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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. I agree with goldisheavy.

    Another way you could look at it also is like "chemistry". There have been women in the past i have encountered where I have picked up on that similar scent so to speak.

    It could be that we also being animal in nature pick up on compatable "pheremones" from partners that we are similar to or compatable with.

  2. I've found secret to funky green veggie shakes is adding avocado (which work real well in 'normal' shakes too) and frozen bananas. They both add creamyness and some sweetness.




    It took 20 minutes, but I searched spinach shake <nothing> then spinach and was able to dig up a very old post I had about perfecting the spinach shake; here it is:


    Working on perfecting the spinach milk shake. Why you ask? Fame!! Fortune!! Good health!!!


    Yesterday the results were less then perfect, an icy thick green mess. I used frozen organic spinach (Trader Joes), ice, 2% milk, plain kefir yogurt, 1/2 banana and a touch of vanilla. It wouldn't mix, I had to keep jamming it down. I got an uneven green blob, that tasted like frozen gelatinous spinach.


    Today more banana, no ice, more milk, less spinach. Pretty good. Very healthy too. Could use a bit more blending to smooth it out. Its very milk shaky. The spinach works fine. Strangely it tastes sweet, though the only sweetener is the banana. I'll bet half an avocado would turn it from good to great. Would make it even healthier too.


    Perhaps the weak spot is the 2% milk. It does add to the creaminess of the recipie. I could use less with the avocado, maybe add in a bit of water so it will spin. The milk does add protein.


    I just had a bizarre Idea... I think I might try your recipe and add protien powder... maybe soy and or whey...


  3. Very good posts everyone. Especially Vortex and Stigweard.




    Governing a large country

    is like frying a small fish.

    You spoil it with too much poking.


    Center your country in the Tao

    and evil will have no power.

    Not that it isn't there,

    but you'll be able to step out of its way.


    Give evil nothing to oppose

    and it will disappear by itself.


    Ive found people sometimes have a hard time understanding non-dualism.

    It doesnt make it invalid, just that the world has become a strange place.


    I feel I should quote the hua hu ching (highly trivial?)

    Part of verse 29:

    Kind prince, one who is integrally virtuous does not sit back and enjoy the loftiness of his personal spiritual achievement while the world engages in bloodshed because of the people's ignorant attachments to particular ideologies and theologies. One of integral virtue is not interested in personal exaltation. He exposes the truth and shows the way of evolution of all humanity. Any individual's spiritual achievement can never be considered great as long as the world is victimized by wars.

    Kind prince, those who brandish power are like small children playing with an enormous axe; they will inevitably bring about their own destruction. Undeveloped humanity can destroy itself through its own ignorance, and this is why one of universal virtue has something of great value to say and share with people. His purpose is not to share the excellence of his mind nor to display his great compassion. It is simply the natural responsibility of one who can see to tell a blind horseman on a blind horse that he is riding tword an abyss.


    I am not sure of the majority of thought here on the hua hu ching, but this came to mind.

    I merely suggest that most learn facets of how to do different workings within the Tao, but do not seek complete wisdom to prevent harming themselves or others.

  4. Wow just got back from the June seminar in West Planes Missouri.

    I was very impressed and so was my wife.


    The cost of gas in an oldsmobile cutlass supreme there and back was about $190(with the tires over inflated by 5 lbs/Tuned up/ Oil Change). The hotel stays total about $334 with hotel stays along the way included. We stayed at the ridgecrest hotel in westplaines which was around $47 per night (we stayed three nights, and sometimes the rates change so check beforehand) I think with tax.

    We traveled the 860 some miles from Aberdeen, South Dakota to West Plaines Missouri.


    Around Sioux City Iowa we found the A/c went out but that did not stop us, we kept going.


    Originally the itinernary was we were going to go through Kansas City however as the last moment my wife told me she would rather not do that. So I punched in a few other cities to go around it - Chilicothe Missouri being one of them from there we headed down 65 to springfield then to west plaines into the GPS.


    For those traveling by road, I recommend buying a GPS. There are so many economically priced and decent ones now in the 120-190 dollar range. It takes the stress out of driving if you can focus on multiple things at once. If you have a hard time concentrating on your surrounding dont buy one. For me, it is much more valueable as something not to just tell you what road necessarily to turn on, but if you want to find gas stations, restaurants, shopping et cetera. This is something that comes with most of these GPS devices and helped plan periodic stops along the way reducing the hassle of where to eat, stop for gas and so on. Even more valueable in cases where we made a few wrong turns, and it recalculated a new path.


    Personally most of the food we ate we bought before hand and kept in a large cooler along with lots of water. Most food we bought was not highly perishable.


    It took roughly two days travel to cover the distance, being that I had to work an entire night shift before heading out in the morning on thursday. You can drive and trade off drivers but suggest you drive with someone who has done it before and be prepared to stay the night someplace if you both get too tired.


    For those who are sensitive and able to recognize very high level vibrational energies, you will not be disappointed. If you have not been exposed to such strong energy very often you will have a similar experience as I did, where you will sleep very hard each night at the end of the seminar. This is because the physical body much adjust and "catch up" with the energy body.


    The system was covered in entirety within the two days. I did not have certification to enable me to touch people, so I did not stay the third day however I will in the future.


    The entire system was covered in the two days along with some miscellaneous chikung and gift of the tao chikung.


    The system seems comprised of:

    • Stillness Movement Chikung(s) [and the important closings]
    • Gift of the Tao ChiKung
    • Miscellaneous chikung (ill be ambiguous so you can be suprised by what you get to learn)
    • Developing Multiple Intention
    • Modalities that have implications in the system.
    • Understanding the continuity and dynamics of the system

    I took notes after the fact to congeal what I had learned during the workshop, and was very satisfied with what was taught. Some parts of the second day covered things that can stifle energy development. What was taught seemed very fluid and based upon what the group was ready for.


    I could give a synopsis of everything that was covered, but somehow feel I might not be able to do it justice as I would eventually have to explain each thing. Not something I am qualified to do. However it seems much more profound than any of the other hundered books I have read on chikung.


    I was able to join the group for lunch the second day which was a real treat, and enjoyed conversing with everyone.


    When the time came to leave I was very sad to go, and for me I get really attached to people. I did not like saying goodbye.


    That is all for now, I hope my review does the workshop justice. I and my wife thoroughly enjoyed it and talked about it on the way back and even the past few days. In fact it sounds like now my wife's mother may even go, which I am happy to hear about. We have nothing but good things to say about the workshop and without any doubt will be making more trips to west plaines or to other places the workshops will be held. Hoping each year I can learn more through these experiences as I continue practicing.


    In hindsight, some of these teachings that are taught are very high level teachings. If I had not met my wife who was already intuitively accustomed to a few of these teachings, they might not have resonated with me and my mind would have been fighting some of these teachings. However now as I have experienced many of these things first hand... seems to make me more open and my understanding more profound. It seems that each step of the way I find that if you listen to the universe -it talks.

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  5. hmmm I know I was gone for a while.... thought I would give my take on it.


    It seems difficult, I know that some argue that there is some mental aspect of Taoism, and yes that is very true. I think what is often not taught or not easily understood or studied is the non-mental aspect of taoism. By this I dont mean faith or the limbic system. It seems to me that the non-mental aspect of taoism is far more powerful and sublimating than the mere mental aspect.


    Does Taoism in itself lend to a political agenda? Probably not anymore than people lend themselves to a particular type of work as a doctor, artist or engineer. Nature, healing and self healing as well as progressive enlightenment is something a lot of people aspire to on any political side.


    I used to hold to a political agenda, however freeing oneself from strongly held-to ideas tends to free up more energy.


    Could I suggest that Taoism does not lend itself to critical thinking, or an agenda? It seems to me that this is how it feels...

  6. Here's another thing. Imagine that just like how columbus supposedly discovered that the

    earth was round, not flat. Now what if we are about to discover something that is even

    more cool. What if the earth is actually hollow. And within the hollow earth, dwells another

    human race that has been there for thousands of years. Its technology way ahead of ours since they

    had thousands of years to develop.


    Will you be the narrow-minded brain washed people who said "that is ridiculous? the earth is not round?" or will you be the person who says wow "that is a possibility?, I never thought the earth was hollow."


    To the person who said the North pole does not have millions of acres of Tropical vegetation

    underneath it. You should do more research. Underneath all that ice is land and vegetation.


    When the poles shift, the North pole will reveal land and people will go there since it is supposed to

    be the new equator. When this happens, people will be revealed to the new interior earth. This

    place is supposed to be paradise.


    I am not ridiculing you here, but the blue colored people is your defense? :blink:


    I know psychics predicted calamities in 2012 but I am sure they all have books and booking on shows (something to sell). Too bad no one asked me. I give what I get freely.


    I feel left out :lol: I picked up on the vibrational changes which can be a hazard in itself, but never felt any "calamity" course it depends upon what you consider a calamity.


    As for 7 births :blink: I am not sure why people create such wild stories. I wish I had some contempt to give here, but deep down I feel mild amusement at it. How does that make you feel? Is there not something deep down that disagrees with it? I am not here to force your opinion but seriously copying something from a book or cut and pasting from emails or websites is something I have seen a lot in my time i have been on the internet. It hasnt impressed me one iota.

  7. At first thought I wasnt going to respond but... ok.


    Ive heard some say there was going to be wars. I also heard other stuff too...


    The magnetic pole moves a few centimeters per year however. Well documented. However noticing the sun still seems to rise and set at an angle maintaining winter due to the axis of the earth and revolution around the sun showing that a huge jump in this has not occured yet.


    I know that there have been many energy shifts and in fact this last fall of 2008 there were some strong ones. All I can say is that there are a lot of stories going around. Some of them true, some of them wild ideas. The energy shift thing seems to be very true, in fact something I have experienced, even as far back as 2007. Some started noticing it as far back as 2002 when it was more subtle...


    I am sure people will be suprised when this time comes around 2012-2013 and the angle of the sun stays relatively the same in the sky, and the water levels stay relatively the same. What can I really say? Perhaps wait and see what happens?

  8. Ah, The replies are the best to the post, and really hit the subject on the "head" also.


    Many confuse taiji with qigong. But qigong itself is more efficient at helping dissolve blockages.


    Generally the synopsis is that you can do things that dont require faith, in magic or in mysticism (qigong) one just needs to be able to "feel" the energies involved.

  9. I do not speak your language, yet I meditated upon your posts and can not stop laughing my testicles off. Hopefully with continued meditation I will get some piece tonight.


    Its about how the human brain can understand words if he first and last letters are the same and the same letters are jumbled in the spelling. Try looking again, only relax.


    see now you too can raed sftuf lkie tihs wtih no pborlmes waht so eevr! Email yuor finedrs, see if tehy can fgirue it out.

  10. it semes pioslbse taht one cuold esaliy raed tehm bcakwrads lkie taht. I jsut had a lttile dffiuctly raednig it taht way. . So tanhk you Scotty for rseopndnig to tihs psot. Poelpe dnot konw waht tehy are misisng

  11. Cna yuo raed tihs?


    I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!



  12. Barney meets Power Rangers with Gi Joe, Hercule (DragonBall Z) and like Erle Montigue only totally satrically... woah.


    I would rather see Barney sing "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson... :lol: Hey maybe not at all. :blink:


    Like the "Everything is Terrible" at the end... Nice touch. :blink:


    Enema of the day- And there is a double meaning and pun intended.

  13. Mak is right the microwaves reverse body energy. It may seem that the power from the high radiowaves in volume is heating your food, which it does... but radiowaves are a lower frequency than the infrared spectrum.


    Do a test, see how long it takes for an item that is cooked in either the microwave or oven too cool down.


    And no this post is not to say:


