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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. The typical massage school costs between 7-15 thousand.

    I transfer in massage school, chiropractic, physician, physical therapy, acupuncture school, and medical qigong credits into my 500 hr medical qigong training program. The school you are referring to does not transfer any other teacher's or school's hours, to the best of my knowledge. I believe some of the other medical qigong programs will allow hrs transfer as well.

    So massage training combined with medical qigong training may not be so expensive. For example, find a massage school at 7k, transfer in 200 hrs (max) into my program. Then, at my existing fee, taking 21hr long weekend training, the cost would be a little over $6,000. Then, the therapist could actually touch the client and do Tui Na, Taoist Medicine, and Medical Qigong. So massage therapy training combined with medical qigong training would cost less than the cost you mentioned.

    An option.



    You teach? The qi men dun jia was right...

    maybe there really is a jade emperor (god)!!


    Originally it said a help was comming. I might not be able to go in March but let me check my finances again...

  2. Would you tell others if it was the greatest system you've ever had the privilage to train in?

    Of course. I wouldnt tell everything I know... But ive found that over time as my chi has become strong, and my vibrations raise that it promotes a free flow of energy. My principles are based upon that.

  3. I know he was retired for a while. He founded the first medical chikung insitute here in the states and based it upon the curriculum used in beijing. He specialized in energetic onocology at the medical chikung university in beijing.

    Medical chikung has been known to cure cancers that have not reached an advanced stage where it has spread to a large area of the body. What I say is not teacher worship, and has been proven on many occasions.

    In recent years he has focused on the energetic-form principles of daoist magic as a hobby as well as professionally? I can only guess about that.


    Can they take it with a smile? Versus having to defend? or feeling enmity towards Vanillerer?



    This isnt to debate this, but it brings up some real issues I have. Not necessariliy the feeling enmity part.

    Its the practicality of having to deal with aggression from someone else twords onesself.


    On one hand there is the realization that everyone has their own opinion and their right to it... yet one has to be able to create ones own reality. Without that no one can truely accomplish anything. If you had to agree with everyone, you could not make decisions for yourself.

    Unfortunately, this lands me to the more primitive and strategic side in these rare circumstances, when I generally ask myself why this had to happen in the first place and someone had to aggress against me. Leaving me to not necessarily taoist warfare, but strategy.


    My own deep thoughts...

  5. I guess what I meant by the above statement is, you can know something and be attached (judgement) or not be attached (differentiation) or at least it feels like those are the right words...


    Say for example you see a buss comming and decide to not step out in front of it... is that judgement or being able to see or differntiate something bad or good for you?


    You see someone do something you dislike... judgement or differntiation?


    To me it seems that these ideas blend somewhat or maybe i am wrong about it...

  6. Wow... 160K huh? I think the tricked out stuff would be a better buy.


    Plus if I had 160k I wouldnt spend it on tha, if i was beginning, I would find one of jerry alan johnson's students, learn medical chikung 5 weeks out of the year at $1k per pop (5k per year) for a total of 3 years to get my masters.


    Thats a total of 15k... then depending upon state limitations.. here in south dakota you cannot touch people without a massage license thats extra... I can turn around and ultimately treat people with medical chikung which is like five element acupunture and make some money which ultimately would land me at the conclusion i need to live in a larger city so i can have enough clients to live.


    It would be definately better than spending over ten times as much on something i have never heard of, there are no details on and cannot be easily researched on what is taught. However keep in mind a lot of people have money to burn!

  7. To shield an area from an electro-magnetic wave requires either reflection or absorption. A solid metal will reflect mostly and absorb very little. But this depends on the frequency. A high frequency wave like that coming from your cell phone is in the 1-3 Ghz range and will not penetrate very far into a metal. Ever heard of skin-depth? A lower frequency wave, like the power line will actually penetrate deeper into the metal and can actually pass through it, emerging from the other side attenuated if the metal is thin enough.

    Water itself does not absorb em radiation very well unless it has something like salt in it.

    It reflects very little otherwise there would be no light in the sea during the day. It would be always dark. It absorbs light (a high frequency em wave) or the depths of the ocean would not be dark.

    Very low frequency waves will travel through the earth and the sea and is one of the ways submarines communicate electronically.


    A wire mesh is only effective against frequencies with wavelengths quite a bit longer than the hole in the mesh. Otherwise a mesh would block visible light out,


    The proper name for this interfering radiation is EMI, electro magnetic interference.

    It is everywhere.


    Im glad you know about the skin depth with respect to higher radio frequencies and the decrease of wavelength with higher frequencies, that is cool.


    However as the fact remains Faraday Cages as they are called for the most part are usually surrounded by a metal enclosure depicted as such at:



    Yes I freely admit the error of omission.


    Ad hominem is an argument based upon burden of proof where one makes the other individual responsible for the burden of proof which is a fallacy of thinking.


    The fact remains that Faraday Cages, in use today cancel out the field or electromagnetic radiation inside, albeit due to different methods and concepts. Some ground, some apply a field of radiation to neutralize.

    Some devices inadvertently act as a Farady Cage even though it is not in the most complete sense.


    Even though the Faraday Cage is made of conductive material, the field or ground applied neutralizes the field that attempts to penetrate the device. Equations not stated here, another error of omission.

    The device eliminates interference and is used in screen rooms today in applications that require no interference.


    Can you freely admit your errors also? Or am I on trial? ahahhaahahhaha :lol:

  8. Not trying to sound Taoist here, but sometimes yielding really is the best approach. Ask yourself why you have to win. That's kinda like the old saying: "you have to pick your battles". Try hanging out with a toddler all the time. Sometimes it really is best to let them have their way for awhile. They'll forget about it all in 5 or 10 minutes anyway. :)


    Adults, of course, are a bit different, but I think that "picking your battles" still applies. I spent a lot of years in a very large organization leading projects that depended on the approval of several other inter-organizational groups. I learned very quickly about picking my battles. Even if I could easily win, it was often better to yield. In the long run yielding might mean a good future working relationship, but had I gone for the jugular that would've been the end of that relationship forever, and your actions always come back on you. That's karma at work in the work-place!


    Seek to understand, then to be understood. Listen and really hear. That's what I tried to live by at work.


    Thank you I was thinking something similar

  9. I think there is a lot left to say when it comes to studying or training especially things that are not often explicitly stated heres a post as an example:



    Especially when it comes to moving energy, paranoia can most certainly grow if you do not have a teacher who can tell what is going on. A teacher has to be multiphasic and be able to completely understand things from many different perspectives. There are some that will only tell you techniques...

    When I say techniques, they are caught up in exactly how to move your arm, and what place to put it in as an example.

    Whereas a real teacher will teach you how to FEEL out positioning and use your feelers to direct energy, sense spirits, et cetera.


    In turn after doing so they will teach you methods to tweak things to stave of current imbalances.

    Those are the marks of a true master.

  10. I completely agree with Yoda.


    Here is why... Because Enlightenment doesnt determine right or wrong.

    If everything was auspicious (lucky) then killing would be lucky too.


    That is a misunderstanding of Enlightenment itself, and is tied in with what Yoda said about karma/dharma.


    There are avatars that exist, that have taught some followers who now extort others for money. It doesnt make these ones any less enlightened. It is based upon patterns set out in such highly secretive books as the "Qi Men Dun Jia" of old, Argeements and pacts made in the spirit world before you enter this life which coincide with Karma and Dharma.


    Now if everything was lucky, I could kill anyone I wanted to to get ahead, make tons of money to further my goals in this life... That is an extreme example but gets the point across nicely.


    Not going to happen anyway because of Dharma around you. You deal with others perceptions and dharma too!

    This is weather we like it or not!

  11. I was going to post this in "Kunlun Max Beliefs" however this was too strikingly off topic.


    I was reminded of the time I was in the presence of someone who had a very high energy level, was very spiritual. The effect was, as I had noticed that my energy felt like it had to rise too, giving rise to even more problems.


    I can recall that was the first and only time I felt like I was being attacked. Was I being attacked? No. However at the time it sure felt like it. My skin was feeling prickly and my awareness expanding. I was angry, and had some choice words for the spiritual master... Who of course laughed and told me that my energy is not as strong or as high as it should be. Then explained that when an individual's energy rises, the energy around them has to rise.


    At this point in time I had no emotional feelers so I could not sense the emotions of those around me. It was a very humiliating lesson to learn, but i did.


    So in conclusion, I have found that in some, it will induce most likely feelings of paranoia or hypervigilance which is not a good thing. Without a trained instructor near and left to ones own devices I can only imagine the negative outcome of it.


    If anyone ever feels like that, the only thing that could get you through I suppose is surrounding yourself with a bubble of white light. I guess I take for granted as it is one of the first things you learn about energy training...


    In fact, I was on a forum not to long ago where people were haing these same problems, awareness expanding and paranoia along with it. That was the "Enigma League." I guess the best rule of thumb is to make sure you have a teacher to guide you.


    So in conclusion, my point is that if someone is beginning a practice, they may not have developed their feelers let. Some of us have been this route for a decade or more and ultimately take for granted where we have come from! :lol:

  12. Awesome tips guys. :D


    I know my tip is not a food that is black (kidney tonification). But as long as I eat the right foods I dont get indigestion from Bee Pollen (which has been known to create an upset stomach in those who have developed strong acid/indigestion from eating too much refined foods [processed]).

    It gently tonifies the stomach, just like astragalus, only astragalus is a known adaptogen which has been known to make cells live 1/3 times longer.


    Beepollen is a throw over from plant chikung, where you look for the brightest healthiest flowering plant. This is supposed to contain more energy. Plus the pollen is gathered by bees. It doesnt mean you will get 100% of these consitutents (best flowering plant/hardest working bee), however as a rule of thumb I always try to get it as fresh as possible.


    Course then again during this current period where I have eaten processed foods, the best thing I have found is alkaseltzer which many have warned is not too good for me, but unfortunately it leaves me in a state of digression :lol: no pun intended


    Thank you again :D


  13. The only thing that will shield something from EMF is to put it inside a metal box or wire cage!


    You are 100% correct.

    A complete shield from EMF radiation requires not only a wire cage, but a generator attached.


    For Example, In some applications computer systems are shielded using copper mesh and generally a gasoline generator. This protects them from EMP "Bombs"(Which Pulse a minute or two before detonation) or EMP Guns built from Microwave parts with a Wave guide attached....


    However, I take for granted what I know, perhaps there are some who think it(Anti-EMF pendants) is a complete shield...


    There is one more way... Running water.

    Rumor has it that some people who have money to burn have water running through the internal structure of their homes. An expensive application but also just as effective.


    Edit: Added text is in red.

  14. I want to add that Suan Zao Ren (chinese red date seed) is in the chinese materia medica and tonifies and heals the yin of all the yin organs.


    This makes it a great herb for general healing.


    However from Pharmacology (yeah I know im pulling a big one here) There are certain alkaloids and saponins that also aid in sleep and it makes a great tea when ground and mixed with equal portions of polygonum multiflorum and western herb linden flower.


    gram dosage would be 3gm per herb.


    It reaches toxicity levels after three months, I recommend once a year drinking it in the spring.


    It is contraindicated in people who have hot or heat conditions, so see a chinese pharmacologist or TCM doctor before taking this herb.


    However the red date itself has less of these active consitutents and is good for daily use, provided you do not have a "hot" condition in the body.


    Thought Id pass along that little "snuggitt" LOL

  15. I would definately like to see the results of these devices with an Egely Wheel, it seems to spike when i increase my awareness doing various forms of training. This might be another way to get a reading on how effective these devices are but it has to be a double blind study...

    Otherwise one could increase, raise or expand one's awareness accordingly, even unintentionally creating a false positive as a device that does what it claims.


    This would work on the postulate that:

    Anything that decreases EMF radiation also increases life force energy flow.


    Which is based upon the postulate that:


    Anything EMF or the 60hz powerline decreases vitality of the human organism.

    Based upon findings in the 60hz range in the book Medical Massage by Ross Turchaninov, M.D.

  16. Generally I give my conclusion statement last due to some of my college education, however this time I will state it first.


    Daoism generally deals with perspective, at this it has something other paths do not, which makes it the most difficult and I will explain why:


    Before I get into the meaty part of what I am going to say, Daoism is really a conglomerate of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Folk-Shamanism. That statement is more or less true depending upon what "flavor" of Daoism you have been exposed to.


    Major Point #1 Take for example, the "Embracing Simplicity School" They take everything into perspective and hold many so-called contradictory beliefs, all of which are true. Does this mean one is stupid or wrong in this? No. This is because there are many perspectives in the world and words themselves do not express the true reality of each perspective and thing accepted due to the fact that there are deeper and subtler energies behind the words that can not actually be grasped easily. If such was the case, humanity could have found a way already to streamline and have a religion that is true in its entirety. However we are left to sift the perspectives for a true reality which is not found in words, that is what Taoism is.

    As a side point on this, though I am not Christian I quote the bible as this quote coincides with Taoist thought at Proverbs 10:19 (this is my translation anyway) The first half of the verse reads "In the abundance of words there proves to be error" Which I take to mean with many words one can be proven wrong.


    Major Point #2 Are training methods indigenous to only one religion or school? No. Buddhism and Taoism overlap in almost all training methods, and cannot be designated different in those aspects. As a simple quote, I reference Eva Wong in "Taoism".


    Before I quote this I must draw first attention to the fact that a Buddhist Heart meditation and meditation upon Deities to connect with them, or meditations mimicing such concepts or feeling are also found in Taoism and are not soley a Buddhist concept. This may make some angry, but this is true.


    It is mentioned as method #7 Covered under the topic "Visualizing The Valley Spirit" page 204. However today, no Major Sect of Taoism teaches or practices this method. So it is assumed that such related practices are Buddhist. This method does not mean channeling spirits into ones body, as do Mediums or sorcerers... That is something completely different.


    I was going to mention the other methods but as my time is short... Onward...


    Major Point #3 Is energy view simple in Taoism? No. You have Shen-Qi-Jing Energy views, yet as subtle energies are experienced you see a blending of these energies and are able to feel higher and lower vibrations as well as sense color with the famous "Grand Enlightenment" mediation and are able to connect with things in different methods over great distances.

    Magical Taoism introduces the Form-Energy perspective where forms and patterns are seen in the highly evolved mind as a tinker-toy like connection of energy and thought creating and allowing thoughtforms to exist.

    Faat is generally thought to be a framework of these thoughtforms build up in ones wei-qi field or aura to assist in magic by some.


    Major Point #4Discrepancy of Nothingness or Void in Taoism and Buddhism. It is generally thought that in Buddhism you try to end your existence in nirvana through training methods, however in Taoism attempt to return to the void (nothingness) with your consciousness still intact. There are many flavors and variations of this in Taoism and Buddhism, and some extreme either way and some say one way is right and the other wrong.


    Final Conclusion From this we can see that in general, most of Taoist belief do hold these different perspectives, and most of Taoism came from the Simplicity School for the most part which incorporated so many different beliefs together. Research on the Simplicity School reveals a lot about the continuity (meaning connectivity/timeline) of Taoist history.


    For those non-disposed to different perspectives and have an inability to keep oneself from saying "thats wrong" to perspectives that may seem incorrect I recommend Aldous Huxley's Book "Doors of Perception".


    Or My friends Story about the three blind men and the elephant which is a common parable.


    Last Thoughts Mankind in general could do better to adopt a "finger" approach to Training. First we are like a finger, then we realize we are connected to much more, and eventually realize the full surroundings. As a finger we then feel as though we are in complete control... Then as we continue we realize we are just a finger. Ha ha does that sum it up?




    Does that mean Taoism is better than anything else? That was always been up to the beholder of course.


    2nd EDIT:


    The reference to the book "Doors of perception" is not due to the illegal drug use, but the study of how the human mind works.

  17. Oh, and the moon landing was real, that has been proven too.


    HAHAHAAH! Good witticism.

    Course then again faced with someone telling me that the moon landing was shot in a crater filled field in Utah elictied an 'oh okay' response from me in which I excused myself and quickly walked away... :lol:

  18. Well after doing a lot of research about the sources on either side....

    I wrote this long post that sounded political... Which I am not.

    So I am at a loss, I can only stress that political views tend to narrow ones openness to reality.


    Looked like another rediculous democrat vs. republican shtick *sigh*

    I mean really the sources for the film were democrat... the debunk sources were republican. Awesome. Just makes me feel oh so good...

    And now here is my post, short and sweet.