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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. You have to be born with the propensity towards metaphysics.  Otherwise it is like asking a welder to talk about painting a picture.


    Symbolic Star:


    Heavenly doctor

    Chinese names: TianYi / 天医

    English names: Heaven Doctor, Heavenly Doctor,


    For weak DM:
    - weak DM without this star may become ill more often.

    For strong DM:
    - strong DM with this star may work in fields of medicine or metaphysics with success,
    - strong DM with this star will have good health.

    Edit: I liked the story, I just wanted to say sometimes not everyone seems in tune with what is said.  So, I understand the frustration.

  2. Hmm, the names don't ring a bell. If only I could remember what movie I heard it from. I think at least one of the two had a familiar name. But Wikipedia states that Job's Tears is also called Chinese pearl barley, so I wonder whether it was "barley" that was mentioned.

    Being grown in higher areas where rice doesn't grow well would explain it. Probably was a highland area in the movie.

    Not sure whether it was the inferior one or the other. I think they mentioned consuming the inferior one in the form of a mash. Characters might have remarked how they're sick of that mash and want the good stuff.




    P.S.: Why doesn't the master of the house give me a job? (Who is that guy anyway?) I tried self-employment, but there's no demand to be found.


    Well, that is the beauty of things.  I am sure when you are doing something else you will most likely remember what it is that you were trying to remember.


    As for the master of the house...  One can only ask.  But be careful he seems to have a sense of humor.  I prayed once and asked for a bus load of sorority girls and he sent a bus load of Trinity Bible College girls.  The Universe is not without some sense of irony.   Those are the facts.

  3. eh, it kind of tiring judging and judging and judging.  Unless someone gets in your face, it's cool. 


    I agree.  When it became okay for people to get in my face about ideas... That is when I realized it was not okay.

    I spend lots of time freely speaking to people about the importance of:

    o   Understanding what personal boundaries are and why it is not okay to violate them or let others do so.

    o   Connection between confusion of the self which leads to unhappiness and codependent relationships.

    o   How unhealthy it is to violate other people's boundaries or let other people do that.


    I suppose I could go into depth more, but I tend to do it for free because no one seems to want to buy rational thought anymore.  It became very depressing... But before I go off in a different direction I just have to say that shoving something in their face or jamming them with ........ <unicorns or insert ugly idea here> or <"u gotta lissen 2 me"> is not nice.

    • Like 2

  4. One race, the human race.  Isn't it time?


    What if you lived every day not seeing people for their skin color and just for their qualities?

    It seems the more people focus on race the more things get muddled and angry.

    Am I right or wrong here?

    • Like 3

  5. But the pollsters are getting it totally wrong. I actually thought the Latino vote would block Trump, but, despite Brexit, the pollsters still made a big miscalculation. Is there something more sinister going on underneath it? You can get any result you want from a poll depending on how you conduct it - hmmmmmm.


    Well, people are finding out television media has been lying about the election.

    We will spend much time consoling people over this in the coming months.


    There is only one race.  That is the human race.

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  6. Yep - there'll be no immediate changes, and any will be slow coming. I guess its a greater attitudinal movement among the people and how this may influence the various elections coming up in Europe. 


    Uk was just waiting to see if the United States followed suit, which it did.

    So, now that Trump will be president, you will soon hear of Brexit actually happening.

    Funny how these things work.

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  7. Funny, Luke.


    I don't know that religions or nations are the deepest reasons humans go to war. I think they are concomitant pre-symptoms perhaps -- but I can envision a world where despite people having their own ways of going about rapport with the divine, self-exploration, and communities based on location, they are not at war.


    It's like corporations. Fundamentally they operate mostly for evil at the highest level these days but it is entirely possible to operate a corporation so that it is a great thing for everyone directly and indirectly involved and affected. That humans don't choose to do that is not a statement on corporations so much as it is a statement on humans.



    How do you feel about people like the Dalai Lama being pressured by LGBT activists to get his religion to change.  Is that right?

    Is it right at all for humans to behave that way?


    One could argue that this is the only way to be tolerated.  But, some things humans also do are not understood.  Like, okay... I do care about people.  But, some geniuses have issues being emotionally available.  So, changing society is not a way for these to be accepted.  It is a flaw in human thinking when we try to force others to change for our benefit.  That is what caused the whole issue and if some of us had caught it before it happened maybe I would not even have to have said anything about it to anyone.  :(


    As for religion not existing, then Daoism does not exist.  Then what would be the purpose?

    It means that us talking about these types of things are irrelevant.  So, we would have to think Daoism matters somewhat, right?


    In the Christian religion there is a passage.  One is where people claim "Peace and security"

    1 Thessalonians 5:3 "When people are saying, "Everything is peaceful and secure," then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman's labor pains begin. And there will be no escape."


    This is a part of the eventual acceptance of a Globalist type society.  It is inevitable.  But, I think you will find this prophesy timely as it is part of the events leading up to the final war.

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