learned elsewhere mind you lol).


    Also a side note that empathy comes with relationships. It is just not balanced to get worked up about things quickly. Some teachers explain this as Qi Stagnation problems.

    I just call avoiding it and the Qi Stagnation common sense.


    Just some other things that came to mind… later

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  9. The only reason I believe people achieve anything is not based entirely on skill. A person with the best skills can still fail. A person with high intellect can also fail. A media personality can also fail once his style becomes obsolete. Sometimes a person is too good at something. So good that it becomes their own undoing. In the end, a person who is able to make people laugh out lasts and has the only lasting effect on achievement. Have you ever said, “Oh I like this person because he is a cold cod fish?” How about, “I like this guy because he is serious all the time.” Maybe, “Man she lies all the time, yeah she gets the job.”


    Or maybe he is the chosen one. LOL


    So, I made my mistakes before coming here, eventually worked them all out. Along the way I learned much about myself and other people. In fact, I learned too well that certain kinds of people exist. People that should not, but they do. Lets just say that I came from the low end of the High Class spectrum of income. At least that was what I was born into. Everything else was just being at the right place at the right time. I always neglect to explain my parents were in fact rich. Perhaps I thought it did not matter. When things are just handed to you and you also learn things by just being someplace at the right time you do not comprehend disadvantaged people. That was my kryptonite. I traveled and eventually lived as a poor person, homeless for some time. What I did not have I made up for in skills. Skills that did not come from being poor. So, in reality if you are poor, you really are disadvantaged. In fact, most people who are that impoverished have difficulty really believing in anything or anyone and that brings me to my first point. After I started cleaning house with my relationships with people and what not I came to a striking realization.


    There are people who will lie to you. They do it because they do not care what the real facts are. They lie because the facts do not favor them or they are stupid.


    That was probably a few of the worst experiences I have lived through. My immediate family was GOOD. We valued truth and facts the most. But there are people in this world who do not care if they destroy society, or cause consequences because they lied to their own ends. These people are the most destructive because they do not comprehend that lying always causes some catastrophic destruction of some kind. This seems to happen with people who are very impoverished. They just do not see how this affects society. Later I came to recognize that people I had cut out of my life… Were like this. Some of them shamed others and lied for their own ends. Now that I have lived through it and realize that people like this exist I wonder: Perhaps because they did not have value to society maybe they stay poor because of it. So I did not know and was liberal, learned and became conservative which was ironic because my disposition seemed to be liberal, though I valued fact and truth.


    Values Save Society and Relationships


    If men become feminine,

    then women dislike those men.

    If men become confused about who they are as men…

    This leads to confusion and co-dependency.

    Where there is co-dependency, domestic violence increases.

    The same can be said for the opposite in women if they become masculine.

    This is also true in the extreme as reports of domestic violence in LGBT marriages is several times higher than in heterosexual ones.


    This is the heart of the issue. When what a person is and how they function is confused there are always more severe problems that impact society as a whole.


    The current big lie propaganda that is told over and over until people believe it…

    Brainwashed the population in the United States and Canada into believing that if you do not support this evil propaganda you are a bigot or you are gay and the list goes on.

    In the end the facts and truth are that feminism and gay rights destroy people and their relationships. They do so in the way I had described above.


    Instead of getting a chance to fight it… What happens?

    We reach the end of the epoch with Nationalism taking off and threatening the destruction of this ridiculousness. Good riddance.

    So now you have your facts. Is truth hate?

    “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” - George Orwell

    Who would have thought?


    The Lurkers


    Years ago I knew people like this existed, but did not understand the implications. People who watch others and stalk or monitor other people tend to be evil and diabolical in nature. Same goes for watch groups they become so obsessed with this kind of power utterly engulfed and consumed with the power of watching someone till they:

    Do something they do not like

    They fail at something.


    Do Not Tell Anyone


    Success seems to also depend on not being found or just not telling people anything.

    So, if you know something good, have a good plan, are going to destroy evil.

    Do not tell anyone. Do not show what you have. Keep everything hidden including who you are and where you are.


    Ironically, you can learn the same from George Carlin


    If you watch all of George Carlin’s videos you end up learning something similar.

    Plus it is funny. Much funnier than me. Plus you will not have to watch unicorns perish, or me doing some other act that could be seen as hateful… Like telling the truth.


    I recommend starting with his segment on “Political Correctness is Facism masquerading as manners.” Eventually graduate to his rules of success.


    Stay Sane

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  10. well i cant buy any stones from you, but my interest is indeed high. even if not to acquire the gems, the knowledge itself is still very valuable!

    Yeah, It is a lot of things I have learned. Most of it through training. But I am planning to sell all of this and my knowledge and training on everything except stillness movement. You would have to see Mike for that. These subjects have been an obsession of mine for so long. Now I need to focus on material pursuits.


    I might think of teaching a few people but the price has to be high enough to cover my travel. Either way even if I sell everything for $20k I would still just break even. But that is the price for being obsessed with these thing early in life and the past countless years.

  11. Dear Friends,


    I have been gone for quite some time. Much of which has been spent drifting from State to State.

    This time has given me much time to contemplate my life, where it is going and where I plan to go.

    During my travels I have encountered many different people with many unique talents and abilities.

    Now it is time for me to start giving back.


    I got rid of many things when I left but put my books, artifacts and equipment in storage. Now what I am planning to do is to get all of my books and Crystals together... Some of them quite rare and sell them as a bundle. I can teach the buyer how to use the items. But I am more interested in getting rid of these items. Someone else who wnats to learn about all of these things could do better with them. Has anyone done something like this before? I do not want to just sell them on ebay... It is just too intensive for my life. The majority of the money will go to charities.


    Kind Regards,


  12. Not to mention, the Obama administration appointed a bunch of pro-GMO/Monsanto wh0res to our national food safety boards:


    Thats one of the many reasons I just dont get involved or talk about politics. Politicians lie. I dont know how we manage to forget it. We learn that truth when we are kids.

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  13. Hehehe. He is still working things out. It might take a little while.


    I thought most truth was half truth.


    Wu wei needs something invested in it. Its like laying a foundation. Once you begin to start working on something and can see it in your mind you can finish the project. Unless you are on a shoestring budget then thats another topic.

  14. OOooh! More to add:


    Democrat: There is enough shit to go around.

    Republican: Shit happens because it can.

    Independant: It may be shit but its my own.

    Communist: You cant have the good shit.

    Socialist: Only the government can have the good shit.

    Anarchist: Shit happens because we make it happen.

    Christian: Shit happens because we are sinners.

  15. See I don't think I've read more than 3 or 4 of his posts. I asked him a question once, and after the first couple of sentences, his post went on about stuff that I didn't understand/find relevant, so I moved on.


    Maybe I spend too much time on forums, but I have oft noticed the cyclical nature of internet conversations. Nowadays, I can usually recognize when one is heading into a shit storm, and avoid. If it's a topic I personally find interesting, I'll participate anyway. I usually know what I'm getting myself into :P


    Am I fully enlightened to the whole internet? I dunno, I'm still around, and haven't reached liberation from the internet (at the very least, from forums). I like to think I can walk away at any time. ;)


    Well your energy is good. Funny, I almost want to call you Mal. :lol:

    Course then again Im tired taking vitamins... studying for a test


    I wish I could be liberated from the internet. Never happened quite yet. I had it in the works in the past but its just hard to get by without it. Yes the nice thing is that you can take a break at any time and you don't need anyone's permission.


    Saw the movie Limitless recently. It was awesome.

  16. I can't for the life of me find where he was any more insulting than anyone else! He sounds exactly like a handful of others on this forum. In fact, if I am to be honest in my limited observations, it was (at least in the threads I looked at) other people who didn't like his posts that were clearly insulting and attacking him...


    Maybe there is still more that I missed. Maybe he said some really nasty personal stuff. but I gotta be honest here... I didn't see it... The only possible personal attack I saw would have been the line about conservatism being an illness, but, seriously... In many other threads that could easily be laughed away... From what I've seen, the only other person to come close in terms of generating this level of dislike was Starjumper. And he was much worse than this guy by far.


    I was trying to find instances of his insulting also. I couldnt find any, but found a lof of people insulting him. The only insult I saw as well is the implying conservativism was a dis-ease. I mean If I called someone a *multiple expletives* (I feel now that profanity has no place on a forum) Yes I could see it but I have seen far worse. It looks more like someone tried to make an example of him and because he is new and the other members know how to use the report button he suffered.

    It really isnt anything new to me, I know there are cliques here. Ive had one Moderator get upset because I reported a post so I dont use the report option. I figure someday Ill say something and get banned because someone didnt like me.