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Posts posted by TheWhiteRabbit

  1. Some things are hard-coded in to the religion and can not be changed.  Even the Dalai Lama said people were pressuring him to accept certain things.  That happened with every religion that was opposed to a political agenda.  Long story short, if Evil pressures or attempts to corrupt something good... There is always someone who knows about it.  So, repeating the lie is a joke.


  2. I do not think religious bigotry exists.  I think violence against people who do not believe the same as another exists... I believe SHAMING exists... Which is why SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) do not understand that peoples personal boundaries are violated when they treat others that way.  It is just another form of violence.  I do not condone violence.  Nor do I encite violence.  People have been made very angry by what I have to say as it usually is not the way people think.

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  3. In off topic quite recently it seems as though there has been an upsurge of posts that could be considered racism baiting.  This is beyond people's confirmation bias.


    I also feel that this is an attack on fundamentalism and morals in recent posts that call it "authoritarian fundamentalism".  Really it is just an attack on morals. Now, I am not someone who makes or enforces the rules.  But, I am merely calling attention to this behaviour as it tends to reflect a deeper issue in people of not feeling that rules apply to them.  That can even be said of forum rules.  I do not believe that it is my part to control thought or be thought police on these issues.  As it is often implied by these groups of people, they feel that racism and fundamentalism go hand in hand. I assure you it does not.  If things should get out of hand and sway public sentiment on the board against people who hold morals, then I will be right which I hope i am not.  But I will let it go now.  I leave it in your very capable hands and will avoid these posts.  Thank you for all you do.  I do understand this job is not easy.  Thank you also for taking the time to read this.

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  4. I recently read a link someone (maybe Karl?) posted that was a series of three lectures by C.S. Lewis. The first one I liked best, "Men Without Chests."


    Actually it's something I've always observed and felt strongly about but never really had the moment to go on about it, and I was so delighted that he did.


    But the overall essay series got me thinking about what he called the Tao (of course that is only his use of the word).


    Namely this concept that I myself accepted when young, that there was no good or evil, there was merely whatever is, and all our judgement about what is good or bad is merely subjective.


    The more I thought about Lewis's argument, the more I am inclined to think he was accurate. In that:


    Actually, maybe there IS, fundamentally for humans (and this does not mean this is so for spirits or aliens or trees, but is so for humans) an "objective" set of what amounts to "values."


    Didn't Huxley call that The Perennial Philosophy or something like that. The values that around the world throughout time are generally found everywhere, e.g. that it's fundamentally wrong to kill another human being.


    Lewis's argument is that even the drive to teach people that there is no objective set of values, to teach people that everything is subjective, is itself motivated by the sense of need to teach this because, assumedly, one thinks that what they think - that other people thinking this way - is what is right, or at least what is good. If it wasn't there would be no point to teaching it. But what defines it as good? Either the good is utterly arbitrary, or it's not. And if it's not, then where does that value come from? Either it is inherent in the ... balance of energy in this sphere, or it is not.


    I am still going around in my head about it. But it was a wonderful essay and has given me a lot to think on.


    Duality... I don't think it implies good/bad, but who knows. I've had some 'duality' type experiences... people later told me this relates to Binah in QBLH which I know nearly zip about. Mostly it just seems, in rare moments of insight, that self-awareness fundamentally is a thing of two (e.g. sorry to use a biblical ref but I mean like, and the word was with God, and the word was God) -- to be 'self-aware' -- that is two things. Awareness is one thing. Self by definition creates a think for the awareness to be aware of separately from other things. That is fundamentally dual. Isn't it?



    I wouldn't worroy about you accidentally murdering someone, you have too much fear as it is.  Even at that, most world rulers participate in more homicides than the average being.  Including every president since the First World War.  So, if finger pointing be important there you go.

  5. The point made is that society norms were changed using these techniques.


    I may further suggest that reasons why a person may not want to draw attention to this is due to the nature of the manipulation.

    That is, the people wishing to impose their views on society are challenged.  Because people who seek to manipulate do not wish to be accountable, because the reasons for doing so are selfish.  Thus, they have no regard for the result whatever it may be upon society whether it may be good or bad.


    That is why it is very important, because it challenges how society has been manipulated.

  6. Non-duality might also be related to the ability to see or understand things beyond normal understanding.

    For example, much of how we understand things are based upon what we understand words to mean.

    Thus could it be said that the limited concepts in words are a limit?

    If a person is not aware of a concept, are all concepts universal?

    If not, why is that? (Thought process for bridging these ideas)

    Could it be said that education helps or hinders this process? (More along the same, bridging the ideas)

    Is it about how closely we confine ideas to their containers? (Same as before)

    Does seeing things in abstract patterns complete the transformation? (The final eureka, difficult to obtain but an encompassing realization)

    What part of it do we do-create, or do we co-create as we perceive? (The final applied result, from viewing only to application)


    Is it pain or discomfort that causes us to narrow our view? (The process that destroys our non-dual view as we age.  If we recognize it we can escape it)

    Further along that line, do the stimuli that cause pain cause many other people or all people to suffer as well? (Qualifier for real judgement)



    Naturally, natural human inclination is toward self-preservation unless taught otherwise.

    These have been difficult lessons for me.

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  7. Lets take a look at the Overton Window.

    This is how what has been socially acceptable has changed deliberately.

    I do not play this game, nor do I suggest people do so.  This post exists merely for education only and active discussion as to how people feel about it.


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  8. Ralis, anyone can see that arguing those same points over and over does not lend to a useful discussion.  It becomes redundant and uncivil if it happens.  Generally this means it is time to go do something you like.  As was stated, you have confirmation bias about these subjects.  If you would like to continue from a social egalitarian perspective then that would be great.  I do not enforce the rules, yet I am sure if this type of thing continues the way it did, it probably will not end well for either of us.

  9. Here is some of the video footage from the interview:


    As far as I am concerned, if you bring up his religion, you better bring up his Nazism.

    But Ralis wanted it, so there you go.

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  10. Soros was mentioned in the anti-Semitic thread and my comments tie in with that. Further, the link posted is one example of many online, if you care to research. Moreover, I am addressing a problem that seems to be growing on this forum in which anti-Semitic remarks are generally veiled and not overtly stated.


    I am puzzled as to your calling me out on this and I have yet to see you address the misogyny on this thread or the anti-Semitism on the other thread i.e, from your personal point of view.


    Well, I cannot speak for another.  But, what I can tell you is that he is a nazi sympathizer, i.e. George Soros is.

    In fact, this is proven in a 60 minutes video back in 1998.



    So, we have George Soros, who has been proven to:

    1.  According to Wikileaks hacked emails, pulls the strings of evil acceptance and manipulation around the world.

    2.  Is a Jewish Nazi Sympathizer (To say that he is just a jew would be ridiculous.)

    3.  Believes he is a god >>


    So, George Soros MAY be Jewish, yet he is a Jewish Nazi, disloyal to his people and many.  Anyone who thinks he is a god has usually been found to be diabolical in nature as well.  So, while I do not think his religion matters in one sense... Yes it does, because he is a self-proclaimed god who happens to be a Jewish Nazi.


    Misogyny? Really.



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  11. Soros backs Hillary Clinton with money to do his bidding.



    Result: If you vote for her based on shallow reasons we all lose.  Because he thinks he is a god.  It has been documented.




    Hillary is racist.




    Voting Hillary is a vote for destroying america.

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  12. It's incredibly easy that literally every person does it almost constantly, often without realizing it.



    It is time to remember what virtues are.


    This time what I said is not a promise, is not shocking... But it is a threat hidden by deep wounds.

    Wounds caused by laziness of thought, waking me up to the reality that confusing people and making them codependant has not just a negative but a deteriorating entropic effect on society.

  13. Edited for the last time.


    My perspective was that this was a beautiful piece and I somehow cheapened it by agreeing with it using sarcasm.


    I am not a hateful person.  Yet I still agree the situation is wrong.

  14. Inspired by a recent statement, I feel inspired to start this thread.


    How To Do This:


    The next person can <insert verb [action]> AS LONG AS I WIN!


    So I will do the first one.


    The next person can take my car... As Long As I Win!