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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Maybe now people will shut up and the pedophile can start to fade into history.

    As for what he did with his life he donated to a lot of charities.


    Wouldnt you have a sick feeling in your stomach if you knew you were wrong about him being a pedophile?


    Well it is over, I watched it earlier, and doubtless there has to be recordings on the internet....

  2. I was told by an herbalist that fo ti was a little too greasy for me, maybe hard to digest for some?

    Could be. I knew it helped absorb bad cholesterol and helped replenish liver glycogen necessary for body repairs but if the herbalist says so well its good to take his word for it.


    Its too bad there isnt a super cure-all meridian clearing formula. I know there are some balancing tea formulas but cant remember them off the top of my head. they are all yin in nature, that is the danger... They are designed for people doing heavy energy work and if you stop and continue taking the tea might result in some bizarre "bi" (chinese bi type symptoms refering to cold or congestion like) like syndrome or something.

  3. That are safe? A straight up answer is no.


    Aconite formula is extremely toxic and even a few days of taking it the body develops toxicity to it. DEADLY.

    The great majority of us are weaker than our ancestors... Some of the formulas and strategies booklets written of old say one week for toxicity(toxic symptoms). That is the difference.


    Safer would be to take adaptogenic herbs such as Ginseng(If you become extremely red flushed stop taking), Astragalus (If you develop dry coughing fits stop taking). Fo-Ti [polygonum multiflorum] (no known side effects).


    Health is a state of balance.

  4. Very good post creation. I enjoyed it.


    That is where some of the stuff like eastern magic especially the stuff like chinese elemental magic... being able to feel the patterns of substances differ from the mind dispositions of the majority of magic itself.


    I used to converse regularly some years ago with Tomekeeper who wrote "The Library of Magic" webpage where he was trying to streamline most of the stuff into a more freestyle type of direct magic which was more intent on feeling the energies you were working with as a type of feedback response to what you were working with. Plus he also alludes to not using the mind, though a lot of people fell into that trap. That is probably the closest I have seen anyone comming to integrating higher energies into magic.


    This seems more in line with getting away from the mind trap of some of the ritualistic thinking, though as a matter of course mankind does need some minor rituals as a type of "cue up" for doing that type of work.

    Kind of like the opening to stillness movement, which is kind of like a "cue up" for the meditation.

  5. Just to add if you read the Randi challange you have to do whatever it is you do (specify beforehand) under the situations and conditions they present.


    So you could be in a room with people yelling and screaming or the like while you are trying to concentrate.

    Tricky eh?

  6. I`m interested in what the "evil spirits" are. Do you also mean something telling by "half the time"? e.g. "half the time to imprison an evil spirit"? Sorry to go all pedant on you but I often think that a lot of what we say/write is pretty rich in meaning.


    No worries if you don't want to elaborate.


    Evil spirits are generally entities wreaking havok, in cases of oppression and posession. I try to limit myself time wise on here so I have a half hour later (its my day off).


    Black energy is used in some parts of daoist energy work, but quite rarely. I dont know if I know anyone today unearthing some of these methods.


    What I mean by half the time is that sometimes people may imprision good spirits in a ring. This makes it a spirit ring. (uh dont go run off and buy one online, a real master would not sell something like that).


    But before you start getting after me this is just for information only. A ring like such can perform various things such as disruption of electrical devices, or even notify you if a friend or loved one is thinking about you.


    Most of the practices it is used for is usually for self gratification, though some may give to charities and is used to force ones own way. Doesnt sound very Taoist does it?

  7. I think I understand what you are getting at you are looking for proof or validation.


    Personally, I used to be a computer programmer when I was younger, and sometimes nothing truely prepares you for what you experience. For me, I began to notice that my awareness of people around me began to reopen up again when I was 16, as I began to actually feel and sense peoples feelings and actions and behaviour.

    It began to bother me that my actions leading up to that point had been mechanical or robot like and that it seemed like most people go about their daily business in a mechanical fashion, totally oblivious of peoples feelings around them, their actions and such...


    For me my abilities opened up without energetic work, though more opened up later.


    Through that initial experience I met a person who seemed skilled but he was more skilled in ego, and manipulating spirits, which is why when I sense people like that it is a source of irritation for me. He passed on a few years after we met.


    Since then I tried studying from books but because of the initial training which was all selfish/gratification based it did not allow some types of spiritual development. Such as, I had difficulty "listening". I saw everything that happened to me as something that people had sent out as intention or myself sending out intention which is not true.


    I learned in my travels to most of the states, Canada and Brazil that there are many different and wonderful teachers with different vibrations based upon their types of training.


    Unfortunately what is lost is a lot of experience in being exposed to these different types of energies and modalities and methods if one does not willingly venture to teachers who can expose you to these many strange and wonderous things. Can one true know and understand these things without being exposed beforehand? Yes but it is a rarity. I have been around gifted people most of my life -some of them I did not know until later. Could it have been that being around them reawakened my abilities? Could be.


    As for understanding these types of things from the way that I understood things before... What I did not truely see physically, as opposed to what I had later called distortions, or could actually feel physically or smell and so on I did not consider real. Since most of these types of "extreme" experiences as I am encountering on the TaoBums is not common, I would have to say that without actutally learning from a teacher that is versed in the higher energies it would be hard to say that you could develop anything even if you practiced for several hours a day. The teacher would help you distinguish a sound from a sound you hear in your head and so on, and sensation like those.


    Yes there are some people who become mentally ill due to their abilities. Sometimes they just absorb sick stuck energy and dont even know it. I have seen that too.


    So I am hoping this answers some of your questions as how some of the fancy abilities that people sometimes develop come about. The catch is that you usually need someone to guide you, doesnt that make proof difficult?


    This somehow reminds me of the Randi contest advertised some years back. haha.

  8. It found its way into Taoism, yes as a lot of folk magic, shamanic practices did as well as buddhism, bon and other traditions.


    I can only guess it could be more of a Wu or mongolian sorcery type practice (or inspired by). It doesnt sound like anything from buddhism or bon.


    For clarification, rather than think this is evil, it is actually used to bind and permanently seal a spirit [half the time to imprison an evil spirit] (among many other things) and is where the majority of spirit rings come from. You may think this is "cool" or you can get your way in life, but without energetic understanding you may be causing yourself harm.


    Remember everything has a price; you cant get your food from the store for nothing. Some prices are very high.

    I would discourage use of these practices.

  9. This post is written in a chinese way (explanation and conclusion in reverse).


    It should be interesting to note that more car makers are designing more sporty diesel cars now.

    It seems to me this is a step in the opposite direction.

    I was doing some research on this this morning after looking at a car magazine that was covering sports car/ muscle car type vehicles with "sporty" specs.

    The upside it seems is that diesel engines can be converted to burn a lpg-diesel blend to make the engines more efficient. The downside is that it increases dependancy on fossil fuels (petroleum).


    What causes societies to change? The american beauty has for the most part been ignorance so to speak.


    Unfortunately, out of ignorance one of our greatest sources of ignorance and possibly some of our libraries of ageless wisdom might be destroyed in the future. Humankind, dissatified with what religion has percievably caused could easily decide to abolish it for the reason of dissention and disunity resulting in a horrific mao tze tung like "cultural revolution" of horrific proportions.


    One could easily point to religion as a problem, as in our age religious dogma tends to make our view of things very linear, black and white (dualism) and concieved notions that there is only one way of doing certain things when it comes to science, mathematics, art and music.


    It seems that mankind needs to feel the need to "direct" things. The ant-like feelings of "thats all and good but that does not tell me what I need to do to get from point a to point b" line of thinking is completely void of the ability to be able to constantly look at waht is going on around oneself, or be aware of ones action upon all that currently exists.


    When peoples are conquered the scribes and the intelligent people of the ones conquered are either reeducated or killed, which does not seem a very good end game. However seems unlikely as in recent decades it seems people have become more and more divided to subfactions and even more subfactions.


    Since the problem is that the ignorance has run so deeply to the point that linear thinking, black and white (dualism) and desicions based upon preconcieved notions are so commonly used and only serve to create greater problems in the future...


    However, for people to change it has to be no longer acceptable or even disasterous to hold to the current ways of doing things. This could happen through disasters be it natural, self-created or through management type strategies like ecological changes (creating an atmosphere more supportive of positive construtive ways of doing things) as well as projecting calmness deters restlessness or explosive behaviour.


    Taoism tend to lend itself to acceptance of things that exist, because denying that some things exist only serve to add more stress to an organism and lends itself to a universal purpose that acceptance and letting go has a profound effect on people that is very contagious.


    Purpose without attachment to an outcome is not easy to teach the masses (I mean teaching that the outcome of such behaviour can sometimes be more than an anxious attitude that an outcome might be achieved and with greater results than needing the outcome to take place) but could be done without putting oneself in harms way. It just takes some planning and work.

    A good example would be people becommeing extremely sick and tired of extreme demands... caused by extreme demands. This is the result of an attempt of the current highrollers trying to maintain power and money.



    So, to more or less clarify what I am saying is that forcing an outcome, like many are currently doing, is their undoing. Even if the climate changes (a what if scenario), or the political order does become extreme it is only a matter of time before change ensues.

  10. I have to agree with h.uriahr


    Jehovah's Witnesses are kind of an off-branch of the Adventists because Russell used to go to adventist meetings circa 1850-1870s I want to say but that is off the top of my head.


    I am not sure of the latin words mentioned equaling 666 might be someone adding numerology.


    If it mentions heaven and hell, but not necessarily about people going to heaven (except 144,000) or about people who die going to gehenna (lake of fire) then it is the witnesses because they dont believe in an afterlife.

    Most witnesses will quote Revelation 21:3-4 in reference to after Armageddon.


    If they believe in an afterlife, it sounds adventist in origin.


    Everything else seems to be adventist in origin. Most believe Jesus will physically return in that religion or as is my understanding. An expert on the Adventist could possibly give some more defined answers.


    The tactic with it and the witnesses is to generally imply that you will die in armageddon if you dont get the right religion. Implications of teaching the distruction of the current world which is a fear tactic.


    Most religions with the exception of a few use fear tactics like these.

  11. The text Xi Sui Jing contains information regarding bathing in alternating hot and cold water to improve circulation.


    Too much heat or cold can lead to hot type or cold type pathenogenic invasions, in combination with other current imbalances these can create heath problems. An example would be:


    My being fatigued after working a fifteen hour shift in a warehouse (previous job) then going home and taking a cold shower as a habit. Resulting in a cold pathenogenic invasion lasting a couple of years until treatment with acupuncture and herbalism. (chronic bronchitis some years back)


    I am sure anything I say about it would be imperfect; yet these things did cross my mind when I read this.

  12. I have the translation by Hua-Ching Ni.

    Just thought I would share.



    There seems to be a lot o similarities between both translated versions of the Hua Hu Ching