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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Well WhiteRabbit, I see you are the fan of many of our Fury friends, a pun which I suppose is apropos as long as you have your 'temporary' Bryan Fury avatar. Which brings up an interesting point, in posting, like comedy timing is everything, so if you thought that my post was an oblique way of introducing my little writing on apology and then posting it, well, no, the timing was no longer right. What at the time when I wrote it, maybe two weeks or so before my post to you, might have seemed a witty and ironic parody, would now be worse than whipping a dead horse, it would be like whipping a dead horse whose corpse bloated with decay was ready to burst, a rather stupid thing to do. Rather, a big pit needs to be dug and a bulldozer hired and that dead horse needs to be buried and if not forgotten, then remembered for whatever good lessons can be learned from it.

    Ha ha ha :lol: Yeah Bryan Fury is from Tekken (series) of games. Years ago I used to play it alot with my brother, especially when I was a teenager. My first character I ever used and was extremely proficient at was heiachi.. Now im getting off track heh.


    Sometimes, in fact many times as I have experienced there is not really a good time for something you want to accomplish. Or at least that has been my experience. If it is truely of value to everyone, I would recommend posting it. Its not like we really have a vendetta against certian people. I mean some are that way, but others, especially like me in this circumstance where i blew up, was dealing with an uninformed individual.


    Its sometimes is a sad thing when sincerity is something lost for the most part from the world.


    No, my thanks to you was quite sincere and meant sincerely for the reasons I noted. For the junzi of any age sincerity is an important concept and one from which I would be hesitant to depart. It has deep personal meaning (by which I mean not just to me personally, but also to the notion of a person as a microcosm), but in Confucianism, also has deep cosmic significance. Let me instead take advantage of this opportunity to pimp my own site and say that I created a mandala called the Sincerity Mandala to represent aspects of this and wrote a commentary on it, oddly enough called the 'Sincerity Mandala and its Structure', which can be found at This little essay needs some work, which is why I took it off the sites menus, though it is accessible from points in the site, and as for my site, well, it needs a lot of work which is why I usually don't mention it! It's a bit of embarrassment as it is, but I simply can't find the time to bring it up to snuff, so for now it stands as it stands.

    Coolness. Its the thought that counts :)


    In any case it explains why sincerity is important to junzis (how do you make something like that plural!?) of any age, and why my post, as it stands, was therefore sincere. Well, maybe a little overdone, but a little ritual politeness never hurt anyone.


    Oh, one more thing, I liked your previous signature in which you corrected Billy Corgan's characterization of the world as a vampire, by comparing it to a video, though I like to think it's more like one of those, what do they call them, massive online multi-player role playing games (or something like that), that we have become just a little bit too involved in playing. It's something that we need to step out of from time to time and remember our real life. ;)


    Ah the "bullet with butterfly wings" song. The song was more or less truely a feeling I was getting at the time.

    Yes MMORPGS or massivly multiplayer online role playing games can be like vampires sucking time away, and I agree with that also. In fact ive been on vacation on one of those games for a couple of weeks now.


    Deep down I feel that the song more or less deals with the obstacles of living on the physical plane of existence.

    Especially the pictures and symbolism in the video of viewing mankind as dirty, its general activity.

    Then when some of the verses are sung aside from the chorus there are spiritual references, in video regarding the symbolism of using a hose(water) on mankind, also in reference to a person digging for something and finding a butterfly.

    There are some verses to quote:

    'Tell me im the only one, tell me theres no other one, jesus was an only son and tell me im the chosen one, jesus was an only son for you'

    One could take what is said to be sacrilige to christianity, however, many of us do think of only ourselves, and faced with the concept we might be wrong or the same as lots of other people can become devestating sometimes to certain individuals or most of human kind. There is a lot to be drawn from those verses.


    I surmise that This generally shows the greater unawareness of human kind to the occupational hazards and greater insensitivty to others of the same race, especially when it comes to politeness and making others totally incensed. When I say race I mean all of humankind.


    Deep thoughts...

  2. I heard some insubstantial squeaking at first from something that tried to give a valid reply to this post...


    I think thats cool about you knowing about Water Fu and crystals YMWong!


    Its good to know there are people who keep it real, are not putting up a front and help others and know the necessity of money yet not cheat others. Kudos.


    Crystal are wonderful in of themselves, in fact I use many of them. Even though it may seem strange they are all my friends I have picked up over the years...

  3. Back in 2005 My girlfriend (now my wife) spent $1000 on an energy treatment called "Yandhi" Which is a form of emotional cleansing. It worked very well and resolved most of the issues she had from her past. She lost weight and even felt good about herself!


    Jerry Alan Johnson would charge around $2000 for a medical chikung healing session, with expenses for travel tacked on.


    Really these healers are more or less really covering most of their own expenses so that they can continue doing what they are doing. Far from living just an extravagent lifestyle there are herbal formulas and many other needed accesories that are needed to maintain the life they lead. Most are wounded healers at that.


    You could rationalize that you shouldnt have to pay that much, but really all you would be doing is cheating yourself.


    Okay enough jumping up and down...

  4. Yes, angry hate filled statements... please dont do that.


    But just because some lower entities heal someone DOESNT MEAN THEY ARE GOOD OR ARE A HEALER.

    i heard some squeaking about this. barely subauidable.


    If you need healing, varjasatva is a good healer!


    Therea are some of us who have credentials UNLIKE some.

  5. I had been warned not to have anything to do with you Mak,

    I am sorry I did, and I want everyone to know that I will no longer waste any more of my energies on you, and I will ignore your posts.


    It is my hope that everyone else will do the same.

  6. I wanted to apologize to my friends for getting so angry.

    I am a nice guy, but Mak kept antagonizing me with his... replies.

    The Rebuttal

    I had tried to be civil in the past regarding the matter but I blew up, and that is what happens when I get angry.

    I hope I am not thought less of for doing so.

  7. I took a look at your drawing, but the character at the bottom was not the same.





    I emailed you sometime ago thinking you might be a good potential master. HOWEVER,

    one of the things you said was:

    After enrollment, I will then be your master for the whole life.

    Here focus is on control (dark side).


    I tried tuning into your energies, even though I could not sense your picture (you refused). It took a day or so for me to pinpoint and actually sense you for a certainty. What I had sensed was that you either were not being 100% truthful, or were misled, not knowledgeable.

    I consulted with some collegues of mine, one was a master from upper heaven mao shan. He said you were being mislead and have lower energies, stay away from him.

    Another individual sensed that you were being mislead by lower spirit entites who were convincing you that they were higher level beings. The sad part was that you did not know it!

    Another individual came forward later that corroborated this also.


    You also slandered MaoShan in one of your emails to me:

    MaoShan is a taoism branch, but there are just TOO MANY off shoot MaoShan out there. If you went into

    the off shoot one, what we do is just clear out all your energy and you will loose everything instantly including all the

    energy from MaoShan because you already stepped into the evil taoism side. Some say they can be possesed by some

    god or something, this will automatically be sealed and you will loose all these abilities as well.


    MaoShan is one of the most righteous linages in Daoism there is, that hold themselves to a very high standard.

    At that all energies I have acquired have been righteous... why would the energies need to be cleared out if it were not for YOUR lower entities?


    Taoism is not reiki, Maoshan does not attune. Transmissions are not attunements either. You have been subjected to ghosts that feed off of generation after generation of the linage you learned.


    At that you dont even know what the term is for talismanic script! Such injustice and lunacy!

    Not to mention you didnt know the character i wrote menat to close the ghost and earth door and open the man and heaven door AND MISTOOK IT FOR A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTER!!!


    If there is any question as to any of what I have written, I have proof in the form of messages and email.



    All of that being said, you must not have very many students if you are spending most of your time on this forum.......

  8. That is what I meant by "Gossamer deserve his own karma pay back" a long time ago. He love to do crazy stuff with people on the forum, internet, so what he get in return is the same problem too. Can't you just see the pattern of karma running?


    So let's say he is being attacked by black magic, what do you think he usually do to people he dislike?


    A healer does not talk like that.

    Healing people is a sensitive issue, one that should be regarded in confidence.

    Perhaps the delay is a sign. Hopefully take what I say with some salt.

  9. Tell me how that works out for you.

    It wont get you far, hasnt, wont... And will not work when you go to your hell.


    Your lack of apparent understanding of such things should be completely noted and will hold you accountable for your deception. Apparently most people have been fooled by your little game you are playing. However, it has been my experience that people like you who have fooled others like you have, have only had enjoyment from it for a short time.

  10. TheWhiteRabbit ,


    Your symbol is not the one for open the door of heave,...etc,. This one is a symbol of a lineage's energy. Which means this is a tripod symbol for a lineage's power. If you are not the member of the lineage, yes you can use it, but you do not have the full power of the lineage. You know what lineage? is well known by many sect of taoism for sure.


    The one you talked about is the letter of 罡. Which I have attacted in the previous reply.


    Mak Tin Si


    Sorry, all I heard was 'there was a violin playing'

    Ghost script is not chinese text but it is somewhat derived from chinese so... no. You just struck out.

    It is an extremely elementary thing.

    Perhaps the truth you are hiding is that you really are not knowledgeable at all, and are in fact a FRAUD.

  11. Ive never had many problems with ubuntu. Except some atheros drivers problems on my laptop but its still awesome plus the synaptic package manager has most of the programs you need free to download just search for what you like, games, applications and install!


    Some day i might just try debian linux itself but ubuntu is awesome!

  12. Not to be negative, but do you know what this symbol means?


    It is from taoism, and it is used as the "footage" of each FU sometimes for a special reason. Do you know the meaning of this?


    It means to close the door of negitive energies and is not an end stamp, but has deeper meaning. Ghost script always does. You know open the heaven door open the door of man, close the ghost door and the door of hell.

    (there is more meanings also, but you know that)

    It blocks invasive unwanted energies.

    I should think something so good that only draw human and higher being should be something everyone should want.


    Interesting, sorry I didnt critique you on your signature. Golden Light just the same Mak.

  13. Btw, WhiteRabbit- why are you posting the FU-ending at our signature? Are you trying to tell me that this post is a FU you made which need the ending and lockage? um~


    Ah, so negative, and especially in response to a positive FU.

    Positive energies rock, especially when they come from heaven only.

  14. Hi guys,


    Ive tried xubuntu wasnt impressed, ubuntu and was impressed kubuntu (kde) was a bit much...

    That do you guys think of studio ubuntu? I think its totally kick ass...


    In the past ive done many versions of linux searching for a complete replacement for windows.


    Alas, i still need windows *grumble* but am looking forward to the day when ubuntu flavors surpass windows.


    Easiest way to install ubuntu or any flavors is to download wubi it installs on your windows partition.

    Becareful first timers... read this before jumping in.



    Other alternatives is to install from cd ( i recommend installing it to a separate harddrive and unplugging your windows harddrive from the computer before booting the live cd. (it will save you so much hardship!)