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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. duckduckgo ?


    Yeah.  Yacy still has a way to go to a perl or c++ rewrite.  That would be decentralized search engine.


    I recently got Facebook back after being banned for a long time.. Today I was banned again.

    All I said was:  People who talk about hate and fear of others are the most hateful and fearful people.  That they are out of control and try to control others out of fear.  This results in shaming or accusing people which shows their hate of other people and their views.


    So, I just... for lack of better words I guess it just makes me sad.  Sad that people feel they have to control others.  Sad that I can't just have a regular existence and be completely free of the social justice warrior nightmare I was once a part of.

    I just wish it would all go away.

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  2. Kalachakra for those who are unfamiliar to it has to do with some of the highest initiations of tantra knowledge in Tibetian Buddhism.  The goal, which is touched upon briefly in the book I am writing (why I am taking time off to focus on it) is elevating human awareness about how the choices we make affects human development.  It is deeply related to the compassion movement.

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  3. So, this year I plan to not live in the past anymore.  I realize everyone has impetus for change now and then and some objects are only past related.  I think I know enough now to not be baited on subjects and I think I have learned much overtime about it.  I think for me it is more freedom from old ideas as the new ideas take form and take hold.  We are not living in the old era anymore.


    What are your 2017 resolutions?

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  4. I won`t argue if you want to say that communists and Moslems are unAmerican.  Those are systems of belief that some people hold to, and others disagree with.


    But there`s nothing unAmerican about being black, gay, transgendered or any combination thereof.  Now it`s true that we haven`t historically treated blacks, gays, and transgendered people decently in the United States.  We haven`t historically treated women decently in the United States either, though you`re not making the argument that it`s unAmerican to be female. But this country was founded on the idea that...well, read it for yourself...


    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


    No, you took it as an attack on groups of people is what your problem is.


    I will repeat it one last time.  The ideologies of America have been a certain way for 250 years.

    If you take a person who happens to be the following and make him president: gay, black, Muslim, communist.

    What do you get and expect?  A waltz in the park? No.

    See things as they are.


    See things how they are instead of how you think they should be and then you will understand.  Everyone can do this.  It is really simple.

  5. OK, let`s see if I understand.  Gays, blacks, Muslims, communists, and transgendered people -- all likely to institute UnAmerican laws and rules if elected president.  White rabbits, OK.


    it sounds shocking but put them all together, imagine it and then realize the outcome.

    If the countries ideals have been opposite for 250 years then you turn it on its head, what is the obvious reaction.

    We should not be too surprised.

  6. Try Orwell's 1984...


    EDIT: Worth reading again if you haven't read it in years, BTW. The psychological details are disturbing in their currency.


    EDIT 2: Or were you referring to something else, maybe? The "scorched-earth" reference, perhaps? (That's a reference to Sherman's March to the Sea.). I never watched that "V" movie because it was such a blatant propaganda piece.


    On edit 2:  I study propaganda in all its forms from the time of Goebbels until now.  I agree, The V for Vendetta movie is trash not worth the time watching.

  7. As insightful as this and the other political flame threads are. 


    I'm kinda hoping we can start the New Year with a spirit of.. screw love, you want love, hire a prostitute, rather friendship, fellowship and tolerance. 


    You know tolerance is a great thing.  When everyone is tolerant of everyone else.  But that never happens.


    But, on a different note we can still have friends if we want them and the great thing about that is sometimes we disagree with friends or other people and it does not start a war of some kind.


    Now if we are a gay, black president who just happens to be Muslim and a communist with a transgender first lady.  Now JoeBlast DID TELL ME THIS.. But how do you believe something like that while it is happening? Well, hey, I guess we are not too surprised when he institutes laws and rules that are UnAmerican.   Kind of pathetic, yet people defend him.  "Oh no, youre racist!"

    No, I grew up not even around racism.  My aunt Nina babysat me often and she was filipino.  Someone had to explain... a black person had to explain to me racist terms when I was in my early 30's.  He could not believe I had not been exposed to hate speech.  Later I researched groups as well but that was along the lines of freedom of speech and how it affects populations.


    At some point the rules of a society become too much and the people rebel.  This is what has happened and is continuing to happen now.



    1984 is a good book.  Yes, that is much how things are looking today.  A mix of Atlas Shrugged and 1984.


    I do not feel sorry for airing my feeling or deep perceptions of the situation..

    It finally made me realize that things have to get worse before they get better.

    We already had the worst with Obama.

    If Trump does not clean up all the garbage left by Obama, he will be seen far worse than Obama ever was and Obama was really seen as a bad president.  Obama had to fix his own numbers to save face he was so bad.

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  8. @Marblehead


    I still care about people.  I already lived the liberal lie.  So, if I treat it with contempt, it isn't that I do not want other people to voice their opinion.  It is just that I think Liberal and Progressivism is a joke.  In the end, Liberal-Democrats-Progressives all have to get money from Conservative companies who were founded on Conservative values.  Eventually we all grow up and either become long term dependants (Liberals)... Or we become self-reliant Conservatives.


    As for the Live and Let live thing... Dude.  I was wrong.  We should have killed Liberalism years ago before it mutated into cancer.  I mean some of it is fun, makes life fun.  But when you think things will change "just because"???  I had to be delusional.  Anyone who thinks that has to be delusional.  You should change your signature now to read... "I happen to be right most of the time because that is what my friends tell me."


    But we all grow and learn from our mistakes.  It just so happens that mine were huge.


    He was right.  :excl: these are my words next though... :excl:  Democrats are just bitter and snarky (sorry if that hurts anyone it just happens to be true.)


    It's a scorched-earth policy. It would be funny if the intent weren't to force a war. I say "funny" because the alleged hacking wasn't election fraud but revealing truly reprehensible behavior by the President's own gang, in their own words.

    Remember the big printed banners deployed at some of the DNC's late-game rallies? The ones imploring Hillary supporters to vote early! Did it seem like an odd focus at the time? Exit polls reveal it didn't really matter but they were trying to get votes cast before people realized just how corrupt the DNC is. Since then, the focus of both the Obama administration and the mainstream media has been not on the very damning message (which now seems all but buried) but on the alleged messenger. And now we have the central government formalizing the creation of the Ministry of Truth (wonder what they'll call it?)


    Please don't use a V for Vendetta Reference.  I wish that movie was banned for the following reasons:

    1.  Everything was reversed.  In reality it has always been the secular, atheist and godless people with dark agendas who attempt to do those things.  The purpose of the movie was to distort views to make people see the godless and the evil in a favorable light.

    2.  It twists the mind into confusing bad and good.

    3.  The world was never like V for Vendetta and never will be.


    Please, Brian, lets just call it the Episiotomy of Lies?  Because thats really what it is.

  9. But then, let's consider how much effort Obama is putting into screwing things up for Trump.  Obama is ruining the USA political system by trying to ruin the establishment for an incoming president.


    He is supposed to be creating a smooth transition.  I wouldn't be surprised if he and his wife paint the Whitehouse black before they leave office.


    Obama is one of those cry-babies we have been talking about.  What a disgrace!


    It is and I have people I interact with that just say the level of emotional manipulation is just too much.  I am sorry I was a Democrat years ago.  Trying to force other people to see things the way you do is an illness.  That is why I will fight for people to be able to say what they want.  But I just can not listen to the Progressive rhetoric anymore.  I have just become... apathetic.  It is like I cant like it but I cant hate it.  I just don't feel anything.  Sometimes I wonder why this is.  Maybe overload.

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  10. I was just wondering how raising objections before a working model is produced based upon what works, or confining a discussion based upon bias helps stimulate creativity?

    In project management you have to have a working model based upon what is known and test it first, build it up.  There are a lot of opportunities for creating a working model based upon what others have done that works.

    I enjoy the discussion. I hope it continues.

  11. On 12/28/2016 at 8:15 AM, Stosh said:

    Actually a pretty nice job , of nutshelling it , ,, though I dont agree about parts 


    To be perfectly honest, I care about people a lot.  If you do not like my post that is fine and are reasons which I will explain also.

    Sometimes not always we have periods in our life when everyone literally is against us.

    What makes a person great is acts 2:38


    Wh has travesolation I can give you will prepare you for l Except those 


    Jesus Lives


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  12. I don't follow him and it seems he wants to be a jack of all trades and master of....Also, I wonder what is your personal opinion about his claims and knowledge. All I can say is that he may know his cultural daoist information thru someone who is familiar and sometimes what he says makes sense, for instance, the meaning of Chinese stuff he shows in his website or Youtube videos.


    Interesting, but I will take this question.

    It happens to be what everyone wants to know.

    Now, I am going to use one of thelerner's phrases which is "a master appears when a pupil is ready."


    I loosely interpret this as a person looks for what they want to learn.  When they research they do a lot of their own homework and study.


    In the past, one could say this happened, that happened.  But my ex-wife was a super psycho douche biatch and that took up 60% of it the other half was the fact I did not have the balls because I was way too nice to tell her to phuq off or go kill herself.  Instead of manning up and going ape over what had happened, I left the state which was a good decision.


    Edit: One last time.  I also speak on co-dependent relationships now.  It turned out to be a big positive for me.  It helped reshape all my relationships.


    Here is to happy endings.


    As for anything related to Mak.... Do we have any students still here?   I would recommend getting first hand accounts.  Naturally, this is the way things on the forum have gone for years.

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  13. Earlier last year, I started a campaign warning parents about various T.V. programming that was dangerous or created an atmosphere of acceptable behaviour for bizarre things.


    Last year it was Cartoon Network's Mr. Pickles complete with backmasked audios and subliminals celebrating demonism.  Very sick.  Naturally, this is passed off as some kind of sick joke but then I encountered a whole pattern of key words used in kid's T.V. shows and kid's toys.


    The most used reference I have seen from T.V. shows like Crashbox, to kid's piano's marketed by Target is references to the word or name Applebee/Appleby.  This word or name is usually given good connotations or even in a propagandic sense is associated with something good.  Could corporate America be setting up a future generation to accept a message coming from some future "Applebee or Appleby?"


    What does Applebee mean anyway?  Well Applebee is actually a slang term for weed.  It could also be the over-priced ribshack called Applebees.  Either way, weed is a gateway drug for harder drugs and playing with the Limbic system does not encourage willpower or good decisions.


    What to take away from this:

    If you have kids, try to at least watch what they are watching.  Look for patterns or conditioning in their T.V. shows that may affect future decisions they make.


    What is the far reaching affect of this Applebee/Appleby name association?

    Sure, this could be conditioning to get a future generation to accept a drug as ok.

    It could also be setting up a future candidate for office of president.

    It could even be someone in the future whos sole asset is federal legalization.

    Or it could be that a person with that name may tell them something they may just readily accept because they see it as a good name.


    Conditioning of words (NLP) when it is used correctly (which it often is not, nor do people often have the real skill to use it) is dangerous just like hypnotism.  I must re-emphasis that often people misuse or do not understand it, therefore it loses its real value when people do not understand it.  It is really a very weak persuasion technique.. BUT... When you COMBINE it with propaganda and other mixtures of manipulation it can be disasterous.  I created this post to help people report or talk about these patterns of use and conditioning in popular culture.


    Lets do a future scenario:

    In 2032:  "Lets plunder religion.  Do it for the weed" - Mark Appleby for president.

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  14. Taoism/Daoism -


    It is an existential "religion".  Meaning that it is based upon what man learns from nature and natural concepts.  That is what the Tao Te Ching is also about.  People took information they experienced and used it in their lives.  From philosophical concepts to the non-mundane and religious concepts.  What Daoism comes from is not only Buddhism, but has its origins in Hinduism of Vedic and Pre-Vedic times.  Mantras or "passwords" in the religious and non-mundane aspects were used along with other rituals that have a beginning in Yajna.


    Some Buddhists and Daoists ascribe magic to "The Gods" there are many temples to which one can go and obtain seals used in particular religious or non-mundane rites.  Some of these are written in a non-human language usually attributed to beings that are of non-terrestrial origin, (gods, aliens - whats the difference?)


    In a purely mundane sense you have aspects of geomancy known as "Feng Shui" in its various forms.  In the highest mundane metaphysical practice you encounter "Qi Men Dun Jia" where you can calculate the direction and time and distance to travel that will bring you friendship, money, healing or if you choose the wrong one, death.


    Differences between the religions:

    Christianity is Deity centered, its teaching are based upon spiritual teaching from a deity.

    Buddhism is primarily prophet/teacher based, teachings are based upon writings from holy people that worked.

    Daoism is also teacher based.

    Hinduism is for the most part teacher based with some deity attributed writings.

    Vedic and Pre-Vedic was all Deity based writings, with some "colleges" that taught practices.

    Tantra is difficult to sort out as Deities are a center piece, yet masters have methods taught.


    Philosophy is an important aspect of all of them, yet all religions have their emphasis on Virtue (De) like Daoism.  It is emphasised in many religions that the correct way should be mastered first.  This eliminates issues with being to sloppy, animalistic or negligent later.  In that aspect, which is a core of many religions and philosophies... To forget this aspect is to lose the whole thing.  Atainments can not be had without the philosophical or religious practices.  Attainments cannot be reached without Virtue which is learned through philosophical or religious writings.


    In short:  Without a deity or teacher there is no religion.  Without religion there is no Virtue, Attainment or Understanding.  Without Virtue there is no long standing attainment.  This means you may gain understanding or non-mundane abilities but will lose them.  With no understanding or practical application there is no point.  Philosophies and teachings come from religious and spiritual paths.  If man wakes up one day and decides to do away with any aspects of these, the information and practices will be lost for all time.  Until another comes along to reignite the fire of Yajna and continue things as they have continued from the world's beginning until now. 



    I think you're asking good questions but we're saying something else... the latter first:  when you try to explain to chinese what you're doing... they have a limited grasp of practice or belief or even anything about energy... less seems best on some level.


    Anyone should be able to share their practice in general terms... otherwise, they may just be trolling to some degree as there is no reason to be here... My feeling :)


    Now, how to explain daoism?  It is nothing and everything.   When you can resolve that, then you might have a step in a direction to understand or explain dao..  


    the 'ism' becomes a prison...  rap this line... not mine.... but in time... on your dime... 


    I agree, Ism is a prison.  Sometimes when it comes to religion I feel that yes, religion is very important.

    Yet, at the very same time which seems like a strange contradiction:

    I also feel that the practices that one does currently, one should keep secret.

    Messages from Deities... No.

    Messages from a guide... Yes, I keep those secret.

    Personal life... Yes, even in day to day encounters it is better to keep the activities of one's life secret.  People are strange jealous creatures and become enraged over strange and bizarre things even the strange need of some to feel superior to another.  I have seen it and understand its effects in the past on my life, yet would never do such to another human except to teach such people that such is pointless.  I have learned very well that in the grand scheme of things trying to seem the best at something has nothing to do with spiritual attainment.  It only matters what you can say to help a people in the present moment in a meaningful way with your understanding, beyond that what you accomplish yourself.

    I believe christians term something "Showy display of one's means of life."  This was used originally to talk about wealth and rubbing it in people's faces.  If we rub something very personal that we are working on, meaning the inner-workings of something, it can also backfire on us.


    To another extent what we do and what we accomplish sometimes is not always hidden.  We see some turning of emotional-mental gears from time to time when people find out what we really are.  I think the key to any spiritual life is really keeping as much hidden as possible.  When we come out and try to say "we know this and this"... It always backfires.  The response that has grown in recent years as the result of depression and people becoming more animal and "Limbic" is a term called "Cognitive Dissonance".  The comedian George Carlin used it, scientists use it.  It stems from a multitude of failures and rather than picking themselves back up they ride it out because they have been rewarded by this cynical behaviour (The poor me and sour grapes mechanisms).  This leads to the greater disbelief in religion and miracles as well as non-mundane things.

    It may also have to do with for some people living in large cities which also leads to depression.  In a nutshell, our modern life we live in is very anti-spiritual.  As we start living in ways that makes us more like cattle, religion, spirituality and philosophy disappears.  I realize I have talked this point into the ground.  Let me not speak of it again.

  15. Here is a good question and it seems to have been touched upon a bit already.  Is not unplugging kind of what many countries are starting to do now?  What is the difference between a Nationalistic perspective that a person can do things in and of themselves (in a way) vs. being dependent upon a failing system (Old Empire ways that lead to a united totalitarian government)?


    I envision a future using Graphene coated pitted silicon wafers as a form of harvesting ionic energy as the energy never runs out unless you apply a charge directly to them (try to charge them).  Magnetic generator-alternators can be used to supplement this energy and given a suspended setup, where the wheel is repelled on its side by powerful magnets reduces friction many times.  In this way the wheel is kept in place by magnets, magnets turn the wheel-pole-alternator.


    I imagine in any distant future scenario bartering would eventually be necessary and social and networking skills would be very important. As above, so below.  The beginning is the end and so on.  Eventually, people might just be less dependent upon energy.  If we realize we all had what we really needed anyway, light, soil, water... Eventually we realize how silly it is that we wanted all the things that people try to get or covet now.


    I mean if you realized that you could just go dig that potato out of the ground and go fishing for that fish and have a meal in less than a couple of hours... How silly does it seem spending so much extra energy for something you buy in a store that does not somehow taste just as good.  Crazy is it not?

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  16. It is hard to not see how the many different things tend to come together and create vast complex ecosystems of interaction.


    I have some interesting insights.  Lets say Eli, you for example become something big.  Lets use string theory for this.

    Lets say the normal person only has access to just a few dimensions of understanding with of course the same amount of bias.

    On the other hand you, Eli, have at least ten more dimensions of understanding each with more complexity than average because to use these requires some serious skills.  You have in a sense become x10 larger in a sense and through those connections if maintained (this is an example where things are simplified) you are also those connections by extension.  Either way, you must come up with a way to maintain those connections or devolve.  In a sense navigating life has become much like moving very large vehicles.  If you operate a semi, the space shuttle or any large vehicle, pre-planning takes place.  You have to look ahead and plan for any obstacles.  What I have not said is that it requires setting your self up for success.  For a spiritual person, I inqure, does not being very spiritual require setting ones self up for success?


    When I think of the rudimentary aspects of bias, I am reminded that often especially in recent years the gratification given to people has often been limbic.  Limbic system gratification means that most things were not challenged the way they were normally.  The Limbic system is responsive to instant gratification.  This is the brain center dealt with when it comes to addiction.  No judgement and environments free of criticism abounded.  Challenges were lacking.  Could we say that not wanting our world view challenged is a Limbic system issue?


    Often enough I have seen specific simple terms were an antagonistic factor for many reactions to parts of the political race.  Listen carefully.  People were talking about how they felt.  Did we see anyone talking about how they knew that a candidates plan was going to set many things up for success over the next decade?  Did we see people saying... ____ is evil?  Yes.  There is no mistake.  Could we learn a lot about this from any point of perspective we analyze it from? Yes.


    Additionally, we could also ask, how did people respond to candidates in the past elections since 1980?  Are there differences?  If there are, what are they?  Whys can only be answered when we consider peoples sources of propaganda conditioning and the methods used from areas of:  Schools, Media, Popular television programming, Means of interactions as they changed over time.  Peer pressure is also a vital factor as in the recent election people rebelled against certain pressures. 


    If you could boil down the circumstances of the election into a decoction it would be precisely fear.  Because people fear having their freedoms and rights taken away even if these are founded on fact or not.  Treating America like cattle and making the laws or yoke upon them heavier by instituting more laws that supposedly less burden all the cattle... Does this sound like a sound and fair means of running a country to you?  Yet, that is exactly what happened and I do not think people realized why this created that fear because it is difficult for people to comprehend how things that are supposed to be good and help people actually ended up hurting or alarming them.  Could people who are too passionate about their bias possibly see?  As we saw much through the political race it was all about how it felt and Limbic responses.  So, naturally planning and setting down an important strategy would naturally be seen as evil, right?