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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Providing some insight into this....


    Having studied Acupunture as an amature for sometime I have learned the following:


    Chakras are point where many meridians converge and create an energy field.

    Kundalini energy can be dangerous, this information correlates positively with many other professionals with credentials in this field.

    How is it dangerous? Well it is a bit like doing surgery on yourself to a degree, and you are messing with balances in the body to perform an alchemical change.

    That does not mean that those who were not trained in it do not know what they are doing, it merely means there should be caution used with those methods.


    This information comes from Some of the older Five-Element Traditional Acupuncture Methods taught in France, which is one of the largest centers for some of the old energy practices of this system.


    Five element acupunture is not the same as regualr acupuncture which uses point thereapy only, at that five element acupunture only rarely uses the detonification methods, it is mostly tonification.

    At most five-element acupuncture is almost the same as medical chikung, the emphasis on energy manipulation methods may be more prevalent with medical chikung... However words elude me as the secret training seems to be almost if exactly the same.

    I am not implying anything by saying that, because it seems the methods taught in France and at the medical chikung college in beijing seems to be similar.


    What I mean to say is that it is more of functions of the human body at best. Weiqi field is a field mostly comprised of electromagnetic+chemicals like ATP and such. Kundalini is an alchemical trasformation dealing with the tripleburner-whitecoreoflight-connection to the gonad centers-and more.


    It would be hard to argue from a Christian perspective, which I know I am not, but have read their bible many times. I dont know of any real information in that holy book on such a thing, and at that the internet sometimes is not a very good resource for such information regarding kundalini.

  2. Anyone ever try to pick up what kind of energy he has it seemed like he had okay energy sensing from his picture... But then again it is not an exact science sometimes when i use that method.

    He might be like one of "baba gee's" followers who threaten for money.


    For those who have not hear of "baba gee" he is a supposed avatar who lives somewhere in Tibet.


    Spaces are added deliberately in the name above, also I do not have an exact spelling of the name.

  3. Hahaa?

    I like rhyming rabbits?



    Nice to meet you,

    hope you have a great time here!




    Thank you for the welcome guys, and look forward to being here and hearing everyone's views.

    I promise im not a rock star or obnoxious as my photo seems to give the impression that I look. :)