doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Haiku Chain

    than watching the news a challenging opener like “if on a night...”
  2. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I think we can extrapolate what Jesus would say or do from the Christian scriptures. I loved when the pope visited the US in 2016. His comment was something along the lines of, ‘the US is a very religious country but their god is money.’
  3. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Thank you, Old Dog. Well said.
  4. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Maybe no one can ask that of you, and I certainly would not. Nevertheless, it's spread already - no? You're probably correct. It seems to me that this extreme right wing movement has managed to associate itself with "Christian" values in this country. This has been an effective way to achieve legitimacy and big bucks. Then again, I could be completely mistaken. I'm mostly disengaged from politics.
  5. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I'm talking at a policy level. Individuals have little influence on policy.
  6. No more right-wing bullshit.

    That's only because you don't live here... What?! I know what the world needs.... TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE! It is functionally true. Christianity in the US is synonymous with right wing politics. It's eerily similar to the radical manipulation and perversion of Islam. Is it legitimate? No Is it an effective method to control minds, votes, and money? You bet your ass! Agreed
  7. No more right-wing bullshit.

    They may not be christian but they fly the banner, twist the message, and use it as a rallying cry quite effectively. Religion is used and abused like this continuously, as is every other excuse to manipulate each other for power. Yes, they are running the US as evidenced by our denial of climate change, increasing intolerance to LGBTQ issues, racism, increasing wealth inequality, unaffordable health care, insane prescription prices, endless military engagement, crimes against humanity on our southern border, the list goes on... we are in big trouble. This is precisely why some of us are so reactive to the insidious and offensive right wing narrative recently excised from this forum.
  8. simplify

  9. simplify

  10. simplify

  11. Open Invitation

    I'm here! Can I pick up a commemorative t-shirt?
  12. Haiku Chain

    the path is the how meditation is the who no need to think why
  13. simplify

  14. Proposed simplification of forums

    When the traffic gets going here, the topics can fly by in general discussion (so much more if all but Dao are focused there). Oversimplification could challenge accessibility. Pulling from my experiences as member and mod, having a few areas of concentration may be valuable to balance lively and flexible banter (general) with more detailed and nuanced examination (categorical); preserving access to the slower moving yet no less important ‘traditional’ studies. This model also helps insulate the ‘traditionalists’ from the freethinkers, should they feel a need. I think sean’s current iteration strikes a nice balance.
  15. simplify

    Eat me!
  16. Proposed simplification of forums

    The issue with Mo Pai is all about the behavior of its exponents and response of members and moderators here and completely unrelated to simplification of the forums. Please take any MoPai issues to a different thread.
  17. Proposed simplification of forums

    Can one understand the Dao? Like Jeff, I guess I hoped my subtext would be obvious - a challenge to the suggestion that we somehow segregate "serious" Daoists from "New Age" stepchildren. I suspect the majority of people who pass through here do not have a connection with a lineage, or a teacher. Not everyone wants or needs such a connection. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have opportunity even if they do. I hope all are equally welcome in any forum. The important thing is simple civility and respect for each other. And to finally answer your question, no.
  18. Proposed simplification of forums

    I don't see the site as having the intention of giving out information. I think of it more as hosting a relatively open forum where people can share. Allow us to be your spiritual guide at your own risk!
  19. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Seems to be a common question in US politics...
  20. Proposed simplification of forums

    I wonder how many members studied Daoism with a legitimate lineage holder vs how many have studied using a variety of other means?
  21. Proposed simplification of forums

    I think it's a good idea to keep a dedicated Daoist forum. I remember the frustration Taomeow points out. I feel I will miss the Buddhist forum but I get the desire for simplicity. It will be fun to try something a little different.
  22. Proposed simplification of forums

    What about "Daoist Textual Studies" simply being "Textual Studies?" I bring this up as there have been some wonderful threads in Buddhist Textual Studies, and no doubt in Hindu... I like the idea of simplification overall and will be fine with whatever changes are made.
  23. Turning Difficulties into Practice

    To continue on the theme, my teacher offers some advice for practitioners which I'll paraphrase. It derives from Dzogchen teachings but I think is relevant to any discipline. When we begin to practice, our meditative stability is fragile, like the flame of a candle, easily extinguished by a gust of wind. At this level we need to protect the flame, avoiding disturbances and simply develop familiarity and stability in the practice. As we become more stable, we can begin to challenge ourselves. The flame is no longer as fragile but can still be blown out by a strong wind. Once our practice is very stable, it is like a bonfire. The wind feeds it, making it larger and more powerful. At that point, nothing can disturb us.
  24. No more right-wing bullshit.

    That combined with the refusal to acknowledge or address climate change which could spell human extinction. I think those are Chomsky’s points.
  25. simplify
