doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Happy Father's Day

    Thank you sir! And to you and all the other Daddy's on the board. No shit! No wonder you tend to be so sensible... I'm on my 27th and 21st - both are out on their own and working today.
  2. Short Skirts and Bikinis

    Shaving one another's legs can be fun and an exercise in trust... especially if you go all the way up to the navel as MH so eloquently puts it...
  3. Lotus can be achieved by most people who are motivated. It's simply a matter of stretching the hips, slowly over a matter of months. Here's a great book if you're into it: And free resources: I personally don't think it matters that much whether one sits seiza, lotus, half lotus, burmese or on a stool. I know people who have used all of these with great success (and failure!) On the other hand, some do think it makes a difference and I respect their preference.
  4. Pain and Zen

    I think the OP is missing the point as well. The student's question was censored and the roshi's reply was narrowly misinterpreted. The student in the excerpt experiences a release of pain, tears, an inner melting, and the experience of bliss. This is about much more than enduring physical pain. The roshi responded with a discussion of the basic tenet that suffering is a function of fundamental ignorance of our true nature. As that ignorance is gradually extinguished we are able to more easily release pain, whether physical, emotional, or psychological; and we experience great bliss, the ecstasy of our fundamental nature, and great sadness, the ecstasy of non-duality with all other sentient beings. This is a very standard and basic question and reply in Buddhist training. The basic premise is not that overcoming physical pain is a spiritual breakthrough. That certainly does occur - reference the Tibetan monks who self-immolate and make no sign whatsoever that they feel pain. Think of other martyrs in popular mythology and religious stories. Perhaps the OP has not yet reached that level of attainment, so a visit to the dentist can be quite unpleasant. That doesn't mean that others can't achieve quite a profound control of their physical and emotional pain through these methods. Certainly there is a biological basis for limiting intense pain. It allows us to be better hunters and allows us to die in the jaws of a predator without quite as much suffering. Think of the relaxation and submission of the prey at the end of its life. The pain in the legs things is mostly a Western phenomenon. The Japanese sit in seiza and Tibetans, Indians, and others sit cross legged much of their life starting in childhood. Asian yogis begin practice in childhood very often. It's mainly in the West that folks come to these practices after decades of sitting in chairs and developing stiff hips. And very few prepare adequately for the strange postures. Nearly anyone can stretch and achieve full lotus in a matter of a few months to a year. Age is a limiting factor for some, however, due to hip arthritis.
  5. Mo Pai Puppets and Sleepers - banned

    Given that there is virtually no verifiable, legitimate information available on the Mo Pai beyond the most rudimentary of basics. And given that what information is out there is second hand or worse. And given that those basics have been rehashed on this forum for years... There is only one reason to read any posts related to Mo Pai - because we are drawn to the drama. Something worth noticing about ourselves... Me included.... mods excluded (perhaps...)
  6. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Looks like somebody skipped Buddhism 101... edit - or maybe he's practicing chöd?
  7. motherblastingfrikkafrakkin horseflies

    Yes, they are nasty buggers! Check out this link - I've also heard that garlic is a good repellant for horseflies. Good luck!
  8. Here are two other forums where you can enjoy "unbiased" discussion with other "Mo Pai" afficiandos to your heart's content: We're not interested in all the drama and name calling here. Bye bye!
  9. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    If it's so basic, why is it so lacking in so many exchanges? The words are there but the substance is so often absent...
  10. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Wonderful video clip CT! I don't know how well I understand the Buddhadharma but what struck me watching the video is how my heart has opened to such richness and beauty and depth of feeling that surrounds me in life, in the simple things - watching monks laugh and share a loving moment, my relationships, a simple meal, a few hours with my children, a memory of the scent of incense; even in the painful times, the things that used to annoy me terribly, aggressive drivers, being in the presence of people who are suffering or angry with me, sitting for a few hours today at the Department of Motor Vehicles waiting to renew my driver's license... There is something that the Buddhist path, the Mahayana in particular, has opened in me that is priceless and I am so grateful for this that it can bring me to tears. So I will certainly continue to study and at the same time try to put these priceless teachings into practice in how I treat others in my life - even on an anonymous internet forum. I just felt compelled to share that with anyone who can relate. This is something that I think is just as worthy of sharing and discussing as the intricacies and ambiguities of philosophical concepts and language.
  11. Shamar Rinpoche dies

    My condolences to those who have lost a teacher, friend, and loved one.
  12. Today marks the anniversary of the rainbow body of Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, one of the great recent masters of the Bönpo. E MA HO!
  13. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    That was pretty powerful stuff! FWIW, I feel humbled by your comments. Our ability to look critically and unflinchingly at ourselves is the surest path to liberation. _/\_ Such an important message here and so fundamental to Buddhism, at least in my view. I think that's a wonderful approach. I have been doing the same with the natural environment and sentient beings - birds, trees, mountains, rivers, ocean, etc... It is a powerful practice.
  14. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Nope, not for me anyway
  15. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Wouldn't it though? I've gotten to the point that I don't talk about this stuff with people in general, just with folks who demonstrate a real interest. I agree with you there but I doubt I can improve on the writings of the masters and the excellent scholars who do their best to translate. I think it's more a matter of having a frame of reference for experiential understand through practice and insight. Then, as you alluded to, the words don't really matter - any words will do... or none.
  16. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Fair enough I generally don't explain how I see things to the average person in the street. That is prosthelization and also not the overall aim of Buddhism. It would also probably cause them to run the other way and possibly have me arrested or burned at the stake, depending on where I am in the States... I don't see Buddhism at all as an exclusive club. It is inclusive of anyone who comes looking for answers. it is fairly specialized, however, and with that specialization comes a need for accurate terminology. Shall we do away with terms like bodhicitta, dependent origination, and emptiness also? What about rigpa? That's a good one! Truth be told, the reason we're having this discussion is because the OP was struggling with the meaning of wisdom, should we drop that one too? The issue as I see it is that there are certain experiences and concepts that are challenging and that we don't all have or understand. We do want and need to communicate about them to our teachers, students, and fellow practitioners and it's tough for everyone to come together because of our different backgrounds, biases, and aptitudes. I agree with your advocacy of simplicity and importance of the heart. I think you know that. I used to be ignorant of the value of scholarship. Now I see its role more clearly but not at the expense of practice. I don't agree, however, with "getting rid of phrases" simply because we are unable to relate to them or don't prefer them. If they work for other practitioners, they have value. The key is for each of us to find what works for us based on our aptitude and where we are on our path.
  17. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    How better to communicate that particular experience then? Why tell the person in the street that everything is non-arisen? Yes, but not about your deepest experiences of the nature of being... To do that, you need very specific vocabulary and a willing and active participant. Not only will the terminology be off-putting, but the other folks will have no frame of reference for understanding regardless of what words are used.
  18. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    I, for one, believe you.
  19. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    I love how you phrased this. I wonder what leads to these sorts of experiences? I'm not sure that it correlates with any particular activity or practice. I have a friend who had this experience as a young child. Can you imagine the impact something like that would have on a child? She has devoted her life to the spiritual path and helping others.
  20. Meditation....

    Good point about that aspect of allowing. I am using allowing in a similar way - openness without reactivity, letting things be as they are without judgement, either grasping or aversion. We can allow (or accept) what shows up for us or punish ourselves because life isn't exactly what we would prefer it to be. Different words, same sentiment.
  21. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    First I need you to show me the color green in words so that I know with certainty how the word green relates to your visual experience right now. Then explain the taste of a mango so that I can taste it, even if I've never had that experience. For communication to be effective and unambiguous, the words need to point to an experience that each party can relate to. Non-arising may be a phrase you don't like but how else to describe the direct experience of that which was never born, can never die, and is always renewing in each and every instant? It's more than just translating technical Tibetan terminology, it's communicating an experience of something that is very precise and yet very difficult to put into words. Clear realization may not be a phrase you want to hear but how else to describe the moment when you feel like you've been hit over the head with a brick and feel, deeper than you ever thought possible, the absolute knowledge of exactly what you are and what everything is and it changes your life forever in profound ways? It's not clear realization of just anything, it is clear realization of the nature of being. It is quite specific and not at all subtle and anyone who has had that experience will know exactly what the Rigpa Rangshar is pointing to. I wish I could make you understand how a mango tastes through words but I can't. I can say it's sour and sweet but does that capture the essence of mango flavor? I don't know what Kyle feels or knows or what his experience has been. Maybe it's just the skillful selection of quotations or maybe he's had a glimpse and can directly relate to those quotations. Only he can tell us that and it's not easy to open up and share these experiences with people, especially anonymous people who tend to be harshly critical rather than supportive and loving. And it's possible that I'm completely full of shit and just saying the right words and parroting and that is a limitation of this mode of anonymous, impersonal communication.
  22. Meditation....

    This is a subtle semantic comment that you may or may not resonate with. I've been favoring the word allow over accept recently. Sometimes, when we tell ourselves to accept and are having difficulty with it, we can get a bad feeling, a feeling of failure or incompetence. And sometimes, things may be so onerous that perhaps we should not accept and yet me may not be able to change whatever it is. On the other hand, allow, at least for me connotes less agreement but a similar lack of resistance. FWIW
  23. I sit in the Burmese posture for most meditation. I lie down for certain specific methods.
  24. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Interesting how you attack the quotation and the person offering it to you, rather than look at your own inability to make use of it at this point in your life. Just like you did with the word basis. This is a great example of how we impute our ills and suffering on things and people outside of us when the fundamental issue is our own ignorance. i don't mean to attack you personally but I think this sort of thing is a great opportunity for learning for all of us and I hope you're open enough to look at this. it is a pattern that we all tend towards. If you don't want to look at it, that's fine to and it is your karma. The quote is actually brilliant, concise, and absolutely clear, if you've had the experience, but unhelpful and incomprehensible if you have no frame of reference to relate it to. So it is two very different things to two different, intelligent people who are speaking the same language. This is a clue to the emptiness of concepts and ideas, even the concept of Buddhahood. A more concrete analogy is how humans and fish experience water. Water is water yet fish breath it and humans drown in it. It is home to fish and a bath for people. Both view it with direct and valid cognition but in completely different ways, therefore water cannot have any true existence from its own side and yet it is certainly not non-existent as we drink it daily.