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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Just something for thought.




    Meaning we should not teach our kids how to hate the other side ...or gagthing

    But, we should teach them that corrupt people exploit empathy (like con men do) to seal opinions or shame opponents...  We have to start now, before it gets worse.

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  2. This is going to be a weak post by me, not because I do not have all the facts.  It is just because I intend to ask some important questions.

    Why did you have the political views you now have?

    Does any staggering corruption make you waiver from supporting any members of your party?

    Also, if there is just widespread corruption in a group, why support it?


    These are a lot of my after thoughts regarding the Trump election.

    We saw much corruption and imposition by watch groups that should have been litigated and are still up to their old tricks.  Soros and many othes who are ultra rich and powerful want to make money by undermining the country.  That is why Trump ran and overthrew the other party.  Still, there are people who turn a blind eye to the corruption of their own party and it is really time to clean house.

    Eventually, people have to understand things have to be cleaned up.  It is not nice and not fun.

    I have to cut this short because someone wants me to get a lock, so, this should be food for thought, or banter.  Theres the football.

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  3. I'm assuming from the questions that you mean travel to the past. The way out is obvious, time travel again: either leave or arrive at a different time than the previous 'loop'. Or, leave yourself a note to not do such a stupid thing as to create a time loop.


    As an aside, how does your fictional character get caught in a time loop? Most versions of time travel cause distinct if not extreme divergence from the previous time line.

    In 2048 the ten year old eminence (religion has been banned so we cannot call him the Dalai Lama) seeks out 24 people to send back to the past to set natural rules of society back in order.  The followers of Buddhism fall back upon old Vedic texts excavated, and choose to use an ancient Tantrik Indrajaal of sorcery to permanently send these to the past to stop the decaying current future.  It is a one shot, forever loop for these unless they find the book after securing the future and use the last of the Astra in the book to become a god and release the remaining souls trapped in the time loop.

  4. What if I wasn't born before that time?


    So whatever time-travel I spend I have to have the equivalent of that in a time loop, what kind of time loop? Time loop isn't of great concern I can still be productive if a day repeats for 1 month or more. Just do different things each day.


    3 years amnesia every trip? that seems a bit much ha. I would record everything, paper/video.


    Yes, I would do it to save the world.






    The time you travel to could only be at a point that you were alive, but you would relive the same time loop forever and at the beginning you would have 3 years of amnesia.  So if you traveled 10 years into the past you would relive the same 10 years over and over again...  But then there would be no known way to exit the loop.  You would be trapped forever.  Worse you would know it.

  5. "Back to the Future" - one of my favorite movies!



    On a "spiritual" related note, I constantly have dejavu's. Sometimes it is annoying, like knowing what will be said and such... Most of my dejavus I think are from seeing it in a dream first and then being in exact situation later. Sometimes I think it is a glimpse from the meditation. 


    Given that there are those( selves) who travel in the past, those who travel to the future, those who run in parallel dimensions( my teacher always talks about it, so there must be something behind it - spirits going on their own business left and right. He says he sees them all the time in a concept of medical chigong treatment, but usually just observes them, unless they give him a message for the patient)...


    I think it is possible that "time travel" is nothing more than a dimensional change concept. For example, for those of you who have seen spirits/deities in your meditations/rituals. Where do they come from? Even if they are generated by collective subconsciousness ( which I doubt, I think they are unique individual entities/beings), why do they look appropriate to their "epoch"? I.e. would you recognize Buddha or Jesus in jeans and a t-shirt if they show up to you? I think they are time traveling...




    How would you reconcile most spirits concept of "no-time" with time travel?


    What I mean is I could go into a huge explanation...

  6. @Blackstar212

    We already tried something new.  There are even people before me that tried something new.  The problem as other people have found as well is corruption.  Someone takes it and subverts it to their own ends.  So the issue is not creating something new... It is based upon stomping out corruption.  The problem IS corruption.  That was what I told the left until they would not listen anymore then I became conservative.



    And SPLC.... I do not want to give away my location, but there is a group in my city that is concerned with the crime created primarily by the somalians.


    Now, SPLC makes a lot of money not only from lawsuits but using this kind of fear and extortion to control people.  Many times they have gone too far.  I dont care if they go after the real racists and all that. The point is, Trump actually had a real point and they are trying to stamp out the last real vistages not only of hope, but of free speech as well.


    This is really scary folks.  It looks like the regressive left might actually win and we will be doomed to stupidity and even dumber wars, dumb policies because people are not allowed to have a real conversation on the real issues.


    I haven't given up hope, but it saddens me to think that a freedom our forefathers fought and died as well as many of our relatives is threatened by coercive means.

    • Like 1

  7. What if you had to endure the following results?

    1.  3 year amnesia

    2.  31 year (or however long ago you decided to travel as long as you were still alive) endless trapped in time loop.

    3.  You have to inhabit the body you lived in at the time you are traveling to.  You still age as normal, with mitigating factors.


    Would you still do it?  If not, would you do it to save the world?  Even if there was no way out of the time loop?

    [writing a book]

  8. I got


    John Adams You are the brains behind the throne! Unassuming, quiet, and industrious, your talents and contributions tend to be overlooked and the glory goes to your more flamboyant and attention-seeking colleagues. You believe strongly in traditional family values. Your natural shyness means that you prefer to work behind the scenes, but you do occasionally become paranoid that others are stealing the credit for your work. You are a courageous and generous person who believes strongly in traditional family values, but you often find yourself distanced from those you love due to your commitment to your work.
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  9. I just watched the film.

    The story and it's meaning are profound, the acting didn't seem too good to me though. Maybe it's just a cultural difference, I don't know.

    But thanks, it made for a contemplative evening!


    Is there a part two?


    Not as of yet, though there are written works that chronicle the life of Milarepa.

    Many of them available across the internet or for order at your local bookstore.


    Theatrical releases I agree tend to be a product of western thought I recently read about in a few articles.  Especially where there is the need to develop emotional connection to characters by the audience through the story and plot.


    Oh, by the way samurai jack is back, after 12 years and 50 years into the story.  They promise to wrap up the story this season, as Samurai Jack struggles with himself and his fears/giving up hope.


    • Like 2

  10. I think becoming aware of the witness is the first step. That can be done by doing any repetitive task for an extended period of time...


    I would willingly defer to YaMu on this subject, if he has something to add on it.

    The mind is a tool, but the spiritual center of the spirit is the heart not the mind.

    It is my understanding that through this part of development the mind fights for control and becomes fearful because it does not have control itself.

    As I have learned the mind is an important tool.  If we were to only do what feels right as humans we would have destroyed ourselves long ago in a nuclear holocaust.  The mind serves to teach us order while in physical form.  Most of this comes from the fact that order exists in its many and varied forms, especially in balance and order within the body.  Order is the opposite of Entropy and decline.  Life cannot exist without order.  This is why the mind exists as a tool.


    The general consensus among humanity is that the mind is the seat of order among everything and many debates have been had about this.

    It is my understanding that you had an experience similar to "shifting" where you experienced an awareness of the heart center.  Immediately after this your mind became fearful because it realized it was not in control.  This is actually a quite common experience and happens among people who become very spiritually developed.  YaMu is a great teacher and can help guide you on this, because he has a lot of experience on helping develop this.


    Additionally, my experience is that since you have really opened the heart center.  You may additionally become aware of the need to protect your ability to "trust" people.  You may encounter people who become deceitful, but rather than become untrusting of people, it becomes a tricky thing because you will need to fortify yourself.  You can do this by minimizing your interactions with those if possible and learning to not get drawn into their predicaments.  This is because those types of interactions also close off chi or energy... However you want to call it.  But, I am many years into this.  It can seem like something silly or benign to someone who begins this kind of thing.  But, it was one of the great plateaus of my development.  Once I learned how to not close myself off and protect myself... It lead me on to greater and greater things.


    Dawei also has some methods too.  Focusing on people's actions as their own actions and remembering that also helps.


    It is just that getting drawn into the false realities and fantasies people create can close off energy especially the heart.  So, it is really a matter of becoming aware of how your interactions on a day to day basis affect you.  If you feel pressure, it is usually an unease of mind or energy that has led to these feelings.  Eventually for me, the price was that my ex-wife was deceptive and such.  I did not listen to what people told me about her.  It led to eventually leaving the situation and I felt better.  Spirituality of any kind is a long path of development.  I used to think everyone should be told everything, then kept everything to myself... Eventually, I decided to just tell people the minimum of what they need to know.  I think this is probably the "meaty minimum" and should by the same token allow you to search out or do enough of your own research to suppliment it.


    Good Luck and Good Health to you,



    Edit: Just to add, I am not sure if YaMu appointed another person to post on the topic here on the forum.  I will contact Brian and see if there is anything he wants to add.

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  11. Despite many references in pop culture, time travel seems to intrigue people.  Many people have different ideas about time travel.  In a way most pop culture references tend to have an enigmatic approach.  But what if time travel was not something so difficult?  What if it were something that could just be given away?  What if it were something that was only possible if it were given to you?


    Of course that opens up a realm of possibilities.  Some good and some bad.

  12. Sure, there are some public domain books out there.



    I saw some books by Joey Yap.  I hear they are good, but most likely copyrighted.  So, I advocate buying the books if you get them.  My understanding is anything in english will probably be rare.  At that you might have to get some kind of calandar that also shows the gods also for the time you are looking for.  I do not know of any currently on the market and I do not know of any in public domain.  I simply memorized it.  Then also memorized the type of occurances of a door "in play".

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  13. So, I saw your thread and thought I would chime in a bit.


    I think it is awesome that you are doing what you are naturally inclined to do.


    Doubt is the great thing that confuses people and draws them together in a way.  As I am writing, I often reflect on the fact that sometimes things just are the way they are.  Unless you have learned to warp space and time, sometimes even though a great many people have opinions on their drink not being as good or being bad like it should.


    Optimists will always tell you that something is good or the outcome will be.

    Pessimists or cynics will tell you things do not work or they turn out bad.


    I choose realism.  In my words I often write "Sanity is the best gift you can give to yourself.  People have opinions good or bad or always see things the way they want them to be.  If we forget opinions and see things for what they are we can look forward to setting up success every step of the way.  By constantly nurturing success, obviously through virtue, we set up a positive outlook for the future.  Something we can look forward to."


    What matters most is if something actually works for you.  The Chinese have something called Qi Men Dun Jia which is something like "hidden doors escaping technique".  It takes a long time to learn, but is worth it.  Likewise, if your method is working for you, use it.  Instead of what is good for the goose is good for the gander... I just say what is good for the goose is just good for the goose.  Not many people understand highly refined traditions.  Not that they can not learn them.  Sure, I defer to history as anyone can learn something they may only be able to understand something as much as they are predisposed to.  Overtime, watering down can lead to the current reality.  But, I think you are looking for someone who might be extremely versed in the tradition.  What I can tell you is "everything a person has, the Gods gave them."  If you are atheist, I translate this to whatever physical phenomenon this "spirit" or entities imbued upon the time and space they occupied.


    So, occupy the best part.  I mean that jokingly and seriously.

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  14. That one organization is the one approving the Facebook "fact checkers", and it's funded in part by Soros. The evidence is on their own official website, so it's clearly not something dreamt up, as you falsely claimed.


    Spend a little more time looking at it if it doesn't make sense yet.


    First of all, you just asked who you're slandering and pointing fingers at. Well, right here you did that to me, attempting to insinuate that I'm a racist. You actually should be reported to the moderators for this kind of slander, but I'll hold off to see if you repeat it against anyone else.


    I'll tell you about the alt-right. When the campaigning was happening this past year, I suddenly heard about this alt-right movement one day, and did some research into it. I found that many non-racist people were identifying with being "alt-right" and writing favorable articles on it, assuming that the term meant literally what it says...a fresh right wing alternative to the GOP, which many were parting from due to the GOP's attempts at undermining their own candidate. What these non-racist people didn't realize was that "alt-right" originated with Richard Spencer and his white nationalist think tank (who are actual racists). Due to having done my research, I never called myself alt-right or identified with their views.


    I'm a multiculturalist. Furthermore, the very heart of this forum, the Daobums, is multiculturalism. The name itself derives from a philosophy originating in China. I personally go to grad school to study Chinese Medicine, and part of that involves a deep education into their history and cultural quirks.


    I'm also an Americanist...I don't want to see an America where we kick out or discriminate against any culture or race. I love the world's cultures, and have no disrespect for any race of people. America is a melting pot, and has been since its inception.


    Please, take the attempted-manipulative name calling elsewhere. Any criticism of Soros is not due to him being Jewish (which tends to be the last thing on my mind)'s due to the fact that he's using his money to manipulate world events in a way that I think is opposed to freedom. For instance, censoring the sharing of alternative media publications while promoting false and biased journalism on the most widely used internet platform in an attempt to control the public mind.


    I agree.  It makes me excited to be a part of this time in history as many cultures are being accepted.


    What I think is the stark contrast is that people have become very sensitive.


    I used to think yes, lets stop people from saying mean things.  But people can be single minded about a thing appying it to everything. If I stop a person angrily from walking in front of traffic to save their life, I am a bully. Thus, something is seriously wrong with a society that easily thinks this way.


    I think it is also ridiculous when people call me racist.  I have worked with so many nationalities of people it is kind of silly.


    My ex-wife was native american.  The only issues there were really her mental health that we really tried to work through.


    Sure, I have favorite cultures.  Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, I like the Kirin that have moved here to the area, I have always been facsinated with culture and have liked watching Fiddler on the Roof, Lawrence of Arabia, Milarepa as well as many books.


    I think it is ridiculous to accuse someone who once was a very active activist in the world like myself of being racist.


    Just because people do not see things the way we do, it does not give us the right to use terms like racist or bigot against them.


    Just like if someone hurts your feelings.  What if the information that hurts your feelings saves your life one day, just like the person stopped from almost being hit by a truck?


    The bottom line is all the coddling has made people too sensitive and too fragile.  As for the newly re-engineered rhetoric by ralis:

    What you really mean to say is now that you have fought for equality, you have renamed it and are demonizing it... If only for the real reason now that equality is based upon reason.  I was a SJW and know for a fact that whenever something can not be emotionalized or controlled for their own purpose, they demonize it.  The fact is, reason in any situation where you accuse (really it is just bullying and hurting people) -- I reemphasis accuse other people, it is because emotions do not stand up to facts.  So, they rename things when they lose... So it goes on endlessly.


    I am sure years from now after the SJW movement is almost gone, someone will accuse people of not wearing pink as being misogynists.

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