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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Please keep in mind I actually tried to study and follow many spiritual paths this lifetime. So, I tend to compartmentalize each one.  None of what I consider of each one was ever a choice to negate or bias against either one.  In fact I have done so with a view to not impuning any improper thoughts as much as I could possible from each one.  I did not seek to learn or use pranahayama techniques this lifetime, albeit because it conflicted with Stillness-Movement.  Naturally, I donot concede that that pranahyama is a wrong path, just that it was a nitche that I did not take.  I did study bandhas, but this was early on and subsequently they fell into disuse.  I do not know everything, so naturally I would have to say that even some things I have learned I did not strictly adhere to.  This is something I mean to rectify eventually if mainly for the fact that I have realized a person must cultivate "right amount of virtue".  I do not hold others to that seemingly strict sense of order, but is part now of my understanding of spirituallty.


    When I got started in Hinduism I primary sought out siddhis.  This was an unconscious oversight of what is generally taught in scripture.  Most of scripture tries to point the right way and focuses mostly on right action and virtues.  Eventually, I realized for the most part things I did not comprehend would affect my life.  These are namely that the people in one's life and the things you do and aree involved in are pretty much one big alliance of sorts.  This eventually made me tryto correct this issue and leads me to where I am now.


    Another important aspect of my life was yes, I did achieve someminor siddhis in life.  However this leads in some way to the first question I had which I answered myself.  That is that if one achieves siddhis one must eventually keep it to one's self.  If a person should talk about them, it results in the following: People question whether or not one really has achieved siddhis of a practice.  This results in the following circumstances:  One either is left to trying to confirm it, or give meager token confirmation (which I had done in the past) or simply not provide an answer.  Either one of these is ridiculous and even if it is proven, often only in person it leads to the following which I have questions about.


    This is what I have the most questions about.  If one achieves siddhis or special powers and other people know about it then you have students.  I had always stressed in the past not only knowing the information but understanding it.  As full understanding only sees to lead to achievement.  I do not understand why that is.  Now I realize too that correct virtue is needed as well. The balance between Awareness, Knowledge and Virtue must be somehow the same.  I do not know why that is.  If someone has and idea, please feel free to add your comments on that.


    Additionally, my experiences with teaching often was with people who very rarely wanted to really learn.  The majority of people were very unbalanced and for the most part had addictions of some kind.  Which I tried to help them understand that the limbic system is very sensitive and that it would harm their progress.  Either way there were a few people who did manage to learn.  This was before I stressed correct virtue, which brings me to the next stunning part.


    After teaching people who learned, I had impacts upon my life.  Namely, that I began to forget important things.  I lost some abilities until recently regaining them.  This brings me to some serious questions about this situation.  Is it that I simply taught skills that I lost some of the back then?  Is it because they did not cultivate the "right amount of virtue" that it had this impact?  Or is it that these things belong to someone or some thing?


    Either way this caused me to change my way of doing things In fact the last years since Stillness-Movement I slowed down and stopped trying to teach this kind of thing.  Am I right to only point people in the right direction?  This seems to be what ancient texts are all about.  I imagine not all skills are like this.  In fact when I sought out siddhas originally it was not for selfish purposes of any specific kind, it was because I did it because I was told it was virtuous.  My parents told me that it was part of my development.  So, that is why if anyone has experience in this subject, it would be a good question for them.  It would help other people to understand that aspect of it.


    Stillness-Movement tended to balance me out.  Given, I know the level of virtue I follow now is probably more than what most people have stressed.  Most of what i know now is not a reflection of one practice or teaching.


    Edit: Edited an unconscious reflection upon people who performed siddhis called siddhas, this must have been a casualty of focus upon what people has accomplished before.  Where it read siddhas, it should have read siddis.

  2. I began meditation today after my normal practice.
    Today I tried to get intouch with the spirit I communicated with before in 2008.

    A person this time of lean appearence and of oriental heiritage appeared, and he had a crown of golden feathers with a cabochron of some fire red stone in the center as the center stone of the crown.  His skin was indigo, a type of blue as i had seen before and some of his garments were gold.  This time his lips were bright red, which was different from the previous encounter (to which I inquired later in the encounter.) he whirled like a dhervish  into being much like a tornadic representation of some of my pakuachang flourishes of martial arts prowess.
    I started to ask him a question.  What happened next shocked me beyond all belief.

    He said "Time to show you who I am".  He grabbed my spirit and we took a trip up, up and out of the earth's atmosphere... We kept going farther up, out... At some point I felt like i was being ripped from my body.  Then it happened.  We left the solar system, the milky way... Entered some weird tunnel and things turned to liquid silver as though everything was liquid silver... out... Past a few nebula... Through another tunnel where everything turned to liquid silver again... Out, normal again and into another tunnel.. Then out again into an orange red sky and a golden lotus suspended in nothing.. I said "are we here?"  We entered one more small tunnel and everything turned to silver one last time.  Out... It was black at first.  I think he could sense that all of the traveling made me feel somewhat uneasy.  A sun or a star appeared and I saw a giant golden tree with green leaves all twisted like a bristlecone pine but with much more foliage.  He spun the tree and the star around a few times until I had shone a sense of peace and we both perched on the tree.

    I asked him, why the red lipstick?  He wiped his lips and then said, "It was a test, to see if you passed." "Because you have been held back from accomplishing a great majority of things until this point.  Now that you know the true nature of everything and have gone beyond all the obstacles that have been designed to hold you back.  Now you know that the true reality is that some seek truth.  Others only enjoy meager existence in deceptions.  One of the only things left for you to understand, besides what you have come to know within the least few years is this:  That women are given to deception and lies, that is their nature because they are weak."

    I became greatly disturbed at this realizing that he spoke the truth as well. "So, then we must simply accept the lies and support them from a firm position of truth."

    "You have learned well.  That is why you have been held back from achieving great things and recieving recognition until now.  You are being sent back to Earth as the emissary of truth.  You will shine light into all of the dark places of the world.  It is your job now to re-write planet Earth as a planet of Truth once more."

    At this point I fell to the ground and put my forehead on the ground and began to cry.  "Do not ask me to do this.  I have suffered enough already.  It is unimaginable the things I had to do to get myself back to where I was before.  Do you know what they do to people who speak truth now?  It is considered a hate crime."  I looked up.

    Then he said, "That may not be true now.  It is all the things that have stopped you before that will not exist anymore.  For it is I that stood in your way, holding you back until now."
    Then he changed form, one second he was Zeus, another second he was One-eyed Odin and back to his form.
    "I am Indra, king of the Gods and you are great, that is why your name is great and will ever be great.  That is why your name is Grant.  Now step forward, I will return all of your knowledge to you."

    At this point he stretched out his hand and a look of absolute anger came up into his face as his fingers spread out.  For a moment I was uncertain what he was about to do... Then his face softened and he changed his hand and took his thumb and touched a point between my third eye and directly above my right eye.  I saw pages and pages of sanskrit enter my mind... Explanations on coiled thought, concepts that I was never even aware of.

    Then as quickly as it had begin, without further explanation he grabbed my spirit and said "It is timeto get you back to your body." This time we entered this wavy wide light green transparent tunnel.  "This tunnel goes only one way, for a reason.", he said.  I was just trying to wrap my head around all of this and we continued through the tunnel and I was back in my body quickly.  Before I knew it he was gone.  I went to look at myself in the mirror and I could still feel where he put his thumb.  It had to be one of the most profound experiences I have had.

    I took some time to reflect on the events of my life and realizing that I felt held backfor the longest time, had given into the negativity.. Felt sorry for myself at some point then began reclaiming much of my former perceptions to arrive at this point and realized maybe it was true in some sense of the word but in some way seems so far fetched and beyond something that might be believeable.  In most cases I wonder why would I be chosen for something so vital.  I could die tomorrow... Or is it possible?  Why at my age?  Does the increase in health the past month mean something? I only seem to have more questions and sometimes enlightenment does not just give all the answers though things could just be as they are.

    In a sense, it does seem like this changes some of how I feel about lying and deceptive people, making me more compassionate about these groups of people as well.  However, I still realize that the clouded nature of using deception as a vehicle for interaction causes a great number of problems.  We will see how this plays out in days to come.


    Edit: Indra was my Ishta Devata.

    2nd edit.  Edit had previously read Indra, remains Indra.  I plan to cover mantras and everything in my book.  

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  3. Ah, thank you for the thought, WR!  I won't reveal too much about my dates and stars (taoists are prohibited from revealing such info if they can help it), but alas, no match there.  I'm hell bent on a Yang Water deal.  They are very rare, in fact I see 80% charts dominated by Fire or Metal in folks born in the 20th century, especially in males.  So it's not for lack of understanding of what I need that I have never met an available Yang Water guy.  The only one I did meet was not up for grabs, but the alchemy!! -- !!!


    -- so I know exactly what I'm looking for.  


    Good luck to you with your quest!  :)  I wouldn't invest too much into the birth year though, I would focus on the wuxing phase/phases you're deficient in and look for that primarily in a partner -- all the rest is icing on the cake.  


    Advice... Ha ha!  a comedian too.

    Well if you ever want to continue talking about this hit me up in PM.


    Edit: In hindsight, rather than using my flair for creative metaphors, I decided to instead say this:


    The five elements are useful, if you know how to use them.  My question is how would you use this water that you find?  Water is super-independent.  If you tried to control that creativity and magnetism it will rebel.  You would instead find that it would be your master.  Take a lesson like this from someone who understands water well.  If you cling to it or try to manipulate it, it will feel under appreciated and leave.  That is the mystery of water.  It is not codependent.  Codependency is a corruption due to ignorance of understanding the natural self, be it masculine or feminine.  The moment confusion takes hold or traits are misappropriated is the start of Codependent interactions.  Thus, confusion, androgyny, codependency are not ways of nature or the Dao.  Codependent is when boundarys are forgotten and this leads to aggression.  Thus, water also teaches that gender role assassination and all like mannered things that come from it are also not of the Dao.

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  4. I had an experience some years back about 2008.

    I met a indigo bird creature with indigo flames coming off of it.

    It told me to come near, where I burst into those indigo flames.

    Then he shook me awake and I was never sure what had actually happened.

    I think I hypothesised many different things but my focus from 2005 to then was Garuda meditations.


    I know Garuda exists, but I doubt that it was him.  I mean what does Garuda do?

    Does he also shoot indigo lasers out of his eyes?


    Edit: After meditating on the experience I realized that the indigo phoenix like bird had some gold and other colors, green especially in the chest and red as well as white.  It was just that the indigo color was very intense.

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  5. Qi-phase-wise you are the Mother of the man I am looking for. :)   I had this, a too-much-Metal man who can supply Water indirectly, since Metal produces Water.  It was a mixed blessing, because of course, instead of stopping at that, Metal also controls Wood, and to my Wood his phase was like a stern Grandmother, who gives with one hand and smacks you with the other. 


    Is White Rabbit really one of your Four Animals?  If it's the year or the month, they are lucky financially, and if your chart is like Trump's, you are not likely to starve. :)      


    In the branch and stem of the month pillar.  "The Friend" personality, also like Trump.  I think you should check what your star is, mine is #4 Green Wood.  If you are #9, #1 or #8... We might be a match which is unexpected.  Irony if that happens, anyone?


    Edit: If you were born in 79' your Kua number would be #3, if 91' then it would be #6 which I haven't looked up the interactions for yet.  Alternately, if you were born in 86' that would be the magic #1 Star.


    Edit: there is no sensitive information here, added this message for emphasis.

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  6.  If I look for Water qi, it means I have use for it.  It means he has too much of what I have not enough of, and I have too much of what he has not enough of.  Combine the phases and you get the holy grail.  Balance.  Wood-with-Fire meets Water, that's an alchemical union.  The cauldron.  The elixir field.  And what would a Wood-with-Fire woman do with Fire-Metal, Fire-Fire, etc., males?  Build a nuclear plant, or maybe a nuclear bomb?  Been there done that.   

    I do understand.  I love to joke too.

    You can also get water by using those interactions.  Water is based upon magnetism, it is creative.  How it counters fire is it is unpredictable...


    Yin Water as an example (link)


    But actually I have way too much metal... my bazi looks like Trump's chart.  I know people and know I would not be good for you.  We would fire each other. ^_^  Friends, business partners maybe. 

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  7. The ball is in your court...  I hope you stay :)


    Sorry, I thought I posted last night... It must not have taken.

    Yes, what I was trying to say was I wanted what was good for the forum when I changed the video.

    At first when you mentioned about "crosshairs"  I thought that I had possibly done something additional to warrant an additional rebuke.  Then, I realized knowing from how you were years back that you were actually just letting me know what the current situation was.  So, I will take your invitation to stay.  :)

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  8. Looking for a woman born in the years  1977,1986 or 1995.  Could possibly be born in Autumn or Winter and Definately has Blond hair or maybe dyes it blonde.  Unsure.  Definately very independant. Been looking for her for years.


    Honestly I think she was born in 1986 really.  She is a very caring person and... yeah.

    Sorry to be vague, if you know this woman please let me know.